Is a Gemini man not interested in you? Or is he just busy? If you’re asking yourself these questions, you’re in good company.
Gemini men can be aloof and distant and this can lead women to question whether he’s even interested in the first place.
If a Gemini man ignores you, don’t panic. The definition of “ignore” may be different for you than it is for him. He expects space in a relationship.
What you see as him being uninterested or ignoring you may simply be him overbooking his calendar and having too much going on to pay attention to you.
This is common for a Gemini man even when he likes you. If he’s not interested, though, he’ll show it. You won’t be able to get his attention no matter what.
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1. He Ghosts You
If you want to know how to get a Gemini man to miss you, keep in mind he will first need to spend significant time away from you before he starts to notice your absence. If he’s truly not interested in you, he’ll ghost you.
If he suddenly drops off from regular communication for an extended period of time, it is a sign he’s not interested in you and may be trying to discourage you from chasing him. Remember, your idea of a long time with no contact is likely different from his.
If you like a Gemini guy, three or four days without a text may seem like eternity. But for a Gemini guy, even when he likes you, this is not a long time. It may be perfectly normal for him to even go a week without talking to someone if he is busy or has distractions in the way.
If he’s actually ghosting you, he won’t respond to you in any form for a long period of time, several weeks, a month or more. This is a sure sign that a Gemini man is not interested in you and it is best to not chase him or try to get an explanation.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Gemini man... →
2. He Blocks You
When you see signs a Gemini man doesn’t like you, it’s best to move on. This is especially true if he goes out of his way to block you. He may have friends who circle in and out of contact with him, but if he blocks you, he’s sending you a message that he’s not interested.
If you try to text a Gemini guy and see that you’ve been blocked from his number, don’t assume it’s a mistake and try to message him on other platforms. If he’s dropping communication altogether it is a sign he’s not interested. Gemini guys are among the most chatty. If he has nothing to say to you, it’s a red flag.
It means he’s not interested. Rather than chasing him, it’s best to move on and not waste your time trying to change his mind. If he later decides he made a mistake, he will come to you, there is no need to check in with him.
3. He’s Not Friendly
The signs a Gemini man is attracted to you aren’t always obvious. Yet the signs he’s not into you tend to be clear. Gemini men are friendly toward everyone. They love to talk to people and tend to collect friends from all walks of life.
If your Gemini love interest is not friendly toward you, don’t make excuses for him. He’s not just being aloof because he went through a bad breakup. He’s not just being shy. He’s uninterested and trying to give you a very clear signal.
It’s best to move on if a Gemini man isn’t friendly to you. Usually, even if he’s not a close friend, he’ll at least be kind to his many acquaintances. He may also have several “tiers” of friends. Best friends, work friends, school friends, casual acquaintances, friends from the gym and so forth.
If he doesn’t act friendly, you’re not on the tier. This is a sign that for whatever reason, he doesn’t feel a connection to you. Not even on a friendship level.
Use these secrets to make your Gemini man love you (they work like magic) →
4. He Gossips About You
What happens when you ignore a Gemini man can tell you a lot about his intentions toward you. If he makes no effort whatsoever to contact you, he’s showing you he is not interested. If he’s attracted to you and you go quiet, he’ll contact you.
One of the clear signs a Gemini guy isn’t interested in you is when he gossips about you. Gemini men do have a reputation for being gossips. They just love to talk and they aren’t afraid to talk about whatever hot news is traveling through the grapevine.
Sometimes Gemini men will talk freely about their friends’ personal business. They aren’t usually great at keeping secrets. But if he gossips about you in a hurtful, derogatory or negative way, it is a clear sign that he is not interested in you.
5. He Doesn’t Joke with You
When a Gemini man doesn’t even crack a smile when you share your best jokes with him, take note. This is a huge red flag for a Gemini man. Usually, Geminis love to laugh and can’t resist a joke.
In fact, one of the signs a Gemini man is falling in love with you is when he laughs too hard at a joke that wasn’t really that funny in the first place. Yet when you give him your best stand-up comedy material and he looks at you with a poker face, it means he’s not interested in you.
If a Gemini man won’t even joke with you, it’s a sign he’s not on the same page with you. If he wanted to connect with you and see eye to eye, he would. Gemini man have a talent for this. If he’s avoiding sharing a laugh with you, he’s not interested.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Gemini man (they work like magic) →
6. He Avoids You
How does a Gemini man express love? He won’t pour his heart out to you, so it’s easy to assume that his distant nature may still mean he likes you. But when a Gemini man outright avoids you, he is showing you he’s not interested.
A Gemini man who likes you will look for any excuse to communicate with you. He won’t shy away from communication or texting. He may occasionally become busy and take a few days to respond or reach out, but he’ll want to connect with you if he likes you.
If he avoids you, it’s a red flag. If he knows you go to the gym at the same time he does and suddenly changes his gym schedule, he may be avoiding you. If he goes to some lengths to not run into you in the course of his normal day, it could be a sign he’s dodging you because he’s not interested in you.
7. He Ignores You
If you want to know how to get a Gemini man to chase you, you’ve got to give him plenty of breathing room. When you don’t approach a Gemini man and he basically ignores you, it’s a sign he’s not interested in you.
This is a good indicator that you’re not going to make any headway chasing him. It’s best to move on and leave it up to him to change his mind if he’s going to at some point. If you consistently pursue a Gemini man who ignores you, he’ll eventually block you altogether.
You may try to convince yourself that your Gemini love interest will suddenly open up to you if you just say the right thing that breaks through to him, but the truth is if he’s ignoring you it means he’s not interested. If a Gemini man had any level of interest, he’d remain in touch with you.
This magic will make your Gemini man want a relationship with you. →
8. He Doesn’t Initiate Contact
If you’re wondering what to do when a Gemini man pulls away, the best thing to do is employ a no-contact rule with a Gemini man. If you don’t pursue him and he doesn’t initiate contact at all, he’s not interested in you.
If you really want proof that a Gemini man is not interested in you, his silence will say it all. If you are the one to always reach out or if you are constantly reaching out first to break the ice, he may only be responding to you because he’s trying to be nice.
Yet if he doesn’t initiate contact with you at all, it could be a sign that he’s close to blocking you. He may be tolerating some small casual level of conversation. But if he’s really into you, a Gemini man will show it in obvious ways.
9. He Tells You
Usually Gemini men don’t like confrontation. Yet if he feels he’s being pushed to his limits, he may come right out and tell you he is not interested in you or doesn’t like you. Usually he’ll try to show you first.
He will try to keep the peace but will avoid, ignore or dodge you rather than telling you outright that he’s not interested. If he’s extra diplomatic and feels like you’re wasting your time chasing him, he’ll articulate this.
Sometimes he says it in a roundabout way. He may say he’s not looking for a relationship at this time. He may also say he doesn’t think you’re his type. Don’t try to change his mind, accept his statement at face value.
Is your Gemini man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
10. He Doesn’t Include You
Gemini men are highly social and love to engage in group activities. He will include almost anyone in his social gatherings and plans. He’s not an elitist and likes to make sure everyone feels included.
When a Gemini man is not interested in you, he won’t include you. If he’s going to a party, he’ll invite other friends but won’t invite you. If he knows about an event happening, he will avoid telling you what his plans are because he won’t want you to show up.
If he takes measures to not include you, it’s a sign a Gemini man is not interested in you. Even if he has a basic level of interest in you as a friend he would extend an invitation. If he leaves you out, it means he is not interested in you.
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