If a Capricorn man is not interested in you, he’ll usually let you know. Capricorn men are too efficient to play mind games and keep you hanging on.
The problem is, when he is interested in you, he moves slow anyway. This can make it unclear as to whether he’s being cautious or not interested.
Is your Capricorn man slow or not interested? The fine line between the two can be hard to read from a Capricorn man at first. He’s naturally slow to open up anyway.
Yet if he’s not interested, there are specific things he’ll do. These signs may be subtle at first. You’ll have to understand his unique personality.
If you misinterpret his cues, you may end up wasting your time with a Capricorn man who is not into you. This can lead to confusion, resentment and hard feelings.
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1. He Ignores You

A Capricorn man suddenly distant can be a normal part of the pattern of getting to know a Capricorn man. Yet if he outright ignores you, this is a red flag. Usually Capricorn men are respectful of manners and won’t outright ignore someone if they like the person.
If a Capricorn man ignores you, meaning he doesn’t contact you for weeks, sees you walking down the street and runs the other way or walks past you and says nothing, it can be signs he is not interested in you. Sometimes he’s slow to respond to a text. This is not ignoring you specifically.
If you assume he’s ignoring you just because it took him a few days to respond you may miss an opportunity with him. Instead, don’t assume he’s ignoring you until ample time has gone by and you haven’t heard from him at all.
When you see signs a Capricorn man is losing interest, he could be showing you that he’s becoming bored or he’s gotten to know something about you that doesn’t sit well with him.
If he starts to fade into the background, it could be a sign he’s not interested in romance but sees you as a friend.
Is your Capricorn man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
2. He Blocks You

How does a Capricorn man test a woman? He doesn’t intentionally do this at all. Many women think they are being tested by a Capricorn man when in truth he is just highly defensive, slow to open up and cautious in love.
If he’s not interested in you, he’ll put his defenses up and make it clear. He may come right out and tell you at first. If this doesn’t deter you, he’ll block you altogether. Capricorn men don’t like wasting their time or yours.
He can be unemotional about how he deals with unrequited love. His rationale is that he’s not doing you any favors by stringing you along when he’s not interested in you.
If he tells you he’s not interested or not ready for dating and you chase him, he’ll just block you to spare both of you the drama.
3. He Doesn’t Give Advice

If a Capricorn man doesn’t like you, he won’t bother to try to help you out in any way. When he does like you, he may be slow to open up but he does try to be helpful at least. He’ll give you advice or try to fix things for you.
If he listens to your problems and then doesn’t get involved in trying to help you solve them, it could be a sign he’s not interested in you. Take note of how he responds when you bring up a problem you’ve been having.
If he makes no attempt to try to help you resolve the issue and doesn’t offer suggestions or advice, it’s a sign he’s not interested in you. This means it is time to move on. Don’t chase a Capricorn man.
A tiny trick to snatch your Capricorn man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
4. He Hides Family

If your Capricorn man acts like his family is in witness protection, it’s a bad sign. Usually, even though Capricorn men are slow to open up, they are still family centered. Even if he doesn’t introduce you to his children, he’ll at least brag about them and show you their photos.
But if he hides his family from you or discourages you from making any connection with his family, it’s a sign a Capricorn man is not interested in you.
If a Capricorn man likes you, he’ll want to gauge how family oriented you are. He’ll talk about his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. If he has kids, he’ll tell stories about them.
If he gives no clues whatsoever about his family, he’s trying to keep you as far out on the perimeter of his life as possible. This is not something a Capricorn man does if he actually likes you. When he likes you, he’ll slowly bring you in close to his family.
Wondering what to do when a Capricorn man ignores you? Sometimes, stepping back can reignite his interest. Most of the time, however, if a Capricorn man is truly ignoring you, it’s best to take the hint that he’s not interested and move on.
5. He’s Late

One of the signs a Capricorn man doesn’t like you anymore is when he will become less respectful of your time and energy. Capricorn men always show up on time. But if he’s losing interest in you, he’ll suddenly start to lag in timeliness.
He’ll show up late when you’ve made plans. Eventually, he’ll dodge plans altogether or cancel at the last minute. When a Capricorn man is done with you, the best thing to do is to not waste time and energy trying to make him change his mind. It’s better to cut your losses and move on.
A Capricorn man would never dream of running late if he really respects and cares about someone. It’s a cardinal sin in a Capricorn man’s rulebook to keep someone waiting.
Unusual unexpected circumstances aside, a Capricorn man who is late for a date or meeting with you is sending a signal he’s not interested in you.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Capricorn man (they work like magic) →
6. He Doesn’t Commit

When a Capricorn man doesn’t initiate contact, it is not always a red flag. Sometimes he’s bogged down in work and not thinking of his social or romantic life.
He may fail to take the lead in a relationship even when he does like you. But when he’s not interested, he’ll give no degree of commitment at all.
He won’t even commit to a date. Setting a specific time and day to grab drinks or coffee is not on the same level as a commitment like marriage. Yet a Capricorn man who isn’t interested in you won’t even give the small degree of commitment required to follow up on a casual date.
Capricorn men take commitment seriously. If you can’t even pin him down for an afternoon chat together, it is a red flag. This means he’s not interested in you.
As slow moving as he can be in relationships, a Capricorn man will at least take the initiative to set plans and follow through under normal circumstances when he likes you.
7. He Works Late

One of the vague signs a Capricorn man is not into you is that he’ll consistently work late. This is confusing because this sign is also normal for a Capricorn man when he does like you. Regardless of his feelings and desires, he’s married to his job first and foremost.
When a Capricorn man doesn’t have an interest in you, work becomes a convenient buffer that shields him from having to have uncomfortable conversations confronting the truth.
He may avoid just telling you that he’s not into you by making it seem like he’s too busy for a relationship.
The problem is, if you are devoted and persistent, you may misinterpret this signal and believe it is your cue to be patient and just wait for him. This is a big mistake. Waiting on a Capricorn man who uses work to shield himself from spending time with you is a waste of your time.
This magic will make your Capricorn man want a relationship with you. →
8. He Forgets Dates

Capricorn men are notorious for remembering every detail of an event. They tend to preserve everything in their memories, holding on to the past no matter how much time goes by. Which is why it’s a red flag if he forgets dates.
Not only is it a sign that he isn’t interested in you if he forgets actual plans to get together with you. Also, he’ll forget important dates. If he doesn’t remember your anniversary, birthday, or important dates like when you first met, he’s not interested in you.
This shows he’s not giving the relationship enough focus to commit key details to memory. Especially if he claims to forget he made plans with you for a date, cut your losses and move on. This is a sign a Capricorn man is not interested in a relationship with you.
9. He Acts Unreliable

It’s highly out of character for a Capricorn man to change plans, act wishy-washy or waver from his stance. If he starts to act unreliable toward you, this is a sure sign he’s not interested in you. Don’t put any expectations on a relationship with a Capricorn man who is not dependable.
Usually, he’s committed, reliable and consistent even with friends or acquaintances. To him, this is a matter of respect. If he is unreliable toward you, then he is showing you that he is not interested in you and does not see you as a future romantic partner.
It could even mean he doesn’t regard you as a close friend, as this is not something he would typically do under any circumstances. If he’s unreliable, take this as a sign that he is not interested in you and it is best to let him go.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Capricorn man... →
10. He Tells You

Most of the time, if a Capricorn man isn’t interested in you, he’ll just tell you. He doesn’t want to waste your time or give you a false sense of hope. He has nothing to gain by stringing you along as he doesn’t like to play games.
If a Capricorn man doesn’t tell you directly that he doesn’t like you, it could be because he’s afraid of drama or a confrontation if you are upset. More often than not, he’ll be clear, brief and assertive.
He would rather give you the disappointing news all at once rather than drop hints and worry about upsetting you later on.
When a Capricorn man tells you that he’s not interested in dating, this is one of the ways that he tells you he’s not interested. The same is true if he tells you that you aren’t his type.
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