Getting a Sagittarius man to apologize is difficult at the best of times. He doesn’t always want to put aside his pride and say sorry.
When he does apologize, it won’t always be the kind of apology you want.
Sometimes, a Sagittarius man will act as if nothing happened after an argument. He’ll just move on. He won’t bring it up again if you don’t. He’ll hope you won’t ask for an apology.
When he does apologize, it’s usually short. It’s also likely to be unemotional, and he may even joke around or make light of the situation. He may also refuse to take the blame for what happened.
His apologies are more likely to be non-verbal. He’ll give you gifts. He’ll help out around the house more or run errands for you.
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Acts Like Nothing Happened
After you argue with a Sagittarius man, he might take some time to himself to calm down. After he’s done that, he’s not always going to come back and talk over what happened.
He’s likely to just pretend like nothing happened. Even if he said something deeply hurtful and you’re upset, he may just act like he never did that.
If he’s over something, a Sagittarius man usually expects that everyone else involved will also be over it. Even if he isn’t the one who was hurt, he’ll just expect you to move on because he already has.
Sagittarius men don’t like to dwell on things. This is because he doesn’t always understand that just because he has moved past something, that doesn’t mean you have as well.
He may also be embarrassed by something he said or did. In that case, he’ll want to pretend it never happened.
Owning up to his mistake and apologizing would mean acknowledging what he did and dealing with the embarrassment.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Sagittarius man... →
Short Apologies
How do Sagittarius men apologize? When you get a verbal apology from a Sagittarius man, it’s going to be short. He’ll want to get it over with as quickly as possible.
A Sagittarius man’s communication style is usually to the point. You’ll be lucky if you get anything more than a simple, “I’m sorry,” if a Sagittarius man bothers to apologize to you at all.
He doesn’t do this to be rude. He may legitimately think that’s all he needs to say.
Most of the time, he’ll forgive somebody else even if all they’ve done is say, “I’m sorry”. He expects that other people will accept that as a proper apology as well.
He may also say things like, “I’m sorry you’re upset”. This may feel dismissive or insincere. That’s not his intention most of the time. He is sorry you’re upset. He just doesn’t want to talk about anything beyond that.
Might Joke Around
Instead of apologizing, a Sagittarius man might joke around to try and cheer you up after he’s upset you.
This might even work, depending on what he did to upset you. If he’s ever joked around with you and avoided an apology in the past, expect him to continue doing this in the future.
He may joke around because he legitimately wants to cheer you up. When somebody he loves is upset, he’ll do what he can to make them smile.
A Sagittarius man might also joke around to avoid addressing what he did. If he can distract you and shift the focus to something else, he might not have to take responsibility and apologize to you.
There will be times where he can’t make things right no matter how much he jokes around. Some things require an actual apology, not just a joke to smooth things over. If he sees that his jokes aren’t working, he’ll switch tactics.
A tiny trick to snatch your Sagittarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Avoids Responsibility
A Sagittarius man won’t always accept responsibility for his actions. Even if he knows he hurt you, his pride may get in the way of taking the blame for what he did.
He may make excuses for why he did whatever it was that hurt you. He may even try to convince you that you’re overreacting and what he did wasn’t that bad.
When a Sagittarius man is mad after an argument, he won’t want to accept responsibility for anything he did to hurt you. He might even try to turn things around on you.
A Sagittarius man might legitimately think that he didn’t do anything wrong. In that case, it’ll be an uphill battle to convince him that you’re not overreacting and that he did something hurtful.
If he already knows he’s the one to blame in the situation, he still might not want to accept responsibility. He will eventually with a little prodding.
Will a Sagittarius man feel bad for hurting you? If he loves you, he doesn’t want to upset you. He won’t necessarily show how bad he feels, though.
He may seem oddly unemotional when he’s apologizing. Even if he does feel guilty, he’s not necessarily going to show you that.
A Sagittarius man’s personality is very controlled when it comes to emotions. He hates having emotional outbursts. He won’t always want to discuss your feelings after you two argue or he does something to upset you.
If he’s unemotional while apologizing to you, it may seem like your Sagittarius man isn’t being sincere.
You might be used to people showing regret or even being upset while apologizing. You won’t get that from a Sagittarius man.
Most of the time, he is being sincere. He’s just not good at expressing his emotions.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Sagittarius man. →
Rational & Logical
When a Sagittarius man hurts you, he might try to rationalize why he did what he did. He may try to explain himself instead of apologizing.
Sagittarius men are logical people. This isn’t always a good thing.
He may try to use his logic to convince that whatever happened wasn’t that big of a deal. He may try to brush off your emotions by saying that you’re not behaving rationally.
If he’s just sitting there explaining himself, you’re probably not going to get an actual apology. This is especially true if he tries to tell you that something you did is what caused his actions.
He may also just not be able to understand why you’re so upset. If he wouldn’t be upset by whatever it is he said or did, he will have a hard time understanding why you’re upset. It just won’t make logical sense to him.
Small Gestures
Will a Sagittarius man apologize to you? He won’t always say, “I’m sorry,” but he may do small things to show you how sorry he feels.
If you want to know how to make a Sagittarius man apologize the way you want, the simple answer is that you can’t.
He might listen if you tell him that you need a verbal apology but he’s not always going to change his behavior.
You might have to get used to looking for his apologies. He might start helping around the house more. He may offer to run some of your errands or do other chores he wouldn’t normally do.
He may work on changing his behavior so that he doesn’t make the same mistake in the future as well. If he can avoid hurting you and having to apologize in the first place, he’ll be willing to make some changes.
Gifts are very common as part of a Sagittarius man’s apology. Whether or not he says he’s sorry, he’s likely to give you things to try and soothe any hurt feelings.
A Sagittarius man is the type of person to show up with flowers and chocolate after a huge argument.
If you mentioned wanting a certain piece of jewelry recently, he might also suddenly come home with that.
He’ll give you a book you’ve been wanting to read, a night out at your favorite club, or tickets to see your favorite band.
He would very much rather incur some extra expenses than apologize most of the time. He’ll think that this is a perfectly acceptable apology too.
If you don’t accept his gifts as an apology, you need to let him know that. When you accept the jewelry, tickets, book, etc., he’ll assume that means you’ve forgiven him.
Expects Forgiveness
Whether or not a Sagittarius man apologizes to you, he’s going to expect forgiveness from you.
You won’t always need to actually say, “I forgive you”. He might expect that if he offers a verbal apology but he usually takes your actions following an apology as a sign that you’ve forgiven him.
As mentioned, if you accept the gifts he gives you after he’s upset you, he’ll assume that means you’ve forgiven him.
If you don’t bring up the argument you two had, he’ll also take that as a sign you’ve forgiven him.
If you continue to act angry or ignore him, he might become irritated. A Sagittarius man will expect you to move on as quickly as he does.
If you don’t forgive him for something, you need to let him know right away. You don’t want to blindside him by suddenly bringing up something he did months ago during a different argument.
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