A Gemini man and Capricorn woman compatibility ranking is low. This couple is likely to frustrate and confuse each other.
They have very little in common and seldom create a lasting relationship.
Gemini and Capricorn attraction may bring this unlikely pair together at first. Yet their relationship is likely to lack staying power. A Gemini man’s personality is intellectual and idealistic.
A Capricorn woman is practical and obsessed with work. She will likely see him as immature because of his childlike nature. He will see her as boring because she’s cautious and stuck in routines.
At best, a Gemini man and Capricorn woman may be able to carry out a friendship. At worst, this couple will disappoint each other in romance and love because their needs are so different.
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A Capricorn woman and Gemini man attraction may start out as a matter of having a shared mission. In particular, these two are likely to meet at work. Aside from the office or workplace, there aren’t many places a Gemini man and Capricorn woman would have in common.
As friends, they can try to blend their uniquely different styles in order to accomplish common tasks. She is decisive, hard working and down to earth. A Gemini man may follow the lead of a Capricorn woman and let her take the helm.
He can be inventive but becomes lazy when it comes to putting his ideas into action. She is the opposite, less imaginative but willing to do the work required to put ideas into practice. A Gemini man appreciates his Capricorn friend’s tenacity and perseverance because he usually benefits from the results.
Yet if a Gemini man has grown bored with a task or project, which he usually does after a little bit of time, he will become frustrated with a Capricorn woman’s style. He likes to accomplish things quickly. She would rather move slowly. She can be a perfectionist and he becomes restless and bored.
If this pair maintains a casual friendship or if they are linked by mutual friends they may be able to tolerate each other. They aren’t likely to have much in common and their very different styles will get on each other’s nerves. A Capricorn woman is serious by nature.
She’ll see his goofy and carefree style as immaturity. He’ll see her serious nature as being a sign that she is on fun or takes things too personally. Both are likely to frustrate each other. They have little common ground, even as friends.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Gemini man. →
Capricorn and Gemini magnetism is extremely rare. There is very little this pair has in common and even physical attraction is likely to be short lived as they get to know each other. Yet if a Gemini man and Capricorn woman manages to form a romantic relationship, they may be able to accommodate each other.
A Capricorn woman needs routines and predictability. She may be slow to commit but when she gives her word, she expects others to follow through in kind. A Gemini man can be flighty and indecisive. He is slow to commit because he doesn’t want to lose his independence.
A Capricorn woman will become insecure because a Gemini man is always on the move. He will feel stifled if he’s expected to follow a Capricorn woman’s routines. If she is willing to accept his carefree style and not take his detached nature personally, this couple can manage a relationship.
It can also help if a Gemini man can compromise with a Capricorn woman and become more predictable or at the very least, keep her posted on his whereabouts. He often sets out on impulse with no real solid plan. He is likely to show up late or make several stops on the way home from work.
This can get under a Capricorn woman’s skin because she is fanatic about timing and prefers to know what his routines are. The problem is, he seldom follows any specific routines. When both a Gemini man and a Capricorn woman meet each other halfway, they can form a solid relationship.
Both need to be prepared that they may need to stretch significantly to accommodate each other. Gemini and Capricorn chemistry is no match for the practical difficulties this couple is likely to face. They have to work to understand each other.
A Gemini man and Capricorn woman soulmates can find ways to learn from each other. Yet both need to be vigilant to not project judgments and insecurities onto each other. This is an unlikely couple but the relationship is not impossible. A Gemini man and Capricorn woman connection can be difficult.
A Capricorn and Gemini attraction requires significant effort to maintain. This pair has to beat the odds in order to maintain a relationship. Gemini and Capricorn compatibility is minimal in the first place. They can try to understand each other and find common ground but it is often uncomfortable for both.
When a Gemini man and Capricorn woman fight it is usually about how they spend their time and money. She is frugal. He is a carefree spender. She feels secure when she has predictable routines, schedules and rigid rules and standards. He doesn’t like any of these things. He resists routines and becomes bored easily.
If a Gemini man and Capricorn woman friendship grows into a romance, both will be tested frequently. If they both are able to pass the test and form a stronger bond with each other, this couple may get married. Usually a Capricorn woman will want to marry long before a Gemini man is ready.
Fortunately, Capricorn women are patient. They will gladly endure a long wait if the end result is worth it. If a Gemini man can’t commit after several years, however, a Capricorn woman will feel personally betrayed. She assumes they are investing time in a relationship for this purpose.
Even if it takes time, she is counting on the moment when a Gemini man is ready to settle down. Once they both finally make it to this stage, usually they’ve been able to figure out a routine that allows this highly incompatible relationship to work.
A Capricorn woman may accept that a Gemini man is fundamentally different from her. A Gemini man may accept that a Capricorn woman doesn’t see the world the way he does. If he can accept her need for stability, rules, routines and security, he may be flexible enough to keep his own spontaneous style but committing to some shared routines.
Communication is difficult for this couple. Yet if they can both commit to the relationship, they may be able to find ways to stretch outside their comfort zone and improve their communication styles. A Capricorn woman may become more open and expressive if she understands how important it is to a Gemini man.
A Gemini man can learn from a Capricorn woman and become more practical and focused. A Gemini man and Capricorn woman can learn from each other and as a result can find ways to bridge the many gaps in their compatibility, but it takes much effort. Capricorn women are willing to put forth the effort, yet they expect to see a payoff in the result.
If a Capricorn woman feels like she is making concessions and a Gemini man is not following suit, she will become frustrated. She may start to give him strict ultimatums and this will likely backfire. Yet if they are truly able to compromise with each other, they can maintain a solid marriage for the long term.
A tiny trick to snatch your Gemini man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
In Bed
This is a highly incompatible couple in sexual relationships as well as in other forms of relationships. Both have very different needs. A Gemini man is imaginative and has a visual and intellectual approach to sexual relationships.
A Capricorn woman views sex as a matter of efficiency and prefers to follow predictable and sensual routines when it comes to sex. They may have a few exciting encounters, but any kind of long term sexual connection is likely to be challenging for both a Gemini man and a Capricorn woman.
A Capricorn woman is cautious and doesn’t get too adventurous in bed. A Gemini man will become bored with the routines a Capricorn woman is comfortable with. Both parties are likely to frustrate each other in a short period of time.
One of the rare issues on which they could both agree is a sexual relationship free of emotional attachment. If both just want a friends with benefits relationship, they may be able to carry out this kind of relationship for a brief time.
Ultimately, however, neither will feel deeply satisfied by the sexual relationship even if they can both agree to keep their feelings out of it. A Capricorn woman will see a Gemini man as too unreliable. A Gemini man will see a Capricorn woman as too traditional. Both will likely learn early on that this is not an ideal sexual relationship.
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