Aquarius-Taurus compatibility tends to be pretty low. At times, it can seem like these two signs are from entirely different planets.
Taurus craves stability, while Aquarius thrives on chaos. Taurus likes to get comfortable, while Aquarius is rebellious and likes to shake things up.
Aquarius and Taurus aren’t usually considered to be a good match. That doesn’t mean this relationship is impossible, though! There is more to a relationship than sun sign compatibility.
There are lessons Aquarius and Taurus can learn from each other if they take the time to get to know one another. The problem is that they aren’t always attracted to one another in the first place.
There are many things about these signs that will annoy the other. Fundamentally, they want different things in life. Taurus wants security, and Aquarius wants freedom.
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Aquarius-Taurus friendships aren’t always the most common. These two usually hang out in different social circles and have different interests, so it can be difficult for them to come together.
Taurus and Aquarius don’t often see eye-to-eye about most things. Taurus craves wealth and status. Aquarius rejects those systems and isn’t impressed by them.
Aquarius can sometimes find Taurus to be shallow. Taurus may be thrilled to work hard, live a stable life, and indulge themselves when they can. Aquarius wants far more than that.
These two signs are both interested in the world, but in different ways. Taurus wants to experience all the pleasure’s the world has to offer. Aquarius wants to learn everything and change the things they don’t like about the world.
Taurus strongly desires to be liked, even if they are independent and usually seem self-reliant. Aquarius honestly doesn’t care what anyone thinks about them and can be a bit of a loner.
When these two come together, they will likely butt heads. Taurus will wonder why Aquarius can’t just chill out and enjoy themselves at a party. Aquarius will wonder why Taurus isn’t focused more on all the issues around them.
Even if these two become friends, there will likely always be things they argue about. Aquarius will insist that Taurus should care more about the world. Taurus will think that they do care, and Aquarius is just being stuck up!
Both Aquarius and Taurus can be incredibly stubborn too. Part of the reason they can’t see eye-to-eye is that they don’t want to.
These two might be able to become friends, primarily if they do wind up sharing an interest or a friend group. If they do, they can honestly teach each other a lot. They have different outlooks on life, and neither is necessarily wrong.
Becoming friends in the first place may be difficult, though. If these two don’t have anything that draws them to one another, they will probably seek out different people to befriend.
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Are Aquarius and Taurus soulmates? These two signs aren’t always drawn to one another. They are incredibly different, and their similarities sometimes push them apart too.
The Aquarius-Taurus relationship can be complicated for both people because these two usually want different things in relationships. They aren’t always able to find common ground or reach a compromise.
When they do fall in love, though, this can be an incredibly fulfilling relationship. Aquarius and Taurus can teach one another a lot and help each other grow. They might always be an odd pair, but they can develop a bond.
The main problem is that these two aren’t always close long enough to form that bond in the first place.
Aquarius and Taurus couples often struggle in most of the essential areas of a relationship. They don’t usually have shared values or interests. Their communication styles and love languages are different, and they don’t always know how to trust each other.
Taurus usually finds Aquarius to be stressful. They might initially find them exciting or attractive, but they will quickly realize that all that excitement is too much for Taurus.
Taurus wants a stable relationship with a partner that makes them feel secure and comfortable. They want to spend their time enjoying nice food together, relaxing with a glass of wine, or taking trips to the spa.
Aquarius doesn’t want to relax with their partner, though. Stability can sometimes feel stifling to them. They might accept the differences between themselves and Taurus, but that doesn’t mean they will enjoy them or do what Taurus wants.
Air signs like Aquarius want to fly. Earth signs like Taurus wish to remain grounded. It is sometimes impossible for these two to meet in the middle.
Aquarius could learn to relax, and Taurus could learn to get out of their comfort zone and be wild. Even if they can help one another realize there is another way to live life, Taurus and Aquarius might not always be a life-long match.
Aquarius and Taurus’ marriage compatibility tends to be low. If these two can find common ground and make a relationship work, they do have the potential to be committed partners. They don’t always get to the point of marriage in the first place, though.
Aquarius is incredibly rebellious and doesn’t always want to get married. That can make Taurus feel insecure in their relationship. Romantic Taurus craves stability, and marriage is one thing they usually want for their relationship.
An Aquarius man and a Taurus woman’s compatibility in marriage might be low because Aquarius men aren’t always as romantic as Taurus women would like.
Taurus women love it when their spouse makes them feel special. They like to indulge and go to nice restaurants for date nights.
Aquarius will take Taurus on date nights, but it might not always be what Taurus wants. There is sometimes a mismatch in how these two express love and what they think romance looks like.
A Taurus man and an Aquarius woman’s compatibility will be low if Taurus is overly stubborn. Aquarius women are also stubborn, but they will feel like Taurus is trying to control them if he always wants his way.
Taurus men can also be possessive over their partners. If an Aquarius woman wants to be alone or go out with friends instead of spending time with Taurus, he might become jealous.
This jealousy makes Aquarius feel like Taurus is trying to control or manipulate her. She just wants to be free, and he needs to respect that.
This marriage will be more successful when these two get on the same page. Aquarius needs to understand that sometimes, Taurus wants to relax. Taurus can be hard-working, but they like to give in to their lazy side too.
Taurus needs to learn that Aquarius craves excitement and thrives on chaos. Their home life won’t always be completely stable, and Taurus needs to be okay with that.
Even if these two get married, that doesn’t always mean it will last. Stubborn Taurus might stick things out, but Aquarius will likely leave if they become unsatisfied.
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In Bed
Are Aquarius and Taurus a good match in the bedroom? These two can figure out how to make things work, but they usually have very different preferences in the bedroom.
Taurus’ compatibility is often low with Aquarius in the bedroom because Taurus craves stability. They like to find what’s comfortable and stick with that. They can sometimes go outside their comfort zone, but they don’t always want to.
Aquarius’ compatibility with Taurus in the bedroom is low because they hate repeatedly sticking with the same thing! They don’t want to get comfortable. They want to experiment and have a good time.
Taurus is also far more romantic in the bedroom than Aquarius is. They aren’t necessarily emotional, but they are sensual and like to feel a strong bond with their sexual partners.
Distant Aquarius won’t always take the time to focus on all the sensual and emotional aspects of sex. They want excitement. They aren’t necessarily rushing to the finish line but aren’t always slow or gentle.
Aquarius and Taurus’s main problem in the bedroom is that neither wants to compromise. They are both fixed signs, so they can each be incredibly stubborn!
Aquarius likes to mix things up in the bedroom, but they want to do so on their terms. If Taurus is in the mood for lazy, laidback sex but Aquarius wants to experiment, they will be incredibly frustrated.
Taurus likes to indulge themselves. If they decide they want to try something new, it’s likely not going to be too wild.
Taurus probably wants to make minor adjustments to increase their satisfaction. They’ll try a new perfume or get new bedsheets, but they might not always try a new position.
Taurus and Aquarius can find common ground, but they have to genuinely desire that. Aquarius can learn to enjoy slow, gentle sex. Taurus can see how satisfying wild, experimental sex can be.
If these two have a purely sexual relationship, they may call it quits and find people they are more sexually compatible with. If the rest of their relationship is good, they may try to make things work.
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