Arousing a Capricorn man can seem tricky at times. The setting needs to be just right, or you won’t be able to turn him on.
Capricorn men don’t like public displays of affection. You’ll want to be alone before you start trying to rile him up.
Capricorn men have a wild side, but not everyone will see it! Your Capricorn man wants to have a good time with you. Save anything sexual for when you two are alone, though.
If you two aren’t alone, be subtle. You can dress elegantly and appeal to his intellectual side. Show off your ambition and appeal to his sensual side. Just don’t go overboard!
Your Capricorn man will likely show you the best way to arouse him. If you are patient and let him lead, he’ll show you the best way to get him riled up.
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Be Alone With Him
If you want to know how to turn on a Capricorn man, you need to have him alone! Capricorn men do not like public displays of affection.
If you start trying to seduce your Capricorn man while you two are on a date, you’ll get the exact opposite of what you want most of the time.
Save anything overly sexy for when it’s just the two of you. Some men like it when you play footsie with them or send them flirtatious texts while at work. Capricorn men are not those men!
Once you’re alone with your Capricorn man, you’re free to touch and speak to him as you please.
There are more subtle things you can do in public to attract your Capricorn man, but save the majority of your seduction for behind closed doors.
Is your Capricorn man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Be Genuine
If you want to arouse a Capricorn man, be yourself. He’ll be able to tell if you’re putting on an act to impress him. He won’t find that attractive.
Capricorn men are attracted to honesty. If you know your Capricorn man has a preference in bed that you can’t stand, don’t try to do what he wants just to please him.
You might think your Capricorn man would be aroused by you just going along with what he likes, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
If your Capricorn man thinks you’re only doing something to please him, he’ll likely back off. You’ll be able to arouse him far better by doing things you both like.
Be open with your Capricorn man about your preferences. Talk candidly with him about your likes and dislikes. He’ll be far more aroused by your honesty.
Dress Elegantly
If you want to know how to attract a Capricorn man in public, dress elegantly. You can catch his eye and start getting him riled up by wearing the right clothing.
Capricorn men love elegant, sophisticated styles. You don’t need to show off your entire body to please him. You just need to dress well.
If you and your Capricorn man go to a fancy restaurant, look the part! Wear your best clothing and show off your figure without revealing too much.
Wear clothing that flatters your form. A well-fit dress or a blouse that hugs your curves while still being classy will catch your Capricorn man’s eye.
Many Capricorn men also like high-heels. Legs are one of a Capricorn man’s favorite parts of a woman, so heels are a great way to show off your legs while still being elegant and classy.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Capricorn man. →
Show Off Your Mind
Intelligence is one of a Capricorn man’s turn-ons. If you want to turn him on, show off your mind, not just your body.
Attracting a Capricorn man can be challenging at times. You need to be far more than just a pretty face! Even if you’re just interested in something physical, he still needs more from you.
It will arouse your Capricorn man just knowing you’re not afraid to show off your intelligence. If you can have an intellectual conversation with him, that will attract him to you.
Conversation is a great way to start arousing your Capricorn man before you go to bed with him. He’ll be intrigued by your mind and want to spend more time alone with you.
You can also show off your mind and how well-spoken you are in the bedroom. Many Capricorn men love dirty talk, especially the kind that is witty and funny rather than crude.
Show Off Your Ambition
What are Capricorn men attracted to? Ambition is one trait that Capricorn men find incredibly sexy.
Your Capricorn man will love seeing how independent and determined you are. If you have a goal in mind, don’t let anything stop you from reaching it!
Talk to your Capricorn man about what your goals in life are. Let him know what your career plans are. Hearing that you are as ambitious and hardworking as he is will turn him on.
There is nothing more attractive to a Capricorn man than an ambitious woman. You don’t need to speak in innuendo when you two are out together to try and turn him on. Just make it obvious how determined you are to get everything you want.
This is a great way to start getting him riled up when you cannot be more obviously seductive.
A tiny trick to snatch your Capricorn man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Don’t Reveal Everything
A Capricorn man’s fantasy world isn’t that wild, so you need to leave something to the imagination when you’re getting your Capricorn man riled up.
When you’re with your Capricorn man, you don’t need to show everything off immediately. If you two are in the bedroom together, you can take your time when getting to the main act.
For example, you can offer him a strip tease. You don’t need to be in any hurry to get your clothes off once you two are alone together.
The anticipation will be far sexier than if you revealed everything immediately. If your relationship is new, you don’t need to disclose all your sexual fantasies right away, either.
Keep your Capricorn man on his toes. You want to give him something to look forward to in the future, so he’ll love knowing that you haven’t shown all your cards just yet.
Don’t Be Aggressive
Whether you’ve already got a Capricorn man in bed or you’re trying to seduce him, make sure you’re not too aggressive in your attempts to arouse him.
When you’re in public with him, be subtle. Stick to dressing elegantly, showing off your mind, displaying ambition, and other things that aren’t obviously seductive.
You will turn your Capricorn man off if you’re too forward or aggressive in public. You’ll also turn him off if you’re too aggressive in the bedroom!
Capricorn men often like to take the lead. Even if your Capricorn man lets you lead, he still doesn’t enjoy rough or aggressive sex.
You can be gentle with your Capricorn man. Explore his body and make sure that he knows you two can slow down the pace whenever he wants.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Capricorn man (they work like magic) →
Appeal To His Sensual Side
Capricorn men are sensual in the bedroom, just like their fellow earth sign Taurus. If you want to arouse him, you can do basic things to appeal to his sensual side.
Set the mood before you two get down the business. Wear a perfume in his favorite scent or light scented candles. Put your nicest, softest sheets on the bed. Make sure your skin is silky smooth.
The setting is vital when going to bed with a Capricorn man. If he’s at all uncomfortable, he won’t want to have sex. Make sure things are clean and cozy so he can have a good time.
You can also appeal to his sensual side by wearing sexy lingerie. Wear something that looks and feels good. He’ll be aroused when he sees you wearing it.
Let Him Lead
A Capricorn man’s sexuality won’t be apparent to you right away. He can be a passionate lover with the right partner, but you need to give him time to show that side of himself.
Let him take the lead if you want to arouse a Capricorn man and show him that you respect him.
A Capricorn man will feel more comfortable when he is in control. It will also turn him on!
Give your Capricorn man the chance to seduce you, rather than trying to seduce him all the time. He’ll be far more aroused when he feels like he’s in control.
Use these secrets to make your Capricorn man love you (they work like magic) →
Go Slow
Your Capricorn man is unlikely to go to bed with you on the first date. He will take his time getting to know you and likely set a slower pace for the relationship.
Be patient! Knowing that you’re willing to wait for him will be a huge turn-on for your Capricorn man.
You can still take things slowly once you’ve got him in the bedroom. Capricorn men often prefer a slow, steady pace when it comes to sex.
Sleeping with a Capricorn man should never be a rushed affair. If he didn’t have time to go to bed with you, he wouldn’t. He will want to savor the time he has with you, so there’s no need to pick up the pace unless he wants to.
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