If you want to get to know a Capricorn man intimately, then you need to know how to seduce a Capricorn man.
What does this stoic zodiac sign find sexy?
Because he is so unemotional and has a hard time expressing his feelings, it can be hard to tell whether or not you’re impressing a Capricorn guy.
So, what are some tips and tricks to attract this serious astrological sign?
Once you have a better understanding of his sign’s personality and behaviors in love, then you will know the steps to seduce a Capricorn man.
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1. Get Him Alone
Capricorn men typically aren’t very demonstrative of their feelings, and they aren’t into public displays of affection.
If he isn’t as flirtatious with you in front of other people as he is in private, don’t assume it’s one of the signs a Capricorn man is not into you.
Even a Capricorn man in love gets uncomfortable with public displays of affection. He finds touching in public uncomfortable and embarrassing.
He thinks some things should be sacred and saved for private moments, and he also fears the public embarrassment of getting rejected or pushed away in front of others.
When he wants to get to know you better or show you some affection, he will try to spend time alone with you.
If he asks you to hang out without your other friends, it’s one of the signs that a Capricorn guy likes you.
Don’t try to seduce him in front of other people. If you flirt with him in front of his friends, refrain from being too touchy-feely or overtly sexual.
The first step to seducing a Capricorn man is getting him alone. Wait until you are on a one-on-one date, or pull him aside from everyone else if you’re around other people.
He is too guarded to be flirtatious and seductive with you in public, so creating or waiting for a private moment is of the utmost importance.
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2. Don’t Play Hard to Get
Some zodiac signs love it when a woman plays hard to get because they enjoy the thrill of the chase, but Capricorn is not one of those signs.
Although he may appear strong and confident, a Capricorn man is actually surprisingly insecure. He won’t risk embarrassment by pursuing a woman who doesn’t seem interested in him.
If you want to know how to make a Capricorn man want you, then you need to let him know that you want him.
Don’t be too aggressive – remember, he doesn’t like public displays of affection or when a lady is too forward.
But he does like a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it, so make it clear that you reciprocate his feelings and are attracted to him, too.
Give him lots of compliments, find excuses to touch his arm or sit close to him, and smile at him from across the room to convey your interest.
3. Be Sensual
A Capricorn guy isn’t very touchy-feely, but he can be sensual when he’s alone with his lover. He also finds ways to show how much he cares, even in front of others.
If he stands close to you, takes the seat next to you, or makes physical contact with you in public, these are signs a Capricorn man is attracted to you.
He likes a woman who isn’t necessarily affectionate but still expresses her sensuality in other ways.
You can seduce him by wearing lush fabrics that are pleasing to touch. He won’t be able to resist touching you if you wear a silk dress or a velvet top.
You could also try placing a finger on your lips when you’re deep in thought or trailing a finger along your clavicle to draw attention to your neck and chest.
Being coy and reserved works much better to seduce a Capricorn man than grabbing his face and making out with him.
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4. Be Mysterious
When a Capricorn man likes you, he will want to learn as much about you as he can. He is trying to figure out how compatible you are and get to know you like no one else.
While it’s important to open up to him, you should take it slowly and let him get to know you gradually over time.
Don’t blurt out all of your secrets and innermost thoughts and desires on the first date. Make him curious about you by holding some things back for later.
If you show him all that there is to know about you right away, he will think that you’re not very complex. He will lose interest if you aren’t mysterious at all.
5. Let Him Take Charge
Every zodiac sign belongs to one of three modalities: cardinal, mutable, or fixed. A sign’s modality tells us how that sign moves through and interacts with the world.
Capricorn is a cardinal sign, and cardinal signs are known for being natural leaders. A Capricorn man has a dominant personality and he likes to take charge.
He enjoys filling the traditional male role of being dominant in relationships and the bedroom.
If you want to seduce a Capricorn guy, let him take the lead and be the boss. Never emasculate him or try to control him.
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6. Show, Don’t Tell
A Capricorn man believes that behaviors speak louder than words. He is a man of action and will never placate you with empty promises.
If you want to know how to make a Capricorn man happy in bed, you should show him what you like instead of just telling him.
Instead of saying that you are interested in fantasy role play in the bedroom, take the initiative by buying some costumes and accessories and surprising him with them.
Greet him at the door in your new outfit and demonstrate exactly what you want. This is sure to turn him on far more than merely whispering your desires to him.
7. Don’t Play Games
Some zodiac signs like a little bit of playful jealousy to spice up a relationship, but Capricorn is not one of these signs.
A Capricorn man is possessive, so when he likes a woman, he doesn’t want to see her with another man.
If you want to know how to make a Capricorn man chase you, don’t think that making him jealous will work.
Be straightforward and sincere rather than playing mind games and trying to make him jealous. He is a very direct guy, so if you act like you are interested in someone else, he will believe you and move on.
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8. Be Elegantly Sexy
What attracts a Capricorn man is a refined, sensual lady. He doesn’t like it when a woman is too overtly sexual or obvious about her sexuality.
When you’re trying to seduce a Capricorn guy, you should wear something elegant rather than flashy.
Don’t wear a neon outfit covered in rhinestones or lingerie with so many straps that he can’t figure out how to take it off of you.
Opt for a sexy matching black bra and panty set under a simple little black dress if you want to blow a Capricorn man away.
9. Take Your Time
Because he is so reluctant to let his guard down, a Capricorn man moves very slowly in relationships.
He doesn’t want to open himself up and divulge all of his secrets only to be rejected and have his heart broken.
He is capable of enjoying a one-night stand, but he would rather be intimate with a woman he shares a mental connection with.
When you’re trying to seduce a Capricorn guy, remember to be patient. Going slow will build the mystery, passion, and intensity of your connection to him.
If you try to be intimate with him too soon, he will lose interest quickly. Take your time to get to know him if you want to make your romance last.
Once you are sleeping with your Capricorn guy, you should continue to go slowly in bed, too.
He is not rough and animalistic when it comes to sex and prefers a slow, sensual style of love-making.
Practice patience and self-control, even during your most intimate moments with your Capricorn partner.
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10. Show Your Intelligence
If you are wondering how to make a Capricorn man obsessed with you, you have to be his intellectual equal.
Capricorn is a very cerebral sign, and a Capricorn guy won’t have a lasting attraction to someone he can’t make a mental connection with.
When you want to seduce a Capricorn man, you should never dumb yourself down or act more naive than you really are.
Show off your intelligence by carrying a stimulating conversation on subjects that interest him. Let him see that you are educated, well-spoken, and have informed opinions on serious topics.
Talking about current events or politics may not seem like the best way to seduce a man, but it shows your Capricorn guy that you are smart.
To him, a woman’s sexiest body part is her brain, so let him see how attractive and powerful yours is.
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