It’s not always easy to see when a Sagittarius man is angry. He hides his anger when possible and tries not to let it explode.
If you know a Sagittarius man is mad, calming him down isn’t a difficult task.
How you deal with an angry Sagittarius man will depend on why he’s angry.
If he’s angry with you, you’re going to want to deal with that differently than if he’s angry at another person or if he’s mad about a certain circumstance.
If he’s angry at you, giving him space to cool off and then apologizing as quickly as possible is usually the best course of action. He appreciates it when people give him space.
If he’s angry about something else, your company might be just what he needs to cheer up. Offer support and compassion.
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Figure Out Why
The best thing to do when your Sagittarius man is angry depends on the reason behind his anger.
Sometimes, it will be obvious why he’s angry. If you two just argued or if you said something to offend him, you will be the reason why.
If he’s mad at you, apologizing to a Sagittarius man right away is often the best course of action. This will usually diffuse the situation quickly.
Sagittarius men don’t have an explosive temper as Aries men do. Their anger is quieter. You might not even notice he’s angry right away.
If he’s angry and you know you haven’t done anything to make him angry, think about what else is going on in his life.
Did something happen at work? Is he avoiding a certain friend? Did he just get back from visiting his family and he’s suddenly mad?
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Let Him Cool Off
When a Sagittarius man is upset, what he usually needs is some time to cool off. That by itself does the trick most of the time.
If he’s mad at you, this is especially helpful. He’ll need some time away from you to cool off.
Just because a Sagittarius man doesn’t seem that angry doesn’t mean he’s not! He’s good at pretending everything is alright even though he’s furious.
If you approach him and he ignores you, he hasn’t had enough time.
Your Sagittarius man doesn’t want to be angry with you. He doesn’t want to have an explosive argument. He wants to deal with any issues between you maturely.
Even if he’s not angry at you, he might still need some time to cool off.
If he’s just come home from work angry, he might want some time alone to calm down before he talks to you about whatever happened. He doesn’t want to take his anger out on you.
Give Him Space
You might be tempted to go to a Sagittarius man after an argument and try to fix things up right away. Before you do that, give him some space.
Sagittarius men will often seek space all by themselves. If he leaves the room during an argument, don’t follow him.
If he needs to leave the house and go take a walk or visit a friend, let him!
Space allows him to clear his head. He hates getting overwhelmed by his emotions. He doesn’t want to lash out in anger or say something he’ll regret.
He might want space even if he’s not mad at you. He might not want to talk about whatever is making him angry just yet. He needs time to sit with his emotions and think about what he wants to do next.
When a Sagittarius man goes silent and withdraws from you, don’t push him for answers or try to get him to open up right away. That will just make things worse.
Be Calm
Don’t get upset with a Sagittarius man for being angry. Don’t get mad about the way he deals with his anger either.
If he is angry at you following an argument, just remain calm. Even if you think he was in the wrong, don’t explode at him.
Sagittarius men often calm down quickly, even when they are extremely angry. If you can calm down quickly as well, it will be easier for the two of you to resolve things.
If he isn’t mad at you, being calm will likely be easier. You might be tempted to get angry on his behalf but just keep your head cool. He might need somebody to be a calm, patient sounding board when he wants to vent.
If he’s upset, having a calm person around will make him feel better. He’ll be more likely to talk to you about what’s wrong if he feels comfortable with you.
Listen to Him
If a Sagittarius man is angry and he wants to talk to you about it, listen to him! This is one of the best things you can do to make him feel better.
Ignoring a Sagittarius man after an argument is often a bad idea if he is trying to approach you to talk about it. Sometimes, he’ll want to take some time to himself. Other times, he’ll want to hash things out right away.
If it’s the latter, give him the attention he needs.
It can be difficult to listen to him at times because a Sagittarius man is stubborn and he won’t always listen to you.
However, if you want him to calm down and get to a point where you two can have a discussion, you may need to listen to some ranting before you can have a conversation with him.
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Respect His Feelings
The best thing to do when a Sagittarius man is mad at you is to respect his feelings. Even if you think he’s being overdramatic, hear him out.
If you invalidate his feelings, he won’t want to talk to you in the future when he has a problem. Sagittarius men don’t always like talking about their feelings. If he’s trying to share his with you, don’t turn him away.
If he’s angry at you and you brush him off, that’s just going to make him even more upset. You’re just showing him that you don’t care about his feelings.
Try to see things from his point of view. If the roles were reversed, would you also be angry at him about whatever it was you did? If he said something hurtful to you during an argument, would you react the same way?
Distract Him
Sometimes, a Sagittarius man doesn’t want to talk about his feelings. He doesn’t even want to acknowledge them.
If he’s angry and he doesn’t want to deal with it, distract him!
Do something fun with him. Take him out to his favorite bar, go see a movie, try out a new restaurant, etc.
He might just need to take his mind off whatever is making him angry. If he’s not ready to talk about it, don’t force it. Just be there for him.
He’ll appreciate you trying to cheer him up and take his mind off his anger. When he’s ready to talk about things, you’ll likely be the first one he goes to.
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Compliment Him
If he’s angry because he feels unappreciated in life, what a Sagittarius man wants to hear is that you do appreciate him.
Compliments can do wonders when a Sagittarius man is angry. If you said something hurtful to him, apologizing and following it up with some compliments will help soothe his hurt.
If he’s angry at something else, hearing all the nice things you think about him will cheer him right up.
It’s hard to stay angry when somebody is there actively trying to cheer you up with kind words. Help him focus on the things that are going well in his life. Let him know how much you love and appreciate him.
Be Compassionate
Sometimes, there isn’t anything you can do when a Sagittarius man is angry. You can’t change his circumstances at work or fix the behavior of anyone other than yourself.
If he just needs somebody to listen to him rant, sit down and listen to him.
There will be times where he’s angry about something and you don’t necessarily understand why. You don’t need to understand. Just be there for him. Let him know that his feelings are valid and that you’re there to help and listen.
Anger is a complex emotion. It might be covering up sadness or hurt. Let him know that you’re there to support him. Show him you care and that you’ll do what you can to make him feel better.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Sagittarius man (they work like magic) →
Be Patient
If a Sagittarius man is angry at you, the best thing to do is be patient with him. Don’t let his anger get the best of you. Don’t fret too much if he needs some time away from you.
If a Sagittarius man is ignoring you following an argument, just wait. A Sagittarius man’s silent treatment doesn’t often last long.
When a Sagittarius man is done with you after a huge argument, he’ll make that clear. If he’s just taking some space, don’t worry about it. Be patient and he’ll come back eventually.
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