The Moon quincunx Neptune in a chart typically creates hypersensitivity because there is a lot of tension regarding instincts and emotions.
This quincunx can lead to strange, unsettling dreams, confusing feelings, and an influx of instinctual feelings that are difficult to deal with.
What does a Moon-Neptune quincunx mean? This quincunx creates tension between Neptune’s dreamy, almost psychic energy and the emotions, instincts, and need for security of the Moon.
This quincunx can make a person distrustful or afraid of their instincts. The influence of Neptune might give them wild dreams that disturb and upset them. A relationship dealing with this quincunx might have a complete lack of trust and emotional stability.
There is a high amount of sensitivity in this quincunx. It can lead to confusion, anxiety, distrust, and overly neurotic feelings.
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When the Moon is quincunx Neptune in a Natal Chart, this can create a high level of intuition and even psychic energy, which leads to anxiety, confusion, and tension.
A person with this quincunx in their chart will likely be hypersensitive to what is happening around them but also feel like they can’t trust their instincts and intuition.
For example, a person with this quincunx may constantly feel as if they are in danger or like people around them are being deceptive. They might have trouble trusting those instincts, though.
Sometimes, the instincts may be off, but that won’t always happen! This person might become stressed out and even neurotic because they don’t know when to trust themselves and get out of a situation and when to relax and work through their discomfort.
If the Moon is inconjunct Neptune in your Natal Chart, you probably have trouble sharing your emotions, even though you want to. You may not know who to trust with what, so you won’t trust anyone.
Your feelings may confuse you or seem to be coming from nowhere, and you won’t want to reveal them, even though you want to be closer to people.
You may even feel a little crazy because it feels as if you have psychic abilities sometimes, even if you don’t believe them to be real. You may feel paranoid about the people around you.
Your fear of rejection will likely be what causes you to be rejected in the first place because you won’t open up to anyone.
Moving past your discomfort, trusting yourself more, and opening up will allow you to work through this quincunx and connect with others.
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When the Moon is quincunx Neptune during a transit, this will create a high level of sensitivity, especially if Neptune is transiting your natal Moon.
Even if you’re usually a more emotionally stable person, you will feel confused and unstable at this time. You will be prone to emotional outbursts, and things you usually ignore will bother you greatly.
If you’ve been having some interpersonal problems with friends or experiencing some difficulties in your relationship, that will feel worse during this time. You might distrust everyone and want to pull away from them.
A Moon-Neptune quincunx in a Transit Chart will create tension and anxiety. You may suddenly have disturbing dreams that leave you nervous and upset when you wake up.
You may also feel more paranoid during this time. Your sense of intuition will be out of control, and you’ll start feeling as if everyone is out to deceive you or harm you somehow, even if they’re not.
This transit can bring to light legitimate issues in your life that you’ve been ignoring, though. It might cause problems in an otherwise healthy relationship, but it will rock the boat if you’re already in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy.
You might be tempted to practice some unhealthy coping mechanisms during this time, such as drinking too much. That will not solve any of your problems, though. It will just make them worse.
Instead, try to reduce your stress as much as possible. Meditate or journal. If you feel like someone in your life is untrustworthy, examine why you feel that way. Are they doing something to break your trust, or are you just being paranoid?
Don’t completely distrust yourself and your intuition, but be mindful. Don’t make irrational decisions until you’ve looked at the whole situation.
When the Moon is quincunx Neptune in a Synastry Chart, this typically creates a lot of confusion for both partners. Both partners will likely try to meet each other’s needs and show they care, but how they each do so might not make sense to the other.
The Moon and Neptune partners in this relationship will likely feel as if they have a connection, or they may each be affected by the energy of the other. This connection can end up being toxic for both partners, though.
The Neptune partner might sometimes feel like something is “off” with the Moon partner, then become frustrated when their partner insists everything is fine. They may start to distrust their intuition, but they may also lose trust in the Moon partner instead.
The Moon partner will be sensitive to the Neptune partner’s moods and will become depressed or anxious if the Neptune partner is stressed, sad, or angry about something, even if they aren’t angry with the Moon partner.
Both partners will sometimes project onto the other, which will create issues because neither will feel like the other listens to them or pays attention to how they feel.
This inability to emotionally connect is one of the Moon quincunx Neptune cons. The issue in this relationship is not that the partners don’t love each other. They don’t know how to connect in a way that makes them both happy.
The love and attraction these partners feel for one another is one of the Moon quincunx Neptune pros. These partners have to learn how to communicate and stop assuming.
The Neptune partner should ask the Moon partner how they feel instead of relying entirely on their intuition. The Moon partner should have some separation between their feelings and those of the Neptune partner so that they aren’t so affected by the slightest change in mood.
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When the Moon is quincunx Neptune in a Composite Chart, this typically indicates that a relationship is highly emotional and that both partners are prone to escapism and maladaptive coping mechanisms.
There is a disconnect between what this couple thinks is realistic in a relationship and what will make them emotionally satisfied and content. They may both have dreams and fantasies of the “perfect” relationship, only to become disappointed when they can’t create that relationship.
There is a lot of insecurity in this relationship. Both partners want to meet the other’s needs but must learn how to do that.
There is a complete disconnect between what this couple thinks they want and what they actually want sometimes. They may find that fulfilling their fantasies doesn’t leave them emotionally fulfilled.
These two might have big dreams but become disappointed when those dreams aren’t realistic or their attempts to make them a reality fall short.
When they are more realistic, they might be able to connect and find fulfillment emotionally, but it will still feel like something is missing.
This is a couple that sometimes tries too hard to please each other. They both try to give the other what they want, but that sometimes comes at the cost of their own needs and sense of security.
This couple must work together to determine what they want from the relationship. They have to set realistic expectations for the relationship and each other. They must learn how to compromise and meet one another’s needs without sacrificing their own.
By working together, this couple can form an even stronger bond. They will both be happier when they let go of some of their unrealistic expectations and fantasies.
Solar Return
When the Moon is quincunx Neptune during a solar return, this typically indicates that there will be some psychic disturbances in the upcoming year.
You may start to feel that some upcoming event in your life is inevitable: a relationship ending or beginning, a change in career, a move, etc. You may even desire these changes, but something about them will feel emotionally unsatisfying.
You might also find yourself presented with opportunities during this year that make you feel conflicted. These opportunities might satisfy your dreams but come at the cost of your emotional satisfaction.
It might feel like you can’t have everything you want when there is a Moon-Neptune quincunx in your solar return. Your higher self and inner self may be entirely out of alignment and want different things, leading to conflict.
Your emotions will likely be out of control during the year following this solar return. Some of that will be because of your confusion and feelings of dissatisfaction. You may just legitimately not know how to manage all your feelings, too.
To work through this quincunx, you sometimes have to accept that you don’t know what you want! You may also have to acknowledge that while certain things may seem inevitable, they don’t have to be if you don’t want them.
You should be more realistic about what you want, too. Sometimes, you must sacrifice certain parts of yourself to please others. However, you may also realize those sacrifices aren’t necessary if you adjust your expectations and go after different opportunities.
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