Looking for signs a Sagittarius man likes you can be difficult for some people.
How do Sagittarius flirt? The exact way varies, but he’ll flirt with almost anyone. That’s not the sign you’re looking for if you want to know if he likes you.
You aren’t going to know a Sagittarius man is interested in you romantically just because he kisses you or has sex with you.
He might just be doing that for fun. Once it stops being fun, he’ll move on.
Look for a Sagittarius man who listens to you, is attentive to your needs, and willingly opens up to you.
On the other hand, Sagittarius men can be selfish, and they aren’t the best when it comes to emotions or talking about feelings.
If he seeks you out and actively wants to spend time with you, that’s a good sign he likes you as well.
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1. He Listens
When a Sagittarius man kisses you, that isn’t always a sign he wants to be in a relationship. However, when he listens to you, especially when it comes to emotional things, that’s the sign you’re looking for.
A Sagittarius man is always down to listen to an exciting story, of course. But that doesn’t mean much in terms of whether or not he likes you.
If you’re having a bad day and he listens to you rant and rave, that’s a sign he cares. But, if you open up to him emotionally and he sticks around to hear you out, that’s an even better sign.
You’ll know he was listening when he remembers things about you. So, for example, if you told him about a fight you had with your sister, and he later asks if you two made up, he was actually listening to you.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Sagittarius man. →
2. He Asks About You
This is one of the more obvious signs a Sagittarius has a crush on you.
If he asks you many personal questions, he’s trying to get to know you better. This means he’s at least intrigued by you.
Sagittarius men don’t like small talk, and they won’t bother asking somebody questions if they don’t want to get to know them.
He might ask mutual friends about you as well. He might ask your best friend what your favorite flower is so he can surprise you with a bouquet.
He’ll ask your friends if you’re doing okay when he hasn’t heard from you in a while.
He doesn’t do any of those things just to be nice. He does them because he cares about you.
3. Generosity
Sagittarius men love to give things to the people they care about. These may not always be grandiose gifts, but they always come from the heart when he loves somebody.
If he gives you a gift just because and doesn’t expect anything in return, he likes you. For example, he might drop by with lunch when you’re having a busy day at work. He might gift you with tickets to see your favorite band.
He’ll be generous with his time as well. If he frequently makes plans with you or forgoes something he wants to do for something you enjoy, he likes you.
Want to know how to tell if a Sagittarius man is using you? He’ll take more than he gives back. When a Sagittarius man isn’t generous, that’s a sign he’s keeping you around because he wants something from you.
4. Travels With You
Sagittarius men love to travel. They enjoy doing so alone and with friends. Therefore, if he frequently invites you to go places with him, that shows he wants you around.
When he says yes to your invitation to go somewhere, that’s also a good sign. This is especially true if it’s not an exciting destination.
For example, if he goes with you to your cousin’s wedding in Nebraska, he’s doing that because he likes you, not because he wants to go to the wedding.
When he likes somebody, he doesn’t mind going places with them frequently. Traveling with them is just as much of an adventure as traveling by himself.
If he’s able to have just as much fun with you as he has alone, he’ll want to go places with you even more.
5. He’s Relaxed
This is a big sign a Sagittarius man likes you as more than a friend. Sagittarius rarely takes time just to sit back and relax.
He’s constantly on the go! So if he can just chill with you without thinking about where he’s going to run off to next, he likes you.
Having a quiet night in is not exactly a Sagittarius man’s idea of a good time. He often gets restless when he’s not actively doing something.
If he’s able to stay in with you on a Friday night doing nothing at all, that is an excellent sign he has feelings for you.
He won’t stay in just because you want him to, either. He’ll do so gladly so that he can spend some time with you. You’ll be able to tell if he’s relaxed, rather than just being bored.
Is your Sagittarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
6. Seeks You Out
If you two run in the same circles and he’s constantly finding you when you’re at the same bar or party, he’s seeking you out.
Sagittarius men will avoid people they don’t like. They are very good at this! So if he doesn’t like you, you’re not going to run into him.
He might go to an event just because he hears you’re going to be there. He’ll look for you and find any excuse to come chat with you.
He could be talking to anyone when he’s in a group. He’s exciting and charismatic; it’s not as if he lacks people who will interact with him.
When he wants explicitly to interact with you over anyone else, that’s a sign he likes you.
7. Opens Up
Sagittarius will talk with almost anyone and flirt with them as well, so how do you know if a Sagittarius man likes you? If he starts opening up to you, that’s a good indicator of his feelings for you.
Sagittarius men are known for bottling up their feelings and avoiding emotional discussions. If he voluntarily opens up to you about something difficult for him to talk about, that’s his way of trying to connect with you.
He doesn’t try to connect with just anyone, either. He only does that when he likes somebody and is interested in pursuing a relationship with them.
If he cries around you or openly shows emotion, that means he’s comfortable around you.
A Sagittarius man pulling away and refusing to discuss anything feelings-related means he’s probably not that into you. He might like you, but his feelings aren’t that deep.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Sagittarius man... →
8. He’s Attentive
If a Sagittarius man is constantly hanging on your every word, that’s an excellent sign you’ve caught his eye.
When he likes you, he’ll be attentive to your needs as well. Of course, he can be a selfish lover, but if he cares about somebody, he’ll be willing to put their needs first (at least sometimes).
He’ll notice when you’re having a bad day because he’s paying attention to you. He’ll remember your favorite color, favorite flower, etc., because he’s making an effort to notice those things about you.
If a Sagittarius man acts distant and inattentive, that doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like you. It may just mean he needs space. Give him that space.
If he comes back and starts paying attention to you and your needs again, he probably likes you.
9. Responds to Texts
This can be one of the more subtle signs a Sagittarius man secretly likes you. But, of course, you expect people to reply to your texts, right? Sagittarius isn’t always the best about doing this, though.
He sometimes ignores texts because he’s busy. He’s not going to check his phone constantly when he’s having a good time or working on something.
He also ignores texts when he just doesn’t want to talk to somebody. He won’t respond just to be polite. He’s not the kind of person who cares about social niceties like that.
If you text him and he responds right away and then continues doing so, he’s interested in you. He could be doing so many other things, but he’s choosing to put aside some time to respond to you.
This magic will make your Sagittarius man want a relationship with you. →
10. Caring Gestures
When he takes time out of his schedule to visit you when you’re sick, he cares about you.
He’ll do little things to show you how he feels. For example, he might bring over your favorite food when he knows you had a bad day. He’ll comfort you when you’re sad, even if he’s uncomfortable around crying people.
He’ll be physically affectionate. If he’s constantly holding your hand, putting an arm around your shoulder, or scooting close when you’re sitting together, that’s a good sign.
If he is cold and not physically affectionate at all, this is one of the signs a Sagittarius man doesn’t like you.
He’s affectionate with his friends, not just his romantic interests. If he refuses to go near you, you should go after somebody else.
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