A Gemini man’s text response can be baffling. He may be attentive and flirty one minute and aloof the next.
If a Gemini man gives mixed signals, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to get him to respond to your texts.
A Gemini man’s text style varies based on his mood. Usually, he tries to keep things fun and playful. He may text excessively at times or be brief on other occasions.
Often this has to do with how much time he has and what he’s doing. If he texts you at a traffic light, he’s brief but trying to respond promptly.
If he doesn’t find your text engaging and interesting, however, he may ignore it for when he has more time. He may then forget to reply altogether.
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Use Humor
There are certain things to text a Gemini man to bring him out of his shell and encourage him to reply to you. Use humor when you contact him and you’ll be more likely to get a response. Gemini men love to share a joke.
You may even get him started on a back-and-forth chain of puns and wordplay that engages him and makes him laugh. Gemini men love to have fun with words and language so this is a surefire way to get him to respond favorably to your text messages.
When a Gemini man is busy but wants to reply to you, he’s more likely to do so if you make him laugh or text him something interesting. At the same time, if he’s extremely busy with work he may either appreciate a quick joke or overlook it for later. This can potentially backfire if he’s too busy with serious things.
You can generally get a good response if you text him something funny. A humorous meme or link to a funny video will get his attention. Chances are if he’s too busy to respond to a funny text, he would have been too busy to respond to a serious text as well.
Is your Gemini man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Gemini back in. →
Engage His Intellect
If you are wondering how to know if a Gemini man likes you through text, take note of how long he converses with you. If he spends hours chatting and often initiates contact with you, chances are good he likes you.
If you want to get a response from him, be sure to engage his intellect. Even if you send a funny text, use witty and intelligent humor to get his attention. When you engage a Gemini man with intellectual text messages, he will take you seriously.
He’ll see your messages as deserving a reply and he’ll generally be more interested in having conversations with you. A Gemini man who sees you as intellectual and thoughtful will be interested in having intelligent conversations with you.
Don’t Bombard Him
If you’re wondering how to tell if a Gemini man is playing you, try to text him about things not related to sex and hooking up and notice if he replies as readily. One thing to avoid is bombarding a Gemini man. He loves to chat but he doesn’t like feeling overloaded.
This is especially true when it comes to sharing highly emotional information. When you pour your heart out to a Gemini man through text or in real life, it will make him uncomfortable. Instead, try to entice him with interesting conversation.
Don’t share too much information at once. Leave him wanting more and he’ll have a reason to respond to you sooner. If he doesn’t respond right away, don’t send rapid fire texts. Give him some time to respond.
Use these secrets to make your Gemini man love you (they work like magic) →
Respect His Space
If you want to know how to attract a Gemini man through text, the key is to balance between being open, charming and flirty and respecting his independence. Gemini men often need a great deal of space in a relationship.
When it seems like he’s running hot and cold, try to think of it instead as him having more or less time to devote to texting at a given moment. Without knowing what is going on around him, don’t assume he’s just not interested. He could be preoccupied with important personal matters.
Give him space to reply and you’ll notice that more often than not, a Gemini man who likes you will respond to your texts promptly. This is especially true if you are making him laugh or sharing information that teaches him something new.
Ask Intellectual Questions
If you’re wondering how to make a Gemini man think about you, you’ve got to impress him with your intellect and intelligence. If you want a quick response from a Gemini man, try asking him intellectual questions.
This will communicate that you recognize and respect his intelligence. It will also convey to him that he can expect more intellectual and thoughtful conversation from you. At the very least, he’ll respond because a question compels him to want to give an answer.
Let him bask in the intellectual exchange sharing his wisdom and brilliance. Admire his intelligence and give him compliments for his intelligence. Don’t use this tactic too often or he’ll just think you are being needy or demanding.
A tiny trick to snatch your Gemini man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Don’t Invade His Privacy
If you’re wondering how to seduce a Gemini man through text, you’ve got to appeal to his imagination and intellect at the same time. Ask him questions and flirt with him but be careful not to invade his privacy.
Does ignoring a Gemini man work? It can get his attention but your best bet is to give him space while not outright ignoring him when he does communicate with you. He won’t want to feel like he’s being interrogated. Show him that you are interested in him and want to learn about his perspective.
The best way to avoid making it seem like you’re intruding into his private life is to ask a friendly question and then wait for him to answer. If he answers briefly, or changes the topic, this can be a sign he’s not interested in the conversation. It’s best to let him lead or change the subject. Don’t push him to share information he isn’t willingly volunteering.
Avoid Emotions
When a Gemini man ignores you, try to engage him with conversations on intellectual or pop-culture topics that are of interest to him. The worst thing you can do is to pour your heart out and try to make him feel guilty.
A Gemini man won’t suddenly have a realization that he was wrong to ignore you if you open up to him emotionally. If anything, he will shut down even more. Gemini men aren’t comfortable talking about emotions. It’s best not to pressure him to reveal his feelings as well.
A Gemini man will show his feelings through his actions and through his willingness to communicate with you, but he may not openly talk about his deeper emotions. He will prefer conversations that are light, thoughtful and fun rather than emotional or serious.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Gemini man (they work like magic) →
Ask His Expert Opinion
Chances are, there are a number of interests that your Gemini man has researched to the point of being an expert. When you ask your Gemini man to share his expertise or weigh in with an opinion, he will be flattered.
He will also like that you are recognizing his talents and knowledge base. Gemini men tend to be intelligent, but they aren’t usually snobby about his intellectual skills. If you ask his expert opinion on a subject, you’re more likely to get a reply.
A Gemini man will feel compelled to answer because he loves to share his opinions with others as well. He’s constantly learning but also constantly educating others. They love to share information and tell others what they’ve learned.
When you ask about his opinion and expertise, you’re giving him an open invitation to share his knowledge. He loves these types of opportunities and may reply quickly and at length to share all of his thoughts and ideas on the subject.
Make it Meaningful
How does a Gemini man express love? He will show you he cares by investing intellectual energy in conversation with you. When you text him to try to get his attention, make it meaningful. If you suspect he may be busy, don’t text him with small talk.
Instead, contact him with questions or to share information that is more immediately relevant to something he’s working on. Share information that can help him complete a project or further his interests.
Avoid texting him to check in with vague questions about how his day went. Instead, opt for specific information that you can share and that is of interest to him. Text him with important news or information that will help him succeed.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Gemini man... →
Don’t Text Frequently
Once you’ve sent a message, let it go and give him time to respond. A big mistake women often make when texting Gemini guys is to text too frequently. While it’s true that he can chat for hours when his interest is engaged, this doesn’t mean that every conversation is going to turn in to a lengthy exchange like this.
If you try too hard to get a response from him by repeatedly texting, he will become annoyed. Save follow up communication for after he’s replied to you. Don’t send him multiple texts in a row. Also, be careful not to be the one who is always initiating.
Gemini men tend to be friendly. A Gemini guy will do the courtesy of replying to a text even if he’s not really that interested in you. But if he really likes you, he’ll initiate contact more often than not. If you text him too frequently, you may not have an accurate gauge of how interested he is in you.
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