Who is a February Aquarius? While these Aquarians have many typical Aquarius traits, they are also more social and extroverted than those born in January.
February Aquarians represent the more open-minded side of Aquarius. They are humorous, witty, and compassionate.
February Aquarians are born in the second or third decan of Aquarius. This means that while Aquarius’ planetary ruler, Uranus, still rules them, they also have subrulers! The second decan has Mercury, and the third has Venus.
You’ll outwardly see the humanitarian side of Aquarius in February Aquarians. They are more talkative and extroverted and also more emotionally open. It’s easy to see how much they care about their communities.
February Aquarians are also more down-to-earth and easy to connect with. They’re still eccentric, but their friendly nature makes them easier to understand.
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The social nature of a February Aquarius is something you’re likely to notice right away when looking at a January Aquarius vs a February Aquarius.
February Aquarians tend to be more social and friendly. They enjoy being around other people and often excel in roles that require them to speak to various people.
You might see a February Aquarius working a crowd at a charity fundraiser. They are usually the face of an organization rather than someone who works in the background.
It’s easy to talk to a February Aquarius. Because of their social nature, they also enjoy group projects and collaborative work much more than their January counterparts.
February Aquarians still have unique ideas but want to hear everyone’s ideas, not just their own. Their social nature means they can easily connect with people who are wildly different from them.
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2. Talkative
Being talkative is a typical February Aquarius trait, especially for those February Aquarians with Mercury as their subruler.
February Aquarians tend to be well-spoken. They also just enjoy talking to other people! They’re great at networking and public speaking, so they tend to get jobs that use those skills.
You’ll hear much more from a February Aquarius than a January Aquarius. They genuinely enjoy interacting with people and prefer to do it as much as possible.
Some February Aquarians are a little too talkative. This becomes a negative February Aquarius trait when a February Aquarius forgets how to stop and listen to the people around them! They sometimes dominate the conversation and don’t know when to quiet down.
3. Extroverted
The personality of a February Aquarius is much more extroverted than a January Aquarius. While January Aquarians are known for being lone wolves, February Aquarians have large social circles.
February Aquarians prefer to be around other people. They enjoy working in groups rather than working alone. They seek out the company of others as much as possible.
A February Aquarius won’t be happy being alone for too long. Even if they can complete a task alone, they’ll usually seek out other people to ask for their opinions. They might also enjoy just having someone to chat with while they work.
February Aquarians typically have a lot of friends. Some may be closer to them than others, but they don’t stick to the small, tight-knit social circles that January Aquarians usually prefer.
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4. Flexible
One of the key differences between a January and a February Aquarius is that a February Aquarius is more flexible. January Aquarians tend to be stubborn, especially regarding things they’re passionate about.
February Aquarians are more flexible partially because they want to get along with the people around them. They’re more open to compromise and understand that their way may not always be the best for everyone.
Their flexible nature makes February Aquarians easy to collaborate with. They work well in groups and don’t get upset if things don’t go their way.
Aquarius is a fixed sign, so you may still see some stubbornness from a February Aquarius, but they know how to pick their battles. They won’t double down about something unless they genuinely believe it’s necessary.
5. Open-minded
The Aquarius personality tends to be open-minded, but this trait is most noticeable in February Aquarians. The stubbornness of a January Aquarius sometimes hides how progressive they really are.
February Aquarians are the best representation of this typical Aquarius trait. They are tolerant of others, no matter how different they are from them, and always willing to hear new points of view.
A February Aquarius will still listen to the opinions of others, even if they’ve made up their mind about something. They’re more open to the idea that they could be wrong and will reevaluate their opinions when necessary.
February Aquarians don’t always think their way is the best, either. They’re more open to hearing why someone might want to keep an old process, or parts of it, instead of doing away with it altogether.
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6. More Emotionally Open
February Aquarians tend to be more emotionally open. Of all the types of Aquarius, February Aquarians born in the third decan are the most emotionally open.
This doesn’t mean that February Aquarians are open books, though! They are just more comfortable expressing their emotions. It usually makes it easier for them to connect with people.
February Aquarians don’t usually come across as distant or aloof. Even if they keep certain things to themselves, they are better at talking to others about their feelings. They don’t bottle things up as much.
A February Aquarius is more likely to talk to a friend when feeling sad or angry. They still keep their cool, but they don’t want to completely hide their emotions from everyone.
7. Humorous
February Aquarians have a great sense of humor. Their sense of humor can be one area where they are just as odd and eccentric as their January counterparts, but their humor isn’t completely unintelligible to everyone else.
February Aquarians use humor to connect with the people around them. They can still be quirky in the things they find funny, but they’re good at telling jokes the people around them find funny.
A February Aquarius knows how to be silly and make other people laugh. They particularly enjoy wordplay, witty humor, and doing impressions. When they start joking around, they are the life of the party!
When a February Aquarius does tell a more niche joke, they know it will land. They’re good at finding people who enjoy their quirky humor.
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8. Compassionate
Being openly compassionate is a common February Aquarius characteristic. They are better at expressing concern for individual people instead of only looking at the big picture and focusing on the world as a whole.
A February Aquarius’ compassion makes their humanitarian nature more obvious. They also care about innovation and making the world a better place, but they are better at being sensitive to the needs of individuals.
A February Aquarius will listen while you talk to them about your problems. They’ll express sympathy and do what they can to make your life easier. They understand that sometimes, changing the world starts with changing one person’s life.
9. Gentle
Their gentle nature is one of the positive February Aquarius traits. February Aquarians care about honesty, but they also care about other people’s feelings.
A February Aquarius isn’t going to lie to you, but they will be more gentle when offering their opinions or telling you hard truths. They’re more likely to say things in a way that is sensitive to your feelings.
You won’t get brutal honesty from a February Aquarius. They know how to deliver even the worst of news compassionately and kindly. They are more understanding when people get upset with them for telling the truth, too.
February Aquarians are a bit more mindful of other people’s feelings. If they make an insensitive comment, they will try to apologize and make things right instead of insisting that the other person is too sensitive.
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10. Witty
February Aquarians are particularly witty. Like all Aquarians, they’re intellectual and tend to express their intelligence by showing off their quick wit.
A February Aquarius is especially good at thinking quickly on their feet. It might seem like they don’t always think something through before suggesting a solution or answering a question, but they do! They’re just good at thinking quickly.
Their sense of humor comes through in their wit, too. February Aquarians are great at exchanging witty banter and making intellectual jokes.
Their wit is one of the reasons February Aquarians are so fun to talk to! If you also enjoy witty banter, you can easily go back and forth with a February Aquarius for a while.
11. Down-to-earth
Of all the different sides of Aquarius, the down-to-earth nature of a February Aquarius can be the most surprising. Like all air signs, Aquarians sometimes have their head in the clouds, but February Aquarians are better at keeping grounded.
Their down-to-earth nature makes sense, considering Aquarius is an intellectual and logical sign. February Aquarians are good at focusing on what is practical and don’t get lost in grand, wild dreams of what the future could be like.
February Aquarians are better at focusing on what’s going on right now. They still have goals for the future, but they know that sometimes, you have to focus on making people happy right now instead of only worrying about the big picture.
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