Is a Leo man testing you when he plays hard to get? If you don’t understand his personality, you may miss his cues.
Leo men can be assertive, but sometimes they dance around their feelings. You entice him if you pick up his signals.
A Leo man may be testing you if he shows specific behavior. If you don’t know how to read a Leo man, you may assume he’s not interested in you.
But as a fire sign, Leo can be a tease. They enjoy prolonging their flirtation and can be playful when they like you. They have a coy nature and thrive on excitement.
Leo men test the women they love to ensure they have integrity. Sometimes he plays games to stay amused. But Leos push your buttons to see how you react.
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He Shows Off
The question isn’t will a Leo man test you, but how and when. Leo men love attention. When a Leo man likes you, he shows off. He tests you by flexing in front of you to see how you react. When he isn’t flexing his muscles, he does so proverbially by showing off.
He can be eager to prove himself to you. A Leo man shows off around you to see how you respond. You fail his test if you ignore him or don’t give him all the admiration he expected.
Leo men look for a woman who is captivated by their talents. Exaggerate your reaction and compliment him excessively, and he’s won. He is waiting to see if you will build up his ego.
He shows off to attract you and to test you. He wants reassurance you will fawn over him when you realize how gifted he is. Leos are known for being grandiose and can be arrogant.
If you don’t build a Leo man up, he is secretly crushed. He may be turned off if you aren’t willing to go overboard complimenting him when he shows off. Your Leo man expects a dramatic response from you.
Use these secrets to make your Leo man love you (they work like magic) →
He Makes You Jealous
How does a Leo man test you when he wants a relationship? A Leo man showing off may be annoying but harmless. However, sometimes Leo men test women in worse ways. They can push your buttons by making you jealous.
When a Leo man wants to get serious about you, he must know you are loyal. He tests you by triggering your jealousy to see how you handle insecurities.
You may think it is unfair of a Leo man to set you up this way. But Leo men are terrified that the women they love will betray them. A Leo man may intentionally make you jealous to see if you retaliate by cheating on him.
Your Leo man wants to know that even if you jump to conclusions about him, you’ll talk things out rather than getting even by being unfaithful. If you think a Leo man is making you jealous to test you, never get even by cheating.
Your Leo man wants to see that you have integrity and can work with him rather than betray him when upset. But Leo men can use flirtation to test you in other ways.
Sometimes Leo men test you by flirting and making you jealous to see if you care. The happy medium a Leo man seeks is a woman who reacts with visibly hurt feelings.
He doesn’t want to hurt you but wants to see that you care about him enough to become upset when he flirts with someone else. He tries to make you jealous but doesn’t want to see you get even with him by cheating.
If you flirt with another man in retaliation, your Leo love interest will be devastated. The ideal reaction is to show you are upset and set limits so your expectations are clear.
You may wonder why is my Leo man confusing me. His erratic behavior is usually part of a test. He sets you up in different situations to see how you respond. Testing you by becoming jealous is one of his top tactics.
If you create drama, embarrass him, or try to get even by making him jealous, you fail a Leo man’s test. Let him know you care and that he has crossed a line. But don’t go too far.
Your Leo love interest will be relieved when you pass this test. He uses this test early in courtship to evaluate how you respond to uncertainty and insecurities. He may push the boundaries enough to get a reaction without doing anything overtly unfaithful.
He Goes Quiet
Leo men are seldom quiet. They have a lot to say and are eager to share their opinions. Yet when a Leo man wants to test you, he goes quiet. He wants to see how you respond to silence.
You may wonder why a Leo man pulls away. He is occasionally distant to find balance after spending time with you. Yet sometimes, he goes quiet to test you. A Leo man’s hot and cold behavior can be confusing.
You’ve failed his test if you are too clingy or demanding when a Leo man doesn’t text you for a few days. He needs to see that you are self-sufficient and confident even when he’s not around.
But if you jump to conclusions and bombard his phone with messages and desperate voicemails, your Leo man may ghost you permanently. He can be passionate and attentive.
Yet Leo men are also independent. They don’t like being smothered in a relationship. No matter how in love, Leo men need breathing room in relationships.
When he goes quiet for a few days, a Leo man tests you to see how you deal with your time apart. He needs to see you have hobbies and interests aside from the relationship.
How long can a Leo man go without talking to you? A Leo man may go quiet for a few days when he loves you. Yet they won’t leave you waiting for weeks without a text or call.
Soon after he goes quiet, you’ll see signs a Leo man misses you. Don’t panic when he first shuts down. Your Leo man will eventually come around and make up for lost time.
What a Leo man dislikes in a woman is someone too needy or dependent. Though they can be attention-seeking, they don’t want to be with someone who constantly needs their reassurance.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Leo man (they work like magic) →
He Tests Your Integrity
Leo men can be creative. Sometimes, they test you in elaborate ways. They test your integrity and may set you up to see what you will do in various situations when a Leo man is serious about a woman.
When a Leo man likes you, he waits to see what you will do under pressure. He tests you to ensure you follow your word and are reliable. Your Leo love interest needs to know he can trust you.
If a Leo man sounds like he’s encouraging you to gossip or go against your ethics, don’t take the bait. He’s testing you to see how you respond and if you will cross your boundaries.
A Leo man can be creative and clever. If you tell him you believe in something, stick to your ideals regardless of his opinion. He may be testing you, but he will respect you more for consistency.
It will backfire if you sacrifice your integrity to go along with the crowd or to impress your Leo man. Your Leo love interest doesn’t want you to compromise your beliefs.
He Tests Your Loyalty
In addition to testing you by making you jealous, expect your Leo man to test your loyalty. He may ask a friend to flirt with you when he’s not around. He may disappear for a few days.
He wants to know if you will call it quits as soon as he’s not responsive or if you’ll flirt with someone else when he’s not with you. You may think a Leo man is going to extremes to test you, but he would rather be safe than sorry.
Leo men are passionate and loving. They want to devote their attention generously to the right person. But before he wastes his time, emotion, and attention he needs to know you won’t let him down.
He may scheme ways to entice you into a trap. But if you are a loyal and devoted person, you have nothing to worry about. He must see that you are a woman of your word.
Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in. →
He Tests Your Honesty
Leo men have a jealous streak though they try to hide it. They are committed to the women they love but must ensure honesty first. Your Leo love interest may check up on you early in the relationship.
He may drive by to see if your car is at your friend’s house when you tell him you are visiting. He confirms your stories initially until he can ensure you are truthful.
His tactics may seem overbearing, but once a Leo man knows he can trust you, he backs down. If he continues to check on you once he sees that you are trustworthy, it’s a red flag.
A Leo man interested in a relationship with you will verify what you say. He searches you online to ensure that you are the person you say you are. He reserves trust initially until he sees you are consistent.
Your Leo man checks to confirm that you are being honest. Once you prove yourself to him a few times, he relaxes and lets his guard down. He can be optimistic and wants to think the best of you. He needs to set a foundation of trust.
He Looks for Attention
Leo men seek attention and admiration. One of the ways he tests you is to compete with you for the spotlight. Once he knows you will let him take the lead, he backs down.
Leo men can be insecure and territorial. If he is trying to get attention, don’t one-up him. Let him have the glory and admiration he seeks. He needs to bask in the spotlight.
He may tell a theatrical story or sad tale. Let him have the sympathy or adoration he craves. Don’t ride his coattails. A Leo man doesn’t like being upstaged.
When he tests you by seeking attention in a group, don’t compete with him. Leo men may also test you by seeking your attention. When he seems needy or demanding, he’s testing you.
He wants to know you’ll drop what you’re doing to respond when he texts you. If you become angry or aren’t responsive, a Leo man will assume you can’t give him the attention he needs.
Is your Leo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
He Argues with You
A Leo man may test you in unexpected ways. One of the unusual ways he tests you is to pick fights. When he argues with you for no apparent reason, he is pushing your buttons purposely.
He wants to know how you respond under pressure. He is also testing you to see if you can maintain composure during a disagreement. If you lose your cool and make personal attacks, you fail his test.
The best thing to do when he picks fights with you is to engage in a friendly debate. Channel the friction toward passion. Flirt with him while you’re in the midst of an argument.
If he seems interested in romance but then a Leo man just wants to be friends, it may be because you didn’t respond as he expected. Leo men can have high standards in love. He may like you but doesn’t like how you reacted to his test.
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