Who is a May Taurus? These Taureans typically represent a different side of their sign than April Taureans do.
May Taureans are hardworking, structured, and disciplined, but they are also surprisingly adaptable, patient, and better at finding work-life balance than others.
May Taureans are born in the second and third decans of their sign. While they still have romantic Venus as their primary planetary ruler, they also have separate subrulers influencing them.
Second decan May Taureans have Mercury, the planet of communication, as their subruler. The third decan has Saturn, the planet of structure. These planetary influences help to make May Taureans unique.
May Taureans are passionate, responsible, and patient people. They are incredibly dependable. They keep structure in their lives, but they are adaptable enough to handle change without getting too stressed or overwhelmed.
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1. Hardworking
What is a May Taurus like? May Taureans represent the hardworking side of Taurus. They still relax and indulge like all Taureans do, but they don’t overdo it. They know how to work hard.
May Taureans are some of the most diligent people out there. They are mindful of the work they do. They genuinely want to take care of their responsibilities and feel pride in their work.
A May Taurus is a great person to have on your team. They will finish all their tasks correctly and on time. If someone is counting on them to get something done, they will.
May Taureans don’t usually overwork themselves, though. They know that taking breaks is essential and that they can’t do their best work if they’re tired, stressed, and overwhelmed. They work hard, but they aren’t always working.
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2. Passionate
May Taureans tend to be incredibly passionate. They have strong feelings and strong beliefs. They put their whole hearts into everything they do, whether working, relaxing, or spending time with a loved one.
If a May Taurus is passionate about something, you’ll be able to tell. They will excitedly talk about their favorite topics, be affectionate toward the people they love, and generally have a zest for life and the things they enjoy.
Passionate May Taureans are dedicated and loyal. They can be passionate in the bedroom, too. They will show great enthusiasm and express their love for their partner.
Some of a May Taurus’ negative traits result from their passion. If they are too passionate about something, the stubbornness Taurus is known for will come out. They will suffer if they are passionate about people or ideals that just aren’t good for them.
3. Detail-oriented
Why is a May Taurus different from an April Taurus? May Taureans are still Taureans and have some traits similar to an April Taurus. They express some of their traits differently because of the different influences they have.
May Taureans are very detail-oriented, like their fellow earth sign, Virgo. They pay close attention to the smallest details while working on a task. Their detail-oriented nature is also how they express the love of beauty that Taurus is known for.
May Taureans notice the small things. When they’re working on a task, they will pay attention to every single little detail at every step along the way to completion. This trait helps them to make great art, not just in their careers.
A May Taurus will pick up on minor mistakes in a project, but they’ll also notice the small details in art that others miss.
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4. Structured
May Taureans tend to be structured. Of all the types of Taurus, ones born in the third decan are the most structured due to the influence of Saturn.
May Taureans are very organized. Their homes are neat. Their schedules are planned out in advance, and they have a structured way of going about their daily tasks and routines.
A May Taurus might be an excellent manager because they are able to organize and delegate tasks to others. Their structured nature means they also excel in financial jobs like banking, accounting, or financial advising.
A May Taurus isn’t stuck in their ways, though. They do their best to keep themselves structured and organized, but they know that things sometimes don’t go according to plan. They know how to re-adjust and keep things moving smoothly.
5. Adaptable
When you look at an April Taurus vs a May Taurus, you might notice that May Taureans are more adaptable. While April Taureans become stressed when outside their comfort zones, May Taureans can quickly adapt to change and new environments.
A May Taurus might not purposely put themselves in sticky situations, but they can handle it when they end up in them. They can adapt and work through the problem if something goes wrong at work.
May Taureans tend to bounce back more quickly after significant life changes such as break ups, changes in career, or moving to a new location. They can adjust their routine without feeling too shaken up or unstable.
A May Taurus can adapt more quickly to a new group of people, too. Being outside of their comfort zone doesn’t necessarily make them uncomfortable.
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6. Disciplined
Being disciplined is a May Taurus trait that isn’t always associated with the sign of Taurus. May Taureans know how to control themselves. They can do things in moderation instead of overindulging.
A disciplined May Taurus can have just one drink or a single piece of chocolate if they choose. They can take a break for 30 minutes and easily get back to work. They can relax and indulge without going overboard.
May Taureans tend to be more in control of their emotions. While they aren’t perfect, and there are times when their passion and drive might go a little too far, they can regulate their emotions and have calm, reasonable reactions to things.
Being around a disciplined May Taurus can help you to be more disciplined, too, though they won’t force anything on you. They are good at reminding others to practice moderation and won’t encourage overindulgence.
7. Responsible
Being responsible is a common May Taurus characteristic. May Taureans always do their best to fulfill their responsibilities and duties.
A May Taurus will do chores without being asked to. They will put in their fair share of the work around the house, whether they are your roommate or live-in partner. You definitely won’t have to remind them to take care of things.
May Taureans do like to have fun, but they aren’t reckless. They always try to do the responsible thing to keep themselves and everyone around them safe.
A May Taurus would never ignore their responsibilities, even if they aren’t always things they want to do. They’ll take care of what needs to be done, then relax and enjoy themselves.
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8. Better Work-life Balance
One of the differences between an April Taurus and a May Taurus is that May Taureans are less likely to overindulge. They don’t fit that stereotypical image of a lazy Taurus. They’re better at finding balance.
May Taureans might be hardworking, but they don’t overwork themselves like a Capricorn might. They can find a better work-life balance because they will relax, take breaks, and indulge, but they won’t overdo it.
A May Taurus isn’t going to push themselves to work harder if they’re already overwhelmed. They aren’t going to overindulge and blow off their responsibilities either.
May Taureans keep their work at work. They do their jobs to the best of their abilities and put in good work, but once they’re home and off the clock, they’re done working. They can relax, do hobbies, and spend time with loved ones without worrying about work.
9. Patient
The May Taurus personality can be incredibly patient. They might be hardworking and passionate, but they’re not in a hurry. They know that sometimes, getting what you want takes time.
May Taureans aren’t usually in a rush to settle down. They will be patient and wait for the right person to come along. Once they find that person, they’ll still go at a slow, steady pace, especially if that’s what their partner wants.
If you have a May Taurus friend or partner, they will be patient with you. If you’re having a hard time, they’ll stand by you while you work through it. If there are problems in your relationship, they’ll patiently work through them.
Their patience and adaptability also help May Taureans work in groups more easily. They’ll try to meet deadlines and get things done on time but will be patient and adjust if others can’t.
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10. Dependable
Being dependable is one of a May Taurus’ positive traits. You can always count on a May Taurus to follow through on their promises and commitments.
A May Taurus is trustworthy and reliable. You can depend on them to tell you the truth. They won’t lie, even if a lie would get them out of a tricky situation or make someone feel better.
If a May Taurus makes a promise to you, you can trust their word. They will keep their promise to the best of their ability. If they do break it for some reason, they’ll make things right.
A May Taurus will follow through on their responsibilities. If they make plans with you, they’ll be punctual and won’t cancel last minute. If they are working on a project with you, you can count on them to do their work, and they’ll likely help you out, too, if asked.
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