If you don’t want a Leo to break up with you, you have to make an effort to meet their needs and give them the attention they desire.
Listen to your Leo partner. Plan frequent dates with them and make them feel wanted.
In the early stages of dating a Leo, they are likely to break up with you when they get bored or stop feeling the “spark” in your relationship. They’re more likely to stand by you if they are in love and committed to you.
Leos can be loyal partners, but they have their limits! They won’t stay with a partner who ignores them and their needs. If they feel as if their partner doesn’t want them, they will leave.
Give your Leo partner love and affection. Be passionate and take them out frequently to make them happy.
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Be Attentive
If you want a healthy relationship with Leo, you must be attentive to their needs. Leo is typically good about asking for what they want in a relationship. Give them what they need if you want them to be happy.
Be attentive in other ways too. Leos need a lot of attention. They often resort to attention-seeking behavior when they feel nobody is focused on them.
It isn’t always easy to be as attentive as Leo needs. Leo loves being in the spotlight. They can be clingy at times because of this. If Leo loves you and cares about what you think, they will want a lot of attention from you.
When you can’t be attentive, it’s important to address why immediately. If you are genuinely busy, be honest about that.
If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, talk to your Leo partner. Be attentive when you can, and be open and communicative when you can’t.
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Listen to Them
How do you show Leo you care? You should show love for them in multiple ways if you want them to be happy. Listening to them is one way to show Leo that you love them and make them happier.
It’s essential to practice active listening when interacting with your Leo partner. Don’t just sit there and wait for your turn to talk. Pay attention to what your Leo partner is saying.
If your Leo partner feels as if you never listen to them, they’ll become unhappy. They will feel unloved, and might find someone who will listen to them.
Show your Leo partner that you genuinely enjoy listening to what they say. Make eye contact and lean into them while you two are chatting. Ask follow-up questions and make remarks that show you’re genuinely listening.
Plan Frequent Dates
What makes Leo break up with you? One common reason Leo ends a relationship is that they feel like the “spark” is gone and their partner no longer has time for them.
A Leo who loves you won’t end things just because you miss a date night or two. It’s essential to plan frequent date nights and spend as much time together as possible if you want them to be happy.
Leos love going out. They aren’t the type to stay at home and relax, even when they’re with the person they love. They want to experience the world and enjoy life with their partner.
Make a point of going out with your Leo partner if you want them to be content in your relationship. You don’t always have to spend money, but you do have to get out of the house.
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Be Open & Honest
A Leo in love will be open and honest with their partner as much as possible. If they genuinely care about and bond with someone, they will share everything with them.
If you want Leo to be happy in your relationship, also be open with them. They won’t like it if they feel you’re hiding something from them or if you refuse to open up and share details about your life with them.
Your Leo partner will break up with you if they constantly catch you in a lie. If you start dating under false pretenses, and they learn that you aren’t who you say you are, they will end things immediately.
Be honest right from the start. Sometimes, the truth might be difficult to hear, but Leo will be more likely to stay with you if they can fully trust you.
Be Affectionate
One of the signs Leo is ready to break up with you is that they will be far less affectionate. If they suddenly pull away from you, that is a sign something is wrong.
Leo might pull away from you when you stop being as affectionate as usual. If you were never an affectionate person, to begin with, that will bother them. They need affection to feel loved.
Leo’s love language is usually physical touch. They want to hug and kiss their partner as often as possible. They want to sit close to them at dinner and hold their hand while they walk around town together.
If you are not at all affectionate, Leo will feel unloved. They need reminders of your love, and most of the time, they need those reminders to be physical. If you aren’t physically affectionate, try to be affectionate in other ways that Leo will recognize.
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Make Them Feel Wanted
What Leo needs in a relationship is to feel as if their partner genuinely wants them and enjoys being with them.
Leo doesn’t necessarily want to feel needed, but they need to feel wanted! They want to know that their partner can take care of themselves, but that they choose to be with Leo because they enjoy being around them.
How can you make Leo feel wanted? Tell them how much you love and desire them. Praise and compliment them. Remind them that you appreciate them and love being with them as often as possible.
Leo will feel wanted when you are physically affectionate, too. If you initiate affection and don’t just give them some token affection when they ask for it, they will know that you genuinely love and desire them.
Be Passionate
If you want to know how to make Leo happy in your relationship, you should be passionate! Leo will love it when you are wild and passionate in and out of the bedroom.
Your sex life should be adventurous and spontaneous if you want Leo to be happy in your relationship. They want to see how passionate you are about them. This will help make them feel wanted.
Sex isn’t the only area of life where you should be passionate, though. Leo wants to know that you are passionate about your love for them. They want to know that you are loyal and that you don’t want anyone but them.
If you are a passionate person, Leo will likely be happier with you. If you have strong beliefs and love with all your heart, they will enjoy your relationship more and be less likely to end things.
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Keep the Spark Alive
Leo’s ideal partner is someone who will keep the spark alive in their relationship.
Leo loves the excitement, passion, and desire that comes with a new relationship, and they want to keep a lot of that even if they’ve been with their partner for years.
You can keep the spark in your relationship alive by planning regular date nights, having sex, and being physically affectionate. You should also travel with your Leo partner and be adventurous!
Never let your Leo partner get bored. You two might get busy and have responsibilities that keep you from constantly having fun together, but that’s okay.
Leo will be happy if you both still desire one another and attempt to maintain that spark.
Address Relationship Issues Quickly
You might not get a second chance when Leo is done with you for good. It’s essential to address relationship issues quickly and to fix them if you want Leo to stay with you.
Leos typically aren’t afraid of a little confrontation. They’ll try to address the issue if they are unhappy with something. Your Leo partner will typically tell you if you do something to upset them.
You will make mistakes sometimes. So will your Leo partner. If you don’t deal with those mistakes, your relationship might end. If Leo says you’ve done something they don’t like, you should apologize and try to talk things through.
You must also let your Leo partner know when they upset you. Otherwise, you might start to resent them, and Leo doesn’t want to be with someone who is always moody and upset and won’t tell them why.
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Ensure They Feel Loved
If you want to know how to make Leo feel special, show them love using their love language. Physical affection will make Leo feel loved, but that’s not all you must do.
Leo will feel loved when you go out of your way to support them and show them loyalty. If you stand by them, even when they aren’t at their best, Leo will know you genuinely love them.
If you run off the second Leo is sad, they won’t feel loved. If you constantly criticize them when they make mistakes instead of being patient and forgiving, they will think you don’t care about them.
Be kind and loving toward your Leo partner. You can address issues with them, but you should also try to be patient and understanding if you want them to feel loved.
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