For the typical Aries man, communication is more about actions than words. Therefore, they always prefer to swerve emotions in favor of activity.
This makes it tricky to forge a connection with Aries men; unless you learn how to make communication easier.
Proud, independent, and high-achieving, are three keywords that describe Aries men. Driven by a blend of enthusiasm and focus, an Aries man prefers to do something rather than talk about it.
Aries men like to be in charge, get on with things, and find practical solutions to dilemmas and problems. These traits are important because they are what drives and shapes him.
Good communication with an Aries man involves rethinking your standard approach. Be flexible and experimental, as mirroring his communication style is the key to victory here!
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Patience is a quality you need plenty of to enjoy smooth and meaningful communication with an Aries man. Many people would go further and say it’s the most important thing, so don’t skimp on this.
Aries men can be unpredictable, changeable, and temperamental. Plus, that strong Aries drive to succeed can make them seem quite selfish.
These communication barriers can be extra puzzling because Aries guys are also friendly and sociable.
A patient approach to communication is vital, as forcing an Aries man to open up will never be a successful strategy. If you feel frustrated by his closed attitude or that he’s resistant to your efforts, stay calm.
Ruled by aggressive Mars and being a fire sign means Aries men are whirling balls of action and passion. He will open up in his own time, so hold off on pushing for more than he can deliver at that time.
Aries men prefer to show, not tell, so your patience may be rewarded with physical rather than verbal communication!
Is your Aries man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Honesty is the best policy when communicating with an Aries man. They understand and respect that approach; it suits their non-game playing nature.
Therefore, Aries men are truthful and to the point, even though they are sometimes criticized for it.
Thankfully, Aries men are as happy for others to be as direct and honest as they are. That approach may be pretty challenging as it probably seems a bit rude, but do your best.
Being straightforward means Aries men struggle to read subtle clues.
No amount of hinting or implying will help you get his attention; if you have got something to say, just say it.
For example, the best way to compliment an Aries man is to mention one of his good points, something you genuinely admire.
Meaningless flattery is not something he’ll just politely respond to, which bucks many unwritten rules of social etiquette.
Inevitably, Aries man may seem harsh, but they can take it too. They welcome good honest communication.
A productive way to talk to an Aries man about feelings is in a direct manner. That strategy applies to any subject or any form of communication.
Do not rely on him picking up subtle verbal hints or clues from body language; he isn’t wired to guess what is left unsaid.
Communication is the cornerstone of all interaction, and an Aries man will take what you say and do at face value. If he is concerned and asks you if you are okay, don’t just smile bravely and reassure him all is good.
That’s presuming you do want to share something but feel too awkward. An Aries man will always be direct with you, and he expects the same back. That may feel unfair if your approach is different, but that’s just how he rolls.
You may need to adapt your approach using strategies. For example, the best way to comfort an Aries man is to treat every word as precious currency.
By setting a small target budget and not overspending, the direct approach is made more accessible.
A tiny trick to snatch your Aries man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
It’s ironic that although Aries men get passionate, excited, maybe even a bit “shouty” when communicating, it’s better to approach them calmly. Knowing how to control an Aries man involves being still waters to their stormy ocean.
We know that it’s in the Aries man’s nature to be a pack leader, stand up for others, and face challenges directly.
So in a situation where you need to raise a sensitive topic being calm is especially important, if not essential.
A non-threatening approach helps an Aries male avoid feeling cornered or defensive.
This does not mean it’s best to let Aries men get away with anything rather than risk their anger. Neither is it a reason to walk on eggshells when something needs to be said.
Just remember that to get an Aries man to open up takes a calm, relaxed, and fair approach. Calm communication helps avoid the Aries temper flaring and relationships breaking down.
Good communication depends on getting the basics right, and for Aries men, fairness is essential.
They don’t play games, so sulking, shouting, or other manipulative approaches will get you nowhere. Neither will holding grudges, so don’t store feelings up to reveal later.
Aries men have a charming, almost childish approach to life sometimes.
Consequently, things are often perceived as black or white, good or bad, fair or unfair, with no middle ground. Although that’s a pretty unrealistic attitude, it’s still something you need to keep in mind.
If you ever have to deal with an angry Aries man, you may find his reaction depends on the actual cause of such strong emotions. Aries men are not afraid to confront issues that are the result of unfairness head-on.
So, for example, if you decide to stop dating an Aries man, and you told him calmly and directly, he can take that. However, if you’d spoken to a dozen others about your intentions beforehand – that he would consider unfair.
Is your Aries man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aries back in. →
Attention, hero-worship, praise, and admiration: some sun signs avoid them, others encourage them, and Aries men slide easily into the second group. Let’s not be shy about this because Aries men are not!
Aries men crave positive responses from their audience. This is their way, whether around strangers, family, lovers, or friends; flattery is a lotion that soothes their overactive minds.
In addition, he loves to entertain and needs to know his efforts are appreciated.
Plenty of praise and compliments is the winning approach for better communication or an excellent way to keep an Aries man chasing you. It should be sincere, though; the average ram isn’t interested in fakery in any form.
In the end, flattery appeals most because it shows an Aries man that you really see him. It validates his efforts, helps him feel worthwhile, and generally cares for his well-hidden vulnerable side.
Perhaps it’s their love for adventure, surprise, and challenges that make Aries men so receptive to the unexpected. Whatever the reason, if you fall for an Aries male and want to communicate well, being unusual is the way to go.
If you are ever unsure about what to say to an Aries man, make it funny, quirky, and to the point. Communicating at unusual moments or in ways that are out of the ordinary are excellent ways to grab his attention and let him know how you feel.
Remember, Aries men have active brains that crave stimulation, so they’ll always respond to the unexpected. He will appreciate the thought and effort you put in too. Why not write him a poem or a song if you want to share some news?
Take a break from texting sometimes. Investing in 2-way radios lets you chat when one is inside and the other is in the yard. Anything that is out of the ordinary will make communication easier.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aries man. →
Aries men love to laugh, tease, and share an ironic commentary on life because, at heart, they are a positive, fun, sun sign. You could easily say that Aries men are witty with a touch of sarcasm and a streak of goofiness.
Working humor into all kinds of situations can be a very productive way to communicate with a typical Aries guy. So go to town with gestures and impersonations that add fun or even a shock edge to your interactions.
Wit and edgy insight into life and its adventures are what an Aries man wants to hear. Incorporating humor into communications can be especially useful if you’re looking to get noticed by an Aries man.
Anyone who stimulates his love for clever retorts and fast-moving conversations is going to win gold! Remember, impatience and boredom are two evils that haunt Aries men.
Their fiery, passionate, and determined personality means Aries men are very intense communicators. Everything’s fuelled by some mix of drama, urgency, and impatience and presented as a life and death, make or break, kind of situation.
In daily life, this level of intensity can make communication with an Aries man exhausting.
There’s no space for lead-ins or warm-ups in his approach. So instead, the Aries sun sign is all about leading, forging the path for others to follow safely.
Even an Aries man texting style is the same. He rarely sends casual or pointless messages, and he’s unlikely to respond to them.
So instead, send him texts when something is relevant at that moment, but avoid pointless messaging; Aries men don’t see this as rude.
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