Dating a Leo man can be exciting and thrilling. But, unfortunately, it can also be a bit much for some people.
If you’re talking to a Leo man, you may be wondering what it’s like to date a Leo before you take things to the next level.
What’s it like dating a Leo man? There’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure.
There are pros and cons to dating anyone, Leo included. Leo men can be passionate, loyal, devoted lovers.
He’ll show you all the affection you could ever hope for. He will also want to boost your ego just as much as his own.
Leos can also be stubborn, and they take risks even when it’s not in their best interest.
Their loud, attention-seeking personalities aren’t a good fit for everyone. This man is also a flirt which not everyone is okay with.
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He’s Loud
Leo men are confident, and they aren’t afraid to tell the world how great they are!
The key to communicating with a Leo man is knowing when just to sit back and listen to him.
This is a man who loves to talk, especially about himself. He’s that person you can hear from across the room or down the hall.
It’s not just his voice that is loud, either. Leos have loud personalities and may even wear “loud” outfits that stand out from the crowd.
If you’re shy or tend to avoid attention, this is important to know. Any time you are out with your Leo partner, he’s going to get noticed. Likewise, you’ll get noticed too by being with him.
Wondering what a Leo man is like in bed? He’s not any quieter there than he is in other settings.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Leo man. →
He’s Silly
Leo isn’t above being a goofball to get attention. Some Leo men just have naturally childish, silly personalities.
This is a person who isn’t afraid to look a little foolish, so long as people are looking at him.
Of course, he’d prefer that you’re laughing with him, not at him, but his ego won’t necessarily be deflated if you do laugh at him.
He can be dramatic as well. Leos are natural-born performers, after all. If he needs to exaggerate a story for laughs, he will. He’ll play things up to get the best reaction out of people.
This doesn’t mean that he’s incapable of taking things seriously. It just means he might see the world in a more positive light. If you’re more of a pessimist, this can be refreshing.
He Loves Attention
Leo men love to be the center of attention. They know how to work a crowd, and they know how to make sure all eyes are on them.
Want to know how to keep a Leo man happy? Focus on him. It doesn’t have to be 24/7, of course. But, making sure that he has some of your undivided attention, even if it’s just for a few minutes a day, will go a long way.
If you aren’t the one giving him attention, he’s going to get it elsewhere. He’s likely got plenty of friends who are more than willing to hang out with him.
He may even have a few bars, clubs, parks, etc., that he frequents if he needs to socialize.
He’ll figure out how to get the attention he desires if you get busy and can’t spend as much time with him. Then, when you do make time to see him, he’ll be glad to have you back.
This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you. →
He’s Spontaneous
If you want to be whisked off on spontaneous holiday weekends, a Leo might be the person for you.
A Leo man’s dating style can be over the top and wild. This is the type of man who will buy tickets to see your favorite band without checking to see if you’re free first.
Indeed, when it comes to love, he often acts first and asks questions later.
He might kiss you suddenly after your first date. He’s also likely to do things like asking you to move in with him out of nowhere. When he’s ready to go for something, he goes for it, regardless of timing.
This can be exciting! You never know what the next adventure will be with Leo. If you’re someone who likes to always know the plan, though, this trait can be frustrating.
He’s not so spontaneous that he’s incapable of sticking to a plan, though. So if you plan out a date, especially if it’s something new and exciting, he’ll be on board.
He Takes Risks
Leo acts boldly in everything they do, even if they haven’t always thought it out.
This isn’t a man who shies away from trying new things. He’ll go sky-diving, bungee jumping, or cave exploring without a second thought. If you also like to take risks, he’ll be more than happy to have you tag along.
Moving to a different country or switching career fields aren’t things that are scary to him; they’re exciting!
He may even do grandiose things such as move across the country for somebody he’s only been dating a few months if he feels like it.
He may also take risks financially. He very much believes in a “high risk, high rewards” style of investing.
When he does well, his confidence is boosted. On the other hand, when he doesn’t do well, that often doesn’t stop him from taking risks.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Leo man... →
He’s Insecure
One reason why Leo men pull away in relationships is due to feeling insecure about themselves.
This seems at odds with all that confidence Leo has, right?
One of the main reasons why Leo men pull away is due to a bruised ego. They can be extremely sensitive. If you’ve done something to insult a Leo or he feels ignored, he’s going to pout about it.
Sometimes, all that confidence and ego is just bluster. Underneath it all, a Leo man might be loud and attention-seeking to hide the insecurities he feels.
He’s Passionate
How does a Leo man behave when he’s in love? He’s all in. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more passionate lover than him.
When a Leo loves you, he really loves you. He’ll give you his whole heart and never look back.
A Leo man’s love language is often apparent right off the bat. If he prefers quality time, he’ll want to be with you all the time. If it’s physical touch, he’ll have his hands all over you.
You’ll never have to wonder about a Leo man’s likes and dislikes; he’ll make them very clear to you. He’s passionate about his work, hobbies, favorite (and least favorite) movies, and relationships.
Is your Leo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
He’s a Flirt
Don’t mistake this to mean that Leo men cheat on their partners. On the contrary, Leo men can be extremely loyal in relationships.
If you see him flirting with someone else, don’t take it as a sign your Leo man is not interested in you any longer. He may not even realize he’s flirting in the first place!
Leos can be very tactile people. So, if he’s touching another woman’s hand or even if he kisses her cheek, that doesn’t mean he’s secretly seeing her on the side.
Instead, she may just be a good friend, and he’s expressing his affection for her as he would for any other friend.
If you are the jealous type, try to think before you lash out against your Leo partner for being a flirt. Flirting can be an entirely innocent thing, and it doesn’t mean he cares about you any less.
Being a flirt is just another Leo man’s characteristics, and it isn’t a good or bad thing. It just is what it is.
He’s Stubborn
Leo men hate being told what to do. They like to be in control, and they want to be listened to.
If you’ve ever argued with a Leo, you know this to be true. Once he’s made up his mind about something, you’re not going to convince him he’s wrong. Even if you make a good point, he’s likely just to argue harder.
Debating is one of Leo’s favorite things. He’ll listen to your point of view, but if you even try to imply that he’s wrong or mistaken, he’s not going to back down from his own opinions.
This man is also highly competitive. He won’t back down from a challenge even if he should. If he sees he’s failing at something, that just makes him want to try even harder to succeed.
Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in. →
He’s Extravagant
Nothing is too over the top for Leo. If he wants to give you an expensive gift or take you on a luxurious vacation, he’s going to.
This type of man wears expensive clothing, drives expensive cars, and has the most up-to-date technology. At least, that’s the kind of man he wants to be!
If he’s able to, he’ll buy you nice things so that you can appear as extravagant as he is. He is very appearance-driven, and even if he isn’t financially well-off, he wants others to think he is.
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