
What Happens When a Leo Man is Upset?

Updated January 22, 2025

When a Leo man is upset, his reaction varies. One thing you can expect is a Leo man to be dramatic.

He doesn’t keep his feelings to himself when he’s upset. He vents or grieves publicly.

Your Leo man won’t keep secrets when he is upset. He goes on social media and vents or announces his problems to anyone who will listen. Leos are known for being theatrical.

They passionately express their moods and need catharsis. Leo doesn’t suffer in silence. Men born under this sign can be intense and open when upset.

After a Leo man expresses himself, he tries to build his ego back up. Leo men are more sensitive than they appear. They exercise, go shopping, or try to save face when upset.

He Sulks

A Leo man won’t sulk quietly in the corner when he is upset. Yet he will ensure everyone who passes by knows he is unhappy. At work he drifts from one cubicle to another, repeating his tale of woe.

If he is at home, a Leo man will go down the list of contacts on his phone, calling each of his friends to tell his story. He may elaborate with each retelling maintaining that he is the victim and someone else is to blame.

When a Leo man is upset and sulky, he doesn’t want anyone to talk him out of his mood. He chooses friends who will listen to his perspective and sympathize with him.

Although he can be needy when sulking, Leo men don’t like being in low moods. Once he tells his story to as many people as possible, a Leo man purges his negative mood.

He doesn’t stay depressed or sulky for long. After a day or two of gathering sympathy and support from everyone he encounters, a Leo man’s mood suddenly brightens.

He moves on and returns to being his typical cheerful self. Although he may have a skewed perception of the situation that triggered him, a Leo man will not cling to a bad mood. He realizes his sulky mood brings others down and shakes it off after a few days.

You may think my Leo man is mad and ignoring me, but an upset Leo man doesn’t stay quiet for long. He tries to vent his frustration but needs time before he is ready for a rational conversation.

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He Vents Online

Leo men don’t like being perpetually angry. But when a man born under this sign is upset, he has no problem venting online. He may rant on social media or post angry complaints online.

Telling his story helps a Leo man release tension. He won’t get over a situation unless he’s had opportunities to vent. He won’t hold back and may post regrettable status updates on social media.

When a Leo man is upset, he can make self-righteous posts from angry to sarcastic. Once he’s vented online for a few hours, he may rethink this public display of emotion.

If he thinks his posts make him look bad, a Leo man may delete his posts hours later. He doesn’t want to hurt his public image but can’t help venting online when something is troubling him.

Only after he’s calmed down will a Leo man return to his social media page and curate his previous posts. He may not tell the whole story when he vents online because he is conscious of his image and appearance.

He Complains Publicly

A Leo man upset about service at a restaurant or a negative experience at a hotel doesn’t keep his complaints to himself. In addition to talking to staff and management, he complains about online reviews.

He doesn’t keep his voice down when complaining about a person, place, or institution. He vents his frustrations openly and publicly. Leo men thrive on attention, and he may seek attention when he’s frustrated.

He wants to share his complaints openly, hoping others will agree. He can become vengeful when upset and ensures everyone knows how he feels and why.

He is not afraid to get on a soapbox and publicly criticize someone who disappoints him. Leo men can be uplifting and encouraging, but when upset they can publicly embarrass or scold their adversary.

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He Throws a Tantrum

A Leo man’s dramatic nature means he is not above throwing full-fledged temper tantrums. He tries to maintain a professional appearance, but when a Leo man is upset, he is impulsive and expresses his rage.

He throws tantrums and may say things he regrets. Leo men when angry can become insulting and vulgar. They can be dramatic and yell or cry because of their intense anger and frustration.

An upset Leo man can even resort to breaking things and making a scene if he’s angry enough. Though he prides himself on his cheerful and upbeat disposition, Leos can be dramatic and passionate. When frustrated, they can be destructive.

A Leo man mad at an Aries woman can accelerate quickly. Aries and Leo have epic arguments, and each stokes the flames of the others’ anger until their fight becomes intense and destructive.

When a Leo man is done with you, he can do damage when he vents about you during a tantrum. He may tell your secrets or act destructively.

He Gets Moody

Leo men become moody when they are upset. They aren’t used to showing emotion and vulnerability. Yet when they are upset Leo men can go from ecstatic to depressed and eventually return to baseline.

They can be anxious and desperate when they are triggered. Leo men feel all their emotions intensely and can be brooding and prone to guilt trips. Leo men who are upset can stew in their moods as they get others to feel sorry for them.

They can feel reassured by the sympathy they receive when upset, yet Leo men prefer getting attention for their optimism and accomplishments. It doesn’t take long for a Leo man to snap out of his moods and return to his cheerful self.

A Leo man sad or grieving needs more attention than usual. He can be brooding and insecure. Leo men don’t like showing sadness and find ways to cheer themselves up as soon as possible.

How long can a Leo man go without talking to you? The time it takes him to come back depends on the reason he’s upset. Usually, a Leo man gets over his mood in a day or two and wants to make amends.

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He Goes Shopping

After a Leo man has vented for some time, he looks for ways to soothe himself. Some of his habits are harmless, but others can go too far. Leo men are materialistic and look to retail therapy as a mood booster.

A Leo man doesn’t shop online when he’s upset. He needs the experience to be social and distracting. After he’s vented to his friends he invites them to go shopping with him.

He may offer to treat everyone to dinner and drinks, but first, he stops at his favorite stores. He treats himself to new outfits and may give himself a makeover to improve his confidence.

He indulges by shopping for his favorite obsessions and items that make him feel better about himself. He ignores his budget and charges his purchases so he won’t have to think about the money he’s spending.

You must know how to comfort a Leo man when he is upset. Although he prefers being happy, men born under this sign can be moody and reactive. Taking him out shopping or surprising him with a gift puts him in a good mood.

He Flirts with Others

When a Leo man is upset, he seeks admiration. He needs attention to restore his confidence. He can be loyal and attentive when in love, but if a Leo man is upset, he is prone to flirt with others.

Leo men seek flirtation as a way to feel better about themselves. They are more likely to send flirty texts seeing this as a harmless way to build themselves up.

If a Leo man is upset after a breakup he takes flirtation to higher levels. He may seek a one-night stand as a way to feel important. Avoid taking a Leo man’s flirtation seriously if he is upset. He is not reasoning and may not be interested in a relationship.

A Leo man angry at a Pisces woman because he thinks she’s been unfaithful may overstep boundaries. He flirts with someone new to get attention and revenge.

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He Overeats

In addition to indulging in buying his favorite things when he’s upset, a Leo man is prone to overeating. They treat themselves to their favorite restaurants and indulge in desserts.

Leo men can overeat when they are upset. They don’t like staying home alone and indulging. They invite friends over and impress them with their cooking skills.

If a Leo man is too upset to concentrate on cooking, he invites friends for dinner at an upscale restaurant. He spares no expense treating everyone to a three-course meal with drinks.

If you’re wondering how to make a Leo man feel guilty for hurting you, don’t try to put him on a guilt trip when he’s upset with you. He’s too busy trying to distract himself from his intense feelings.

He Drinks Too Much

When a Leo man is upset, he doesn’t just overeat. He drinks too much as well. He may become drunk and insist he is not. Once he starts drinking, a Leo man vents his frustration or becomes giddy and good-natured.

He thinks alcohol helps to soothe his nerves, but his excessive drinking makes Leo more labile. He may be in a good mood after a few drinks, but eventually, his feelings catch up.

A Leo man may go too far trying to party his feelings away when he is upset. He may become more agitated and depressed after spending a night drinking with friends. With his inhibitions lowered, a Leo man may be more susceptible to doing or saying something to make matters worse.

If a Leo man’s upset what to do is discourage him from drinking too much. Instead, encourage him to channel his frustrations into his creative interests. Be a supportive listener but don’t enable his self-destructive side.

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He Competes

Sometimes a Leo man can use his hurt feelings as motivation to succeed. When a Leo man is upset he becomes more competitive. He tries harder to prove himself.

If he’s upset because he was passed up for a promotion, a Leo man becomes more determined to improve his performance at work. His competitive nature comes out when he is upset over a problem.

Leo men can be creative, and their competitive streaks can help them channel their frustrations. They can become more determined to pursue their goals and ambitions when upset.

How long does a Leo man stay mad? Men born under this sign are more likely to get over their hurt feelings when they can channel their frustrations toward a positive goal. They must feel inspired and motivated.

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