If you want to date a Leo man online, you must stand out! You’ll only get his attention in the first place if you’re unique.
Make your profile as interesting as possible to attract your Leo man, then prove to him how fascinating you are.
Your profile needs to stand out if you want to attract a Leo man online. Whether you’re using a dating app or trying to attract him on your social media, show off as much as possible!
Post lots of photos and make posts that show off your personality. Once you get your Leo man’s attention, match his energy. Play a little hard to get, and don’t be too needy.
Let your Leo man lead. Try to avoid over-messaging him. Let him set the pace if you want to maintain a relationship.
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1. Make Your Profile Stand Out
If you want to know how to attract a Leo man online, you must make your profile stand out! You don’t want him to scroll past.
Your profile needs to be exciting and stand out from the crowd if you want to get a Leo man to chase you. He needs to see what a fascinating person you are!
Make your profile stand out by posting only the most interesting photos of yourself. Make your profile picture one of you doing something exciting, like visiting a foreign country or skydiving!
Try to answer questions on your dating profiles in a way that makes you seem intriguing. Don’t give generic or vague answers. You want your Leo man to think you’re fascinating the second he sees your profile!
Switch things out on your profile frequently as well. Even if something doesn’t catch your Leo man’s eye immediately, seeing how often you change your photos or switch out your bio might intrigue him.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Leo man (they work like magic) →
2. Post Lots Of Photos
Posting photos is essential if you want to attract a Leo man on social media. These are likely some of the first things he’ll see on your profile, so make sure you frequently post great photos.
Photos are essential whether you’re trying to attract a Leo man using your regular social media profiles or specifically talking to one on a dating app!
You should have a variety of photos. Don’t just post filtered selfies of yourself. Show off the adventures you go on, your friends, your pets, your hobbies, and anything else you can take photos of!
Photos are some of the best things to send if you’re unsure what to text a Leo man to get his attention. Don’t bombard him with pictures, but send a few nice ones if you want him to respond!
3. Show Off Your Genuine Personality
Attracting a Leo man online is much easier when you let your genuine personality shine through! Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not or focus too much on trying to make him like you.
Don’t worry about seeming a little weird when you’re chatting with a Leo man online. If you have a strange hobby or two, that will make you stand out more!
Leo men love people who are confident in themselves. If you seem genuinely happy with who you are and confident enough not to hide that, your Leo man will love talking to you!
Answer your Leo man’s questions honestly. When chatting about your interests, talk about the things that genuinely interest you. Don’t just say what you think your Leo man wants to hear!
Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in. →
4. Don’t Be Too Needy
One of the best tips for dating a Leo man, online or in-person, is to never be too needy or clingy.
Leo men prefer to date independent women. They want to be with someone who will spend a lot of time with them, but they don’t want to date someone who is codependent or overly reliant.
You will seem too needy if you constantly message your Leo man. He might like it if you ask for his advice now and then, but if you’re always asking for his opinion about everything, he’ll think you can’t make decisions for yourself!
You’ll also seem needy if your dating profile says you’re looking for someone to take care of you. Avoid saying anything that will make you appear overly reliant if you want a Leo man to message you!
5. Match His Energy
Once you’ve started chatting with your Leo man, matching his energy is essential! You want him to feel like you two are on the same page.
How do you know if a Leo man likes you? A Leo man who likes you will message you a lot. He will respond to your posts frequently and reach out to you nearly every day.
Try to match your Leo man’s energy when attracting him online. If he’s more laidback and doesn’t message every day, you shouldn’t message him constantly. If he messages you daily, try to keep up with that.
If your Leo man is just looking for something casual, it’s better if that’s what you’re also looking for. If you want something serious, you must either accept that your Leo man doesn’t want that yet, or move on to someone else.
This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you. →
6. Compliment Him
Compliments are essential when trying to attract a Leo man, regardless of what platform you’re using to communicate with him.
When you first start talking to a Leo man, be sure to compliment him. Let him know that you like a specific picture on his profile! If he posts art or other things he’s worked on, compliment that too.
A Leo man will likely keep talking to you when it feels good. He’ll keep messaging you if he knows you’ll always praise him a little when you two chat.
A compliment is always a great way to start a conversation with a Leo man online, too. If you’ve never contacted him, sending a message saying you like his profile picture is a good ice-breaker.
As you chat with your Leo man more, keep peppering in praise. He’ll love it, and he’ll keep coming back for more!
7. Play A Little Hard To Get
You don’t want to seem too eager when trying to attract a Leo man online. Some Leo men will scroll right past if your dating profile says you want to settle down right now, for example.
When dating a Leo man online, you can play hard to get. In the early stages, where you’re just chatting with him or trying to get his attention, you don’t want to come on too strong!
The key is to show interest without seeming clingy or desperate. You don’t want to ignore a Leo man entirely, but you want to make it clear that he’s not your only option.
You can play hard to get with a Leo man online by sometimes waiting a little while to respond to his messages. You can also casually mention that you’ve been talking to other people.
If you play your cards right, your Leo man will chase after you. He won’t want to lose you to someone else.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Leo man... →
8. Don’t Over-Message Him
Whether you’re in a long-distance relationship with a Leo man or just starting to talk to him online, it’s crucial not to over-message him.
What over-messaging means to him will vary, so it’s essential to follow his lead and match his energy!
Your Leo man will get annoyed if you message him repeatedly without giving him a chance to respond. If you send a message and he doesn’t reply immediately, just be patient! Don’t keep sending messages.
If you know your Leo man is busy during a particular time, don’t message him then. He’ll appreciate it when you can let him be. He will message you when he’s available!
One of the signs a Leo man likes you through text is that he will start to text you a lot more. Wait for him to start doing that when you’re dating him online. If you over-message him, you’ll push him away.
9. Let Him Lead
If you want to know how to seduce a Leo man, you must let him lead. You can message him and show interest, but he usually wants to be the one in charge.
Making your profile stand out is important because you want your Leo man to reach out and message you first. He might be okay with you sometimes messaging him first, but it’s better to wait for him.
Attracting a Leo man online is sometimes a waiting game. Once you’ve started talking to him, let him take over. He will love it when he knows that you’ll let him take the lead.
You’ll push your Leo man away if you come on too strong. Most Leo men prefer to take on a more dominant role in a relationship.
Dating a Leo man online will be much easier when you know how to follow his lead. Wait for him to take significant steps, such as asking to meet in person.
A Leo man will be more likely to keep chatting with you and start dating you offline when he feels he’s setting the pace.
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