Neptune quincunx the Vertex misaligned dreams and imagination with destiny and fate. Important encounters may not live up to the visions someone has of them.
There can be a sense of mysticism in this aspect. However, that can cloud judgment and make it difficult to accept genuinely fated encounters.
What does Neptune quincunx the Vertex mean? This aspect calls for someone to learn lessons about dreams, enlightenment, and imagination. Escapism can be common, especially when fated encounters don’t go as expected.
Individuals may dream of finding their soulmate or encountering people who change their lives or solve their problems. They will be disappointed when their destined meetings are not how they imagined.
Couples are fated in some way, but not as they envisioned they were. Weak boundaries, escapism, and an unhealthy, idealistic view of romance must all be overcome.
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Neptune quincunx the Vertex in a chart calls for someone to examine how they think of fate and destiny. An overly romantic view of these things can get in the way of accepting genuine, beneficial encounters with others.
People with this aspect in their charts sometimes have trouble accepting their true fates. They have a vision of their life and the kind of love and connection they will find. It will be difficult for them to accept reality.
If you have Neptune quincunx the Vertex in your Natal Chart, you must pay attention to your fated encounters. You can easily convince yourself that a particular relationship or experience is fated when it is not, only to ignore your true destiny.
Your dreams and destiny are not in alignment. You might have a wild imagination and many visions of how you want your future to be. You may think of the perfect partner and have a specific idea of how you want your life to be with them.
The fated encounters you have will not line up with your imagined ones. You could have encounters that force you to confront reality. You might have a romantic encounter with someone, but they won’t live up to your idea of romance.
You typically have to adjust how you view fate. You must reflect on your dreams and views about love, destiny, and intuition. You need to accept that sometimes, your imagination is overly active, and your dreams aren’t realistic.
You can and will still have fated encounters. Important people will come into your life, but they won’t be perfect and won’t fix everything for you. You will have destined experiences that are difficult just as often as those that are healing and enlightening.
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Neptune quincunx the Vertex during a transit can bring fated encounters into your life that are very different from the ones you imagine you’ll have. They might not be entirely welcome because of this.
If Neptune transits your natal Vertex, escapism and delusions can get in the way of accepting destiny. You could meet someone crucial to your journey, but you may not want to admit that.
If the Vertex transits your natal Neptune, a fated encounter could force you to confront reality. You could become disillusioned and have specific dreams shattered. This transit will not be pleasant, but it will be necessary.
You might try to avoid or run from the Neptune-Vertex quincunx’s energy, but you won’t be able to for long. You may not want to accept specific fated encounters or even acknowledge they are fated.
You should be mindful during this time so you don’t convince yourself that something is destiny when it’s not or that something isn’t fated when it is. Don’t tell yourself someone is important just because you want a specific person to be.
During this time, you should examine your dreams and ideas about romance, destiny, and fate. How do they align with the reality you find yourself in? If they don’t align, what can you change about your dreams so they do?
Don’t let your imagination get the best of you during this transit. Don’t escape into a fantasy because things aren’t going your way. You can only meet people who will help you if you are open to genuine encounters.
Your life won’t always be as envisioned, and you must accept that. You can find important people who will strongly impact your life, but you must be willing to accept those who don’t fit your image of a perfect encounter.
Neptune quincunx the Vertex in synastry creates a disconnect between one partner’s dreams and the other’s destiny. One partner may feel this relationship is fated, but the other won’t necessarily agree.
The Neptune partner in this relationship might have a specific view of destiny that doesn’t align with the Vertex partner’s. They won’t always see the importance of this relationship because of their fantasies or a tendency to escape reality.
The Vertex partner in this relationship will see the destined aspects of their connection with the Neptune partner. However, they can become discouraged and disillusioned when the Neptune partner disagrees about how significant this relationship is.
Sometimes, the Neptune partner doesn’t even realize the tension and conflict that is going on in this relationship. They might purposefully ignore it, but their judgment and ability to see it could just be clouded.
Even if these two are compatible in other ways, how important they think this relationship is doesn’t align. This misalignment is one of the Neptune quincunx the Vertex cons. It can lead to hurt feelings in both partners.
Both partners must reflect on this relationship and what it means. The Vertex partner may have to stop putting too much stock into fate and work on the actual relationship they are in.
The Neptune partner should accept reality and see the relationship for what it is. They should stop imagining their perfect relationship and enjoy one with their Vertex partner.
These two can become more enlightened and discover a more realistic form of romance. These are some of the Neptune quincunx the Vertex pros. They can learn to appreciate one another and form a solid bond.
Regardless of whether these two are together forever, they can have a beautiful relationship. When they are both open, honest, and realistic, they can bond and have the romance they desire.
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Neptune quincunx the Vertex in a Composite Chart can create a dynamic between two people destined to meet and be together. However, their destiny won’t necessarily align with their dreams for this relationship.
Sometimes, each partner in this relationship wants slightly different things. One might believe they are soulmates, while the other doesn’t believe in such a thing. One could be more serious about this relationship than the other but convince themselves they are on the same page.
These two could both be dedicated to this relationship, but not in the same way. They could also have overly idealized views about romance and relationships and will be disappointed when this relationship doesn’t live up to those ideas.
This relationship can sometimes be confusing for both partners. They might feel drawn to one another and then be unable to understand why once they get together. They may feel they have too many incompatibilities.
While that could be true, sometimes these incompatibilities aren’t genuinely there. These two are just expecting perfection. One partner might hope the other will act as they’ve imagined a partner would, but that isn’t realistic.
Each partner needs to reflect on their relationship expectations and desires. They must ask themselves if they are being realistic or if they’re losing themselves in fantasies.
These two also need to communicate more openly and honestly. Each partner must talk about what they want and how they feel instead of assuming they agree about everything.
Solar Return
Neptune quincunx the Vertex during a solar return typically indicates that you will likely have some encounters or experiences in the upcoming year that do not align with what you’ve envisioned for yourself.
You must confront reality this year, and your destined encounters could help. You won’t be able to grow and change as you’re meant to if you continue to escape into a fantasy.
When Neptune is inconjunct the Vertex, you may feel you’re becoming disillusioned, and you won’t enjoy that. You might realize that specific dreams and fantasies are unrealistic and will never come true.
Accepting reality can be difficult, especially if you feel it’s being forced on you. You might meet someone who makes it impossible to continue living in your fantasies. You may want to escape and ignore them, but you won’t be able to.
You shouldn’t run away from them, either, even if it is possible. You will never discover your destiny or realize your full potential if you don’t embrace reality and accept the encounters that come into your life.
Be open-minded in the upcoming year. If you meet a potential romantic interest or other significant person who doesn’t align with your fantasies of the perfect partner, don’t completely shut them down before giving them a chance.
Don’t let Neptune cloud your judgment. Instead, lean into its enlightening energy. Accept reality, follow your destiny, and discover how you can utilize imagination and creativity in more realistic, beneficial ways.
You will be better off accepting your fated encounters and destined experiences, even if they aren’t entirely what you want. Instead of living in a fantasy, you can learn and grow.
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