A Gemini man and Taurus woman compatibility is quite challenging. Although they are neighbors on the zodiac wheel, this pair finds it hard to get along.
They can manage as friends if they have to, but are likely to secretly annoy and resent each other.
A Gemini man and Taurus woman will have a tense and inharmonious relationship, if they attempt any relationship at all. They have almost no common ground.
A Taurus woman and Gemini man will push each other’s buttons. Their personality styles are very different. A flexible Gemini man may try to compromise, but he can’t go far enough to satisfy a Taurus woman.
Even when he constantly acquiesces to her requests and desires, he’ll still be a flighty, indecisive, chatty Gemini man. She may try to be fair and give him a chance, but will end up feeling annoyed by him.
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A Gemini and Taurus friendship is likely to be marked by periods of silence and disconnection. They may be able to sustain a friendship for the sake of mutual friends. Yet this is more likely to be the case when they only have occasional contact with each other.
The more these two interact, the more they discover just how different they are. This can breed contempt and resentment as both fail to live up to the other’s desires even in a friendship. Yet if they are distant acquaintances who only see each other at work or through mutual friends, they can maintain a respectful connection.
A Taurus woman takes friendships seriously. She is cordial toward her acquaintances but reserves the title of friendship for a select few who have passed her tests and share her high standards. She is also looking for friends who are loyal and reliable. If someone doesn’t fit the bill, they are moved to the back of the line.
Even if a Gemini man does manage to get into the good graces of a Taurus woman, his mannerisms will make it hard for him to stay there. He’s talkative and prone to gossip. He frequently changes his mind. He loves to share information but doesn’t always follow through on what he says. He’s fickle and may contradict himself frequently.
A Taurus woman will quietly, patiently observe all these behaviors. As she does, she’s making a mental list in her head of the many flaws a Gemini man has. When he’s inconsistent or says one thing and does another, she will size him up as a liar. Even if was just a case of a Gemini man being his casual, adaptable self.
She will assume he is flakey and won’t be able to trust him. It will be even worse if she catches him bending the truth or gossiping, both of which he is known to do at times. Even a kind-hearted Gemini man who tries to be friends with a Taurus woman will be kept at a distance by her strong boundaries.
Gemini friendship compatibility is best with someone who is open minded and more flexible than a concrete Taurus. When he feels rejected by a Taurus woman, he may fulfill her worst prophecy of him. He may retaliate by gossiping about her to others.
Is your Gemini man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
A Taurus and Gemini relationship is one of the most difficult. They don’t understand each other and what’s worse, a Taurus woman has a habit of assuming her way is the right way. This makes it difficult for her to consider other personalities and styles as valid, which makes it even harder for them to find common ground.
If they somehow end up dating or in a serious relationship, much of the work to bridge the gap between their different personalities will fall to a Gemini man. He is the more flexible partner, she is completely unyielding. He will have to be madly in love with her to stick around for the ups and downs this relationship will bring.
Yet usually, Gemini men are distant in relationships. He won’t easily give his heart away because he doesn’t want to lose his freedom. And his freedom will definitely be challenged in a relationship with a Taurus woman. Taurus women can be high maintenance because they expect to be admired and pampered.
A Taurus woman is also possessive and can be jealous. A Gemini man on the other hand, is outgoing and may have many friends. His vast network of friends, which will include many of his exes, will intimidate a Taurus woman. She will continually try to find ways to keep him from speaking to his exes or other female friends that she is jealous of.
This will create resentments and power struggles in the relationship and can ultimately cause both partners to spend a lot of time trying to change the other. If both can accept each other as they are, they have a better chance of succeeding. But their styles are very different. It takes great effort for these two to accommodate each other.
Gemini compatibility is best with women who are as outgoing and social as he is, and who are flexible thinkers and intellectuals. A Taurus woman can be highly intelligent, but she is more sensual and instinctive. She values practical wisdom. A Gemini man likes to gather information just for the sake of having information. She likes to learn things that can be put to use to improve her health or finances.
A Gemini man needs plenty of mental stimulation. A Taurus woman desires security and is fine with following the same routines. They frustrate each other because their definitions of pleasure and fun are so different. They also have different boundaries. Hers are rock solid, his are flexible and sometimes non-existent.
A Gemini man in love with a Taurus woman will try his best to make concessions to make a relationship work. If she is able to tolerate his flighty nature, they may end up in a marriage at some point. This is a difficult milestone for a Gemini man to make. He fears being trapped in a relationship.
A Gemini man doesn’t take marriage lightly. He may procrastinate and back out of several engagements before he is ready to settle down and get married. He needs strong motivation to make the commitment to marry. If there is something he sees in a Taurus woman that makes it worth the risk, especially in spite of the turmoil in their relationship, he’ll settle down.
A Taurus woman on the other hand, is interested in marriage in most cases. She may want to marry early on as long as she feels secure about her ability to trust her partner. If she is ready to marry and her Gemini partner isn’t, she may give him an ultimatum. She may also hang on to the relationship, expecting him to change his mind.
As a patient earth sign, a Taurus woman can wait a long time for what she wants, as long as she is convinced she’s found the right person. If she is able to look past the many differences between Taurus and Gemini astrology, she may be able to finally have what she desires.
When a Gemini man and Taurus woman marry, some of their problems may be sorted out, but not all. Marriage introduces a new set of expectations and routines. If a Gemini man is not expected to spend more time at home than out with family, he may become frustrated and resentful.
If a Taurus woman, who will likely be the one managing the budget, sees that a Gemini man is unable to limit his spending, finances may become a new source of contention for both partners. He has a lackadaisical attitude toward money. She has an ingrained need to feel financially secure.
This couple needs to find a way to harmonize their expectations. While a Gemini man can be adaptable, he may come to feel trapped once a marriage is official. Very early on in the marriage, he may second guess his decisions and feel stifled.
If he has an outlet through travel and his social network, he may come to accept the marriage and make the most of it. But if a Taurus woman expects him to spend most of his time at home with her, he will be completely unhappy.
Geminis, when hurt, won’t show it at first. He can be diplomatic and then passive-aggressive. This will drive up a Taurus woman’s insecurities. She would prefer it if he was transparent and just openly said what was on his mind. But figuring out a Gemini’s feelings can be like solving a riddle.
This is something that she will find frustrating. When she is upset, she will go silent at first. If he can’t figure out why she’s mad, eventually she will let him know in honest and sometimes aggressive ways. Even if this couple’s marriage lasts, it is likely to be stormy and chaotic.
Use these secrets to make your Gemini man love you (they work like magic) →
In Bed
The best match for a Gemini man when it comes to sexual compatibility is not a Taurus woman. Just as they have little common ground in relationships, their styles of sexual exploration are also different.
She is sensual, slow moving and loves to indulge in her favorite luxuries as part of the love making process. She craves security and can be a reliable and passionate lover, but needs to feel a physical connection and sexual chemistry.
He is more of an intellectual lover. He wants to imagine what will happen next. He can be more excited by the thought of a sexual encounter than by the actual encounter itself. He can be voyeuristic and may be turned on by imagery.
At first, they may spark each other’s interests. But over time it becomes clear that she needs routines and for all of her senses to be excited. He is not grounded in the moment and becomes bored with the routines that represent security to her.
A brief affair may leave them both feeling satisfied. But a long-term sexual relationship will bring disappointment and heartbreak for this pair. If they are in a romantic relationship or marriage, their sex life will do little to resolve other conflicts as this is likely to be one more source of conflict instead.
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