
What to Expect Sexually From a Capricorn?

Updated September 20, 2024

Capricorn’s sexuality isn’t always apparent at first. Capricorns are cautious and take their time when it comes to sex.

Once you get a Capricorn to open up, you’ll be surprised to find they have a wild side! They are passionate and sensual.

Capricorns don’t jump right into things. They take their time with sex in multiple ways. They aren’t in a rush to open up or have sex. They like to take their time in the bedroom as well.

Capricorns usually prefer to take the lead, especially with a new partner. They don’t like to give up control unless they trust someone. They respect boundaries and don’t tend to be too controlling during sex, though.

Capricorns tend to have high stamina. They also have a wild side! As they open up more, sex will be exciting.

They Like to Take the Lead

Capricorn’s sexual compatibility tends to be higher with partners who can let them take the lead. You don’t need to be passive in the bedroom, but Capricorn doesn’t want a controlling partner.

Capricorns prefer to be in control during sex, at least with newer partners. They have a difficult time giving up control to other people.

Some Capricorns are more dominant than others. They may prefer to be in a dominant role, even with partners they love and trust. Other Capricorns might give up some control once they are more comfortable with their partner.

Either way, Capricorn will usually take the lead when initiating sex at first. When they are ready to have sex with you for the first time, you’ll know! They won’t expect you to take the lead and will prefer if they can do so instead.

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They Take Their Time

Sleeping with Capricorn too soon can sometimes be a problem because Capricorns prefer to take things slow. If you two rush into having sex, it might still be enjoyable, but you’ll miss out on certain things.

Capricorns typically prefer to have sex with someone they are comfortable with. They need to trust their partner. They don’t always need to be in love to have sex but prefer to be with someone they have some bond with.

Your Capricorn partner might take their time having sex with you, especially if they see potential in your relationship. If they rush into sex, that is often a sign that they just want sex rather than an actual relationship.

Capricorns take their time during sex too! They enjoy focusing on foreplay and aren’t in any rush to finish up.

They want sex to be an enjoyable experience and won’t bother having sex if they don’t have time to ensure everyone involved is satisfied.

They’re Responsible

What are Capricorns attracted to? Capricorns often benefit from having partners who are a little more emotional or expressive than they are.

Sometimes, spontaneity is also attractive to them, but only to a point. They are responsible during sex and need partners who are too.

Capricorns are responsible with who they sleep with. They typically don’t sleep with strangers and always take the necessary precautions with new partners.

Your Capricorn partner will not have sex with you if they have any doubt about your ability to consent. If you are intoxicated, they likely won’t sleep with you. They would rather you both be sober and in your right mind.

Capricorns want to ensure that everyone is safe during sex. If they believe there’s any chance something might go wrong or be unsafe, they will not have sex until they can fix the issues and ensure that they and their partner are safe.

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They’re Cautious

Capricorns tend to be cautious about everything they do, and that includes sex. They are not reckless at all and are focused on safety above all else.

Capricorns might have a wild side, but they don’t let that get in the way of their cautious nature. Capricorn carefully thinks through everything they do. They aren’t typically the type to have one-night stands because of this.

The cautious nature of Capricorn is one of the reasons they might wait to have sex. They don’t want to rush into anything with someone they don’t yet know well.

Your Capricorn partner will approach new things with caution. If you want to try out a new kink or position, they might want to think things over or do some research before trying it. They don’t want anyone to get hurt during sex.

They Have High Stamina

Capricorns in bed tend to have high stamina. They can maintain physical activity for an extended period, which is one reason they don’t tend to be in a rush when having sex.

Capricorns are just as hard-working in the bedroom as they are in other areas of their life. They aren’t the type to finish quickly and then rest. They will take as long as they need to ensure that they and their partner are satisfied.

For some Capricorns, high stamina comes with a high libido, but this isn’t always true. Your Capricorn partner likely won’t want to have sex all the time. They will make it worth your while when you do have sex, though!

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They Respect Boundaries

When having sex with Capricorn, you can trust they will respect your boundaries. They don’t tend to be overly spontaneous or reckless and typically ask before trying something new in the bedroom.

Capricorns typically want to talk things through before having sex. Your Capricorn partner might sit you down and discuss your preferences and boundaries before doing anything even remotely sexual with you.

It’s essential to tell your Capricorn partner what your boundaries are. They will respect them, but they have to know what they are first!

They aren’t always intuitive and might not pick up on the fact that you are uncomfortable with something until you say you are.

Your Capricorn partner will likely check in with you before trying anything new. You won’t have to worry about them surprising you with something in the bedroom. They’ll discuss things with you first.

They Have a Wild Side

Is Capricorn kinky? They can be! You likely won’t see that side of them right away, but they do have a wild side.

If you are in a new relationship with a Capricorn, you might not see their wild side the first few times you have sex. They might seem more vanilla, even if that’s not the case.

Your Capricorn partner will take a while to reveal their wild side. They won’t show it all at once, either. They will slowly open up as they become more comfortable with you.

If you have a wild side, you should reveal that to your Capricorn partner. That might help them feel more comfortable letting loose with you. Don’t push them too hard, but encourage them to open up and discuss all their preferences with you.

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They Take Time to Open Up

What do Capricorns like sexually? You likely won’t learn a Capricorn’s kinks or freaky preferences until you’ve been with them for a while. They take a long time to open up and feel comfortable with someone.

Your Capricorn partner might have more vanilla sex with you at first. In the early stages of your relationship, they may still want to have sex but won’t get too wild or reveal all their preferences right away.

Capricorns are honest and direct, but they don’t reveal everything about themselves immediately! They take a long time to fully open up to someone, even their sexual and romantic partners.

Your Capricorn partner might seem emotionally distant during sex, at least at first. Sex may be an entirely physical thing for them in the beginning, though they might get more intimate and emotional as you two grow closer.

They Can Be Passionate

If you want to know how to please a Capricorn, show them your passionate side. While Capricorns can seem overly severe at times, they can be passionate lovers, especially with someone they genuinely love and are comfortable with.

Capricorns might not always be that expressive, but they are passionate about what they care about! If your Capricorn partner loves you and enjoys having sex with you, you’ll definitely know that.

Capricorns tend to be more attracted to people who are also passionate.

If your Capricorn partner has strong feelings for you, they want to know those feelings are reciprocated! Be open, vibrant, and expressive with Capricorn, and you will both have a great time.

If your Capricorn partner ever seems distant and unimpassioned during sex, something might be wrong. If they enjoy having sex with you, they will be more expressive than they are outside the bedroom.

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They’re Sensual

Capricorns are sensual lovers, just like their fellow earth signs, Virgo and Taurus. They enjoy the sensual pleasures of sex, though this might not always be obvious at first.

Capricorns want sex to be an experience that ignites all their senses. While it might not always seem like it, Capricorns do like to have a good time!

The sense of touch is definitely something you should focus on when having sex with Capricorn. Don’t stop there, though! Wear perfume or cologne to appeal to their sense of smell or play music to please their ears.

Where does Capricorn like to be touched? The sign of Capricorn rules the knees, joints, and skeletal system.

This means that the knees tend to be an erogenous zone for Capricorns. They also enjoy full-body massages, with some extra attention on the joints.

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