Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith puts Neptune’s dreamy and imaginative energy in conflict with Black Moon Lilith’s primal instincts and wild nature.
Boundaries can be difficult with this quincunx. Finding liberation and enlightenment can be challenging, and these things might seem entirely out of sync.
What does Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith mean? This aspect calls for an examination of the ways boundaries, dreams, liberation, and the inner shadow work together. The intensity of Black Moon Lilith and the subtlety of Neptune can be misaligned.
Individuals may push boundaries with others or lack boundaries of their own, but they will want to be liberated. Couples may fixate on one another but simultaneously try to break free from codependent behaviors.
It is essential to examine the dynamics between desires and dreams. Exploring the shadow side and subconscious can lead to a deeper sense of self-understanding.
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Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith in a chart calls for someone to explore the relationship between their subconscious and shadow. Boundaries might be difficult for them, and they may sometimes be unable to discern genuine intuition and instinct from illusions.
People with this aspect in their charts might be interested in exploring their hidden depths or the more metaphysical side of life. They may long for spiritual and emotional connections but have a conflicting desire for complete liberation.
If you have Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith in your Natal Chart, boundaries are a crucial lesson you must learn. This quincunx calls you to examine how you interact with others.
You may lose yourself in fantasies, escapism, or self-destructive behaviors. Your shadow can get the best of you and make it difficult to discern the difference between what you want and how things are.
You might desire someone, and you can convince yourself they feel the same. You might relentlessly pursue romantic interests sometimes, believing that is what true love and passion look like. You are mistaken, though.
You must self-reflect and discover healthier ways of connecting with others. Your freedom and desires are important, but so are everyone else’s. You must also learn to connect to your shadow and imagination without sabotaging and destroying yourself.
Examine your dreams and desires. Do these align? Are they connected to reality? Can you express them and get what you want in healthy, productive ways that respect the boundaries of others?
Don’t deceive yourself. Don’t let your shadow control you. Don’t let your dreams become delusions. Instead, focus on discovering the truth. That will liberate you and allow you to connect in all your desired ways.
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Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith during a transit calls you to discard illusions and false dreams to get a better sense of your inner self, primal desires, and true mystical gifts.
If Neptune transits your natal Black Moon Lilith, you may need to work through the discomfort of having incompatible dreams and desires. Your subconscious and shadow are out of sync, and you must focus on aligning them.
If Black Moon Lilith transits your natal Neptune, you might feel something is holding you back from finding true liberation. Your own delusions or external forces could cloud your judgment and disconnect you from your instincts.
The Neptune-Black Moon Lilith quincunx can leave you confused, insecure, and even scared. You won’t feel entirely connected to all aspects of yourself, which can be upsetting and frightening.
The more idealized version of the world you have in your mind may not align with your sexual or primal desires or the instincts you have about the world. You may also have some delusions about yourself that your inner darkness can reveal to be untrue.
It’s easy to become disillusioned during this time. You should focus on uncovering hidden aspects of yourself and clearing your mind and soul of illusions to understand yourself better.
You have a wild nature within you. You also have a connection to the divine and mystical sides of life. These things can sometimes feel unbalanced and misaligned, but you can make adjustments so they can work together.
You must focus on connecting to and integrating your shadow side during this transit. You must also try to find true enlightenment, not the false delusions that come with trying to escape from everything that scares you.
Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith in synastry creates a disconnect between one partner’s imagination and boundaries and the other’s shadow side or hidden aspects of their personality.
It’s common for this couple to have trouble forming a healthy emotional connection. The Neptune partner might become overly enmeshed or dependent, while the Black Moon Lilith partner feels their needs are unmet.
The Black Moon Lilith partner can also feel stifled in this relationship. They may not want the same things as the Neptune partner. They can sometimes become manipulative to get what they want as well.
Boundaries can be challenging in this relationship. One partner could have none, while the other has too many. They may both push past each other’s boundaries as well. These are some of the Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith cons.
Each partner should examine their needs and desires. If the Black Moon Lilith partner feels resentful, they should ask themselves why that is. If the Neptuner partner lacks self-awareness or has unrealistic expectations, they should self-reflect.
This quincunx can sometimes add an intense element to a relationship. It can come with manipulation, deception, and delusions. However, if this couple is willing to make adjustments and explore the root causes of their conflict, they can eventually develop a bond.
Sometimes, the Neptune partner’s fantasies are a coverup for fears and insecurities. The Black Moon Lilith partner’s rage can also hide their worries. Both partners must examine why they hide how they truly feel.
When they can open up about these emotions, they can heal from them, which is one of the Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith pros. They can stop deceiving themselves and one another.
Building trust is essential in this relationship. That will be possible when this couple can set clear boundaries, open up about their needs and desires, and listen to one another.
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Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith in a Composite Chart calls for a couple to explore the differences between the more primal, untamed desires within them and the dreamy, romantic fantasies they likely both have.
It can be difficult for this couple to connect to their shadows and life’s ethereal, spiritual side. One might be more connected to their romantic dreams, while the other is connected to their shadow side and dark desires.
This can make it difficult for this couple to establish boundaries, explore desires and fantasies, and develop a realistic emotional bond. Both partners can get lost in fantasies or a need for liberation.
Boundaries can be blurred in this relationship, too. One partner’s desire for an idyllic relationship could cause them to entirely give in to the other’s desires while ignoring their own. Both partners could have trouble exploring individual dreams and desires while trying to form a connection.
Each partner should examine what they want out of this relationship. They should look at their dreams and ask if they can achieve them. They must reflect on their desires and open up about them to one another, even if they fear they will be met with rejection.
There will sometimes be contradictory elements in this relationship. This couple could be overly connected sometimes but distant at others as they try to break free and liberate themselves.
These two should explore desires and dreams together while acknowledging they are still separate people. They can have different needs, spiritual goals, and primal desires.
Darker desires and more romantic, dreamy ones don’t have to be at odds. Instead, this couple can learn how to explore all sides of themselves. That will allow them to form a stronger connection.
Solar Return
Neptune quincunx Black Moon Lilith during a solar return typically indicates that you must examine how you view power and liberation in the upcoming year. You may have dreams that are out of alignment with your shadow, desires, and true inner self.
You may let idealism and fantasies prevent you from addressing fears and insecurities. You might escape from anything that holds you back instead of addressing it head-on and freeing yourself from it.
The boundaries between fantasy and reality can sometimes blur when Neptune is inconjunct Black Moon Lilith. You may also feel intense emotions you don’t know how to control. You might feel rage, depression, resentment, and guilt throughout this year.
You might feel that your spiritual intuition and primal instincts tell you very different things in the upcoming year. When this happens, stop and reflect. Don’t listen to one side and ignore the other. You must discover how to honor them both.
You must acknowledge that delusions are preventing you from fulfilling your true desires. If you are getting lost in fantasies or refusing to accept your shadow side, you cannot be truly connected to every aspect of your being.
Self-reflect and uncover any hidden fears or insecurities you have within you. Be prepared to do some shadow work and face dark aspects of your inner self.
You can empower yourself when you discard delusions, accept your desires, and overcome your fears. You can learn how to listen to your intuition and instincts. You can connect to the ethereal and primal sides of your true nature.
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