If you want to attract Aries, you need to look good! While they are attracted to more than just looks, physical appearance definitely catches their eye first.
You should be physically fit, confident, and have good style if you want to attract Aries.
Once you’ve got an Aries’ attention, you can ensure they remain attracted to you by showing them that you have the traits they desire in a partner. The more boxes you check, the more they’ll be attracted to you.
Aries might be attracted to looks first, but they’ll remain attracted to you if you’re intelligent, ambitious, and funny. Aries really does want the “total package” when it comes to who they’re attracted to.
Aries is also attracted to self-reliance and independence. They want any potential partner to be able to take care of themselves.
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Physical Fitness
What does Aries find attractive? Aries tends to be attracted to people who are strong and physically fit.
Sometimes, Aries can be shallow. They might assume your fitness level based on your looks and body type, especially if they’ve never seen you do something to display your physical fitness in other ways.
It’s common for Aries to date people they meet at the gym or while playing sports. If you meet Aries while you’re both out jogging, they will know that you’re physically fit! They’ll find that attractive too.
Aries is a highly active person. They like to work out, play sports, and do physical activities as often as possible.
They are more attracted to physically fit people because they want a partner who can be active with them. They need someone who can keep up!
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Good Style
If you want to know how to attract Aries, you can catch their eye by having a good style. The way you dress is just as important as how you look!
You can more easily attract Aries in a crowd if you wear bright, bold colors. Vibrant reds and bold gold shades will catch Aries’ eye every time.
Color isn’t the only thing that is important when dressing to attract Aries. You should wear styles that show off your body and flatter you. Well-fit silhouettes and statement pieces highlighting your best features are a good idea.
You can be a little flashy when trying to attract an Aries person. Accessorize with expensive-looking jewelry or a watch. Wear things that make you stand out! Show off a bit if you want to get their attention.
Aries’ ideal partner is more than just physically attractive. Having the right looks might initially attract Aries, but they need more than that to remain attracted to someone for an extended period of time.
You can draw Aries in with your good looks and impress them with your physical fitness. If you want to attract Aries and keep them around, you must show off your intelligence too!
Aries isn’t always someone who you’d think of as being intelligent, but they are in their own way. They appreciate intelligence in other people too! They are especially attracted to people who aren’t just book-smart.
If you know a lot about something Aries doesn’t, they’ll be impressed. They’ll likely be more attracted when you use your intelligence too. They’ll find you attractive if they see that you can come up with solid solutions to problems.
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What attracts Aries more than anything? Confidence is key if you want to get Aries’ attention. You likely won’t attract them if you are overly shy or insecure, no matter how physically attractive you are.
Aries loves being around people who know their worth. They love it when someone is confident in themselves. Even if you don’t have the exact physical appearance Aries is looking for, confidence can make up for that.
They will find you attractive if you make bold, confident eye contact when you chat with Aries. They will notice you if you always hold your head high and walk confidently into a room!
If you aren’t always confident, don’t worry. You can fake it until you make it. Stand tall, smile, and make eye contact. That will help to attract Aries to you.
A Beautiful Smile
Aries’ favorite body part is usually the face! The sign of Aries rules the head and neck area, so this is often the part of the body Aries people are most drawn to.
You can always attract Aries with a beautiful smile. They will be drawn to you if you always seem to have a smile on your face. Laughter will attract them as well!
If Aries already likes you, they’ll try to put a smile on your face as often as possible. They will joke around and try to make you laugh. They’ll compliment you more often as well.
While a lovely smile alone might not be enough to get Aries’ full attention, it helps! This is one of the first things Aries will notice about you. Make sure your teeth are clean, and smile at them whenever you see them. They’ll love that.
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The secret to attracting Aries is acting like you know how much of a catch you are. Aries is attracted to self-assuredness. This is about more than just acting confident. You have to show Aries that you know you can do anything.
Aries themselves tends to be highly self-assured. They genuinely believe that they can do anything they set their mind to. They are confident in their abilities. If they say they can do something, they think they can.
Talk yourself up a little when you’re around Aries. You don’t have to be humble around them. If you’re good at your job, say that! Aries will find you far more attractive when you act like you know what you’re doing.
Of course, you don’t want to take this too far. Aries sometimes does, but acting self-assured without getting too cocky is best.
Being Flirtatious
If you want to attract Aries, be flirtatious. Aries loves to flirt and will be more likely to chat with you if they know you’ll be open to flirting with them.
If you’re unsure how to flirt with Aries, pay attention to how they flirt! Smile and make a lot of eye contact. Be confident in yourself. Don’t be afraid to get a little sultry and seductive too.
You can attract Aries by looking at them across the room, then batting your eyes or winking when they look your way. Lick your lips while holding eye contact with Aries. Make it clear that you want them. They’ll find that attractive.
Sometimes, Aries is more attracted to someone because they are interested in Aries. Knowing that you’re open to flirting with them and that you can have a bit of fun will make you more attractive to Aries.
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What traits are Aries attracted to? Ambition is one trait that many Aries people find irresistible. Aries wants to know that any potential partner has a strong desire to be successful.
Aries is more attracted to people who want to succeed in life. They tend to be ambitious and love being around people who are as well. They don’t want a partner who is lazy or floats through life and doesn’t ever want to do better.
You can show your Aries you are ambitious by talking about your goals. If you’ve already become successful in your career, talk about that too! If your ambitions are related to your hobbies or something else, openly discuss that too.
Aries will love knowing that you want to better yourself. They’ll also find it attractive if you’re more organized than Aries. They’ll love knowing you have a plan to match your ambitions.
Good Sense of Humor
If you want to know how to make Aries obsessed with you, make them laugh! Aries is highly attracted to people with a good sense of humor. If you can make Aries laugh, you’ll catch their eye.
What kind of humor does Aries like? Aries people enjoy a variety of types of comedy, including sarcasm, wit, wordplay, and even slapstick!
The key is to joke around whenever you’re with Aries, assuming it’s appropriate. Tell a few jokes to break the ice and pay attention to what Aries reacts to best.
If you can easily make Aries laugh, they’ll want to be around you more. They’ll find you attractive if you have a bold sense of humor.
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Aries’ compatibility is much higher with people who are independent and self-reliant. While Aries can be a helpful and supportive partner, they don’t want to date someone they have to always take care of.
You should show Aries that you know how to care for yourself if you want to attract them. Self-reliance is incredibly attractive to them. If Aries knows that you can handle yourself, they will be interested in being around you more.
Aries wants to know that potential partners won’t depend entirely on them. Show Aries that you are financially independent and can manage your household independently.
Let them see that you are a skilled, intelligent person who can stand up for yourself too!
When you can care for yourself, Aries will want to get to know you better. They will know that you can both maintain your independence if they pursue something serious with you.
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