You can make a Gemini man feel guilty, but it will be far easier to do so if he already cares about you and your opinion of him.
Making a Gemini man feel guilty is sometimes as easy as ignoring him after he’s upset you.
When your Gemini man does something to hurt you, make sure he knows what he did. Tell him that you’re disappointed or that you don’t trust him right now, and let him know you don’t forgive him yet.
Do not let your Gemini man forget about what he did. He might expect you to forget and move on, but make it clear you aren’t going to do that!
Talk to your Gemini man less and pay attention to someone else. Make it clear that you are upset and that he’s the reason why.
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Tell Him You’re Disappointed
When a Gemini man hurts you, he might not always feel bad if you cry or lash out. Instead, remain calm, and express disappointment instead.
Gemini men often pretend they don’t care about the opinions of others, but they do! If a Gemini man cares about you, he’ll be upset to learn that you’re angry or disappointed in him.
Sadness doesn’t always make a Gemini man feel guilty. Disappointment does, though. Tell your Gemini man that you expected better of him. Let him know that you trusted him and that he broke that trust.
When your Gemini man knows you’re disappointed with his actions, he’ll feel guilty. This will probably make him realize he messed up more than if you were just sad about something.
This magic will make your Gemini man want a relationship with you. →
Tell Others What He Did
If you want to make a Gemini man regret hurting you, and he doesn’t seem to care, try telling others what he did. If he’s not feeling guilty, he might start when other people know how badly he behaved.
You could tell some friends that you don’t want to go to a party because your Gemini man will be there, and you’re upset with him.
If people notice that things are strained between you and your Gemini man, tell them why! You don’t need to keep secrets for him. Don’t hold back at all. Let them know it’s okay if they bring it up to him.
How do you beat a Gemini man at his own game? Gemini men gossip a lot, even about things they shouldn’t. Talk about him if you want to make him feel guilty and get a little revenge. Make sure everyone knows exactly what he did.
Pay Attention To Someone Else
If you want to know how to make a Gemini man regret losing you, try paying attention to someone else. He might realize how badly he messed up when you’re no longer giving him the same attention you usually do.
When you two are at a party together, talk to someone else. If you’re in a group chat with your Gemini man, reply to everyone else but him.
Make it clear that you’re ignoring your Gemini man in favor of someone else. He might not care if you talk to someone else, but he will care if you cancel plans with him to hang out with someone else.
He will also care if you walk off from a conversation with him to talk to someone else. Make it very clear that you don’t want to talk to him. Tell him why you don’t want to talk to him too, and he’ll feel guilty.
Use these secrets to make your Gemini man love you (they work like magic) →
Don’t Let Him Forget
A Gemini man’s apology style tends to be one that expects you to forgive and forget. Once he apologizes, he’ll assume you’ve accepted that apology and expect you to move on.
If you want your Gemini man to feel guilty for what he’s done, don’t let him forget about it. Even if he apologizes, don’t accept that apology unless you’re sure he is remorseful.
If your Gemini man asks why you’re ignoring him, tell him why! If he points out that you’re acting moody, make sure he knows that he is the reason why you’re acting that way.
Do not let your Gemini man move on too quickly when he’s upset you. If you constantly remind him of what he did, he’ll start to feel guilty. He’ll realize he messed up and try to make amends.
How do you make a Gemini man miss you? You should be unavailable to your Gemini man if you want him to feel guilty for hurting you and miss you.
Your Gemini man is probably used to having you around all the time if you two are close. He might take you for granted at times and expect that you will always be there. Show him that that’s not true if you want him to feel bad.
If you’re in a relationship, your Gemini man likely comes to you for most of his emotional support. He probably spends more time with you than anyone else. It should be evident that you’re suddenly unavailable to him.
You should play the long game with this one. A Gemini man won’t expect you to be with him 24/7.
Your Gemini man will expect you to spend some time with him if you are close, though. Make yourself completely unavailable, and he’ll realize he messed things up.
Is your Gemini man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Act Disinterested
You might not be able to completely ignore your Gemini man if you’re trying to make him feel guilty. You can still make it obvious that you’re upset with him.
When you talk to your Gemini man, act disinterested. Don’t pay attention to what he’s saying unless you have to. Make it clear that you’re only talking to him because you must.
If your Gemini man knows you’re upset with him and you’re acting disinterested in everything he says, he might feel guilty. He’ll realize that he messed up and that you’re not going to forgive him easily.
If your Gemini man is trying to apologize, but you don’t think he’s sincere, act disinterested in what he has to say. Make it clear that you have no desire to listen to him unless he is actually going to apologize.
Talk To Him Less
Gemini men are all about communication. They love to talk. If your Gemini man cares about you, he probably enjoys talking to you. Talk to him less if you want him to feel guilty for hurting you.
Your Gemini man will notice something is wrong if you suddenly ignore all his messages. He might not notice if you fail to reply to one or two, but he will if you ignore him for days at a time when you two usually talk every day.
Message your Gemini man less than you usually do. When he messages you, don’t respond. Leave him on read, so he knows you saw it but that you’re choosing not to reply.
When your Gemini man talks to you, only respond when necessary. Make it incredibly clear that you do not want to talk to him. When he realizes that you’re not communicating with him and that he is the reason why he’ll start to feel guilty.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Gemini man (they work like magic) →
Tell Him You Don’t Trust Him
Will a Gemini man feel guilty for upsetting you? He might. He will likely feel more guilty if he knows how badly he hurt you.
If your Gemini man has hurt you and betrayed your trust, let him know that! Once he knows that you no longer trust him, he will feel guilty.
Your Gemini man will probably be upset if you tell him that you don’t trust him. If he seems confused, explain why you no longer trust him. Make it clear that it was his actions that broke your trust!
When a Gemini man loves you, he wants you to trust him. He likely trusts you more than anyone else and expects the same in return. He’ll feel incredibly guilty if he knows he ruined the trust between you two.
When a Gemini man feels guilty for breaking your trust and he cares about you, he will do anything to make you forgive him.
Don’t Forgive Him Easily
Will a Gemini man say sorry after he’s done something to upset you? He likely will, but that doesn’t always mean his apology will be sincere. If you think your Gemini man is just trying to appease you, don’t forgive him.
A Gemini man will apologize even if he doesn’t feel guilty or think he did anything wrong. He might do so just so you’ll stop being upset with him. If you forgive him too quickly, he’ll never realize he did anything wrong.
Do not forgive your Gemini man too quickly if you want him to feel guilty. Explicitly tell him that he is not forgiven. That might make him feel bad for what he did.
Will a Gemini man apologize sincerely once he realizes his first apology didn’t work? If he cares about you, he will. When you are still upset with him after his initial apology, he’ll figure out that he needs to make amends.
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