Who is a March Pisces? March Pisceans still have many traits typically associated with their sign, but they also have some extra characteristics.
March Pisceans are sentimental and emotional, but they are also secretive, mysterious, and distrustful. They’re a lot more intense and driven compared to February Pisceans.
March Pisceans are born in the second or third decans of the sign. Like all Pisceans, they still have Neptune as their planetary ruler, but they also have separate subrulers.
Pisceans born in the second decan have the Moon as their subrulers, and those born in the third decan have Pluto. The Moon makes these Pisceans a bit more moody, while Pluto makes them more mysterious.
March Pisceans are very intense people. They are energetic, driven, and competitive. They can also be distrustful, though they are easily swayed by the people they care about.
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1. Sentimental
Being sentimental is a common March Pisces characteristic. These Pisceans might have some atypical traits, but they are still Pisceans through and through when it comes to being highly emotional.
A March Pisces is prone to nostalgia. They get sentimental about the past and the people they love, including those they once loved but are no longer in contact with.
March Pisceans sometimes get sad for seemingly no reason, likely because they are reminiscing about the past. Their sentimentality isn’t all bad, though!
Reflecting on the past can also make a March Pisces happy. They may enjoy discussing past events with their loved ones and will become sentimental in a joyful way.
A sentimental March Pisces will likely keep a lot of mementos, too. They might have pictures, letters people have written, and gifts from long ago that they don’t want to let go of.
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2. Moody
What is a March Pisces like? They tend to be incredibly moody. They’re more likely to try and hide their emotions than February Pisceans, but that doesn’t mean they’re good at it! They are noticeably moody when something is wrong.
All Pisceans are emotional people. Many of them let their emotions rule them, too, whether they like it or not. March Pisceans will likely become grumpy and irritable when dealing with intense emotions.
A moody March Pisces might not open up about their feelings, but it will be clear when they’re dealing with something. They will be irritable and short-tempered even when hiding feelings of sadness, anxiety, or stress because bottling up emotions is overwhelming.
If a March Pisces suddenly seems moody, they’re going through something. Just be patient with them and encourage them to open up.
3. Easily Swayed by Others
While being overly trusting or naive are not Pisces traits a March Pisces usually has, March Pisceans are easily swayed by the people in their lives. If they already trust someone, they will listen to them.
March Pisceans might distrust strangers, but they trust their loved ones entirely. Once you gain a March Pisces’ trust, they will listen to you more readily than others, and it will be easy for you to convince them of nearly anything.
Their loved ones easily influence these Pisceans. They pick up hobbies just because their friends are doing them. They choose the shows they watch and the books they read based on the preferences of those around them.
This can get them into trouble, especially if a March Pisces has friends or partners with bad intentions. They usually have to learn how to think for themselves.
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4. Secretive
One of the differences between a February Pisces and a March Pisces is that a March Pisces is far more secretive. They’re more likely to keep to themselves and hide certain aspects of themselves from other people.
A March Pisces likely won’t open up to you right away. It will take time for them to build trust with you, and even then, they aren’t going to spill their whole life story immediately.
March Pisceans are also good at keeping other people’s secrets. If you tell your March Pisces friend a secret, they will keep it no matter what. They are unlikely to spill something on accident.
If you know a secretive March Pisces, focus on getting to know them better. They might always keep certain secrets from everyone, but they will become less secretive once they know they can trust you with their secrets.
5. Mysterious
March Pisceans have an air of mystery about them. Of all the types of Pisces, the third decan March Pisceans are the most mysterious because of the influence of Pluto. March Pisceans tend to be enigmatic, and it isn’t easy to figure them out.
Their secretive nature makes them seem more mysterious, but that’s not all that’s going on with a March Pisces. They don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves, so it’s a little more challenging to figure them out and get to know them.
A mysterious March Pisces might seem intimidating. It’s hard to get a good read on them, even for highly intuitive people. As you get to know them, you may also end up with more questions than answers based on what you learn!
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6. Distrustful
When you look at a February Pisces vs a March Pisces, you’ll notice that March Pisceans tend to be more distrustful of people they don’t know well. They are more likely to be guarded and to pull away from others instead of being friendly and social.
March Pisceans don’t trust easily. They are more likely to listen to their intuition a little too much and completely avoid people based on a bad first impression. They don’t want to open up and trust the wrong person.
Their lack of trust in others can be a negative March Pisces trait. However, it also protects them from being taken advantage of. Their tendency to be easily swayed by the people they do trust can also make a March Pisces hold back from trusting new people.
If you know a distrustful March Pisces, be patient! Be open and honest with them, too. That will help them to trust you more.
7. Competitive
The March Pisces personality is far more competitive than a February Pisces. March Pisceans are motivated to win and come out on top and can be surprisingly aggressive.
Some March Pisceans like to engage in friendly competition. They might enjoy playing board games or video games with friends. Having someone to compete with makes many activities more enjoyable for them.
Other March Pisceans are too competitive, though. They don’t always know when to sit back and relax. They don’t realize that not everyone wants to make everything a competition, either.
Competitive March Pisceans often compare themselves to others, too. They feel as if they are in competition with coworkers, friends of friends, or the exes of their partners. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity if they aren’t careful.
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8. Intense
Overall, March Pisceans tend to be more intense than February Pisceans. This is especially true for those third decan Pisceans influenced by Pluto.
March Pisceans have intense personalities. They can be just as friendly and kind as February Pisceans, but they’re a bit more intimidating. It takes more time to find their soft side.
Water signs, in general, can be intense. This trait is just more apparent in some than others. Pisceans have deep, passionate emotions, but March Pisceans are the ones who outwardly express that intense energy.
March Pisceans are deeply in touch with their own emotions and with the feelings of others. They are always aware of what is happening around them, but they can also be standoffish and secretive. All of that combined makes them seem intense to others.
9. Driven
Being driven and ambitious are common March Pisces traits you won’t always see in February Pisceans. March Pisceans are always trying to improve and become better versions of themselves.
March Pisceans are driven to work hard and become successful. Some want to prove that they aren’t the weak, gullible people others think they are. They want to prove they can thrive, even if others think they’re lazy or overly emotional.
A March Pisces might have a job similar to a February Pisces, but they will work harder to advance in their career.
A March Pisces doesn’t just want to be a musician. They want to be the best, and they want to be successful. Instead of just being a teacher, they might work to become the dean of a college or end up in other higher-ranking positions.
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10. Energetic
Their energy can be a positive March Pisces trait! March Pisceans have enough energy to feed their ambitions and get through everything they need to do.
A March Pisces’ energy can attract other people, even if some of their traits are intense or intimidating. Their energetic nature also allows them to succeed because they won’t get tired and stop working until they’ve achieved their goals.
If you’re close to an energetic March Pisces, it will be fun to be around them! They’ll go out dancing with you or do other physical activities. They’ll be down to do nearly anything if you’re someone they enjoy being around.
An energetic March Pisces can also make others feel more energetic. Their energy is infectious. It’s hard not to feel excited when they are. If they think you can keep going when you’re working on a project together, you’ll likely feel you can, too.
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