Who is a January Aquarius? Aquarians born in January typically have the most stereotypical Aquarius energy! When you think of a typical Aquarius, a January Aquarius fits the bill.
January Aquarians are unpredictable, eccentric, innovative, and incredibly rebellious. They are unique individuals who value their originality and creativity.
Aquarians born in January are typically born in the first decan of Aquarius. They have the most concentrated Aquarius energy.
Uranus rules Aquarius, and Uranus is also the sub-ruler of the first decan. This means that January Aquarians get a double dose of this planet’s rebellious, unconventional, and unpredictable influence.
January Aquarians stand out from the crowd. They are the lone wolves of the zodiac and are often aloof and reserved rather than social and friendly. Compared to their February counterparts, they are more challenging to understand because of their eccentricities.
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1. Eccentric
The personality of a January Aquarius is incredibly eccentric! When you think of the stereotypical weird Aquarius, it’s usually a January Aquarius you’re picturing.
January Aquarians almost seem like they’re from another planet at times. They have some strange views and might act in wild ways that the people around them don’t quite understand.
Some people enjoy the strange ways of a January Aquarius, though. They think in a unique way, which can help them come up with solutions to problems that others would never think of.
Their eccentricity can also push people away, though. The unusual nature of a January Aquarius sometimes makes it difficult to connect with them. Even other Aquarians won’t understand them, as they are usually eccentric in their own unique ways.
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2. Unpredictable
What are January Aquarians like? Many of them are unpredictable. They have a chaotic nature that makes them impossible to pin down.
January Aquarians are all about change. While they can be stubborn once they make a decision, they are all about mixing things up! They like to try new things as long as it’s on their terms.
You never really know what a January Aquarius will do or how they will react to something. You cannot make assumptions about them because their views and opinions are as unpredictable as anything else.
A January Aquarian’s emotions are unpredictable, too. They typically hide them, but they are likely to explode if they keep them bottled up. It’s surprising when an aloof, calm January Aquarius suddenly explodes in anger!
3. Rebellious
The typical Aquarius personality is a rebellious one. While all Aquarians are rebellious in their own ways, this trait is most potent in a January Aquarius.
Some January Aquarians rebel just for the sake of rebelling, while others rebel against things they consider to be unfair and unjust. Most of them have good intentions when they rebel, though.
For example, a January Aquarius might rebel against specific societal expectations because they think they’re antiquated and unfair. A January Aquarius definitely won’t want a relationship that has “traditional” gender roles.
A January Aquarius’ rebellious nature can make them seem wild and unpredictable, but it usually comes from a good place. They don’t see the point in sticking to the status quo, especially when specific processes don’t work for everyone.
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4. Unconventional
January Aquarians are some of the most unconventional people you’ll ever meet. They are not at all worried about conforming to societal expectations and don’t care if that sets them apart.
While February Aquarians also have some unconventional views, January Aquarians stand out. They have an unconventional approach to life that sometimes makes it difficult for them to connect with others.
January Aquarians don’t care if everyone at work follows specific processes. They will do things in whatever way they think works best. They aren’t at all worried about falling in line.
January Aquarians have unconventional views about relationships, too. They don’t care about getting married or settling down in a traditional way. They will do whatever works for them.
5. Stubborn
One of the main differences between a January and a February Aquarius is that January Aquarians tend to be more stubborn, while February Aquarians have more flexibility when it comes to the opinions and views of other people.
Aquarius is a fixed sign, so many Aquarians have a stubborn side. This stubbornness is just more noticeable in January Aquarians.
While Aquarians can also be open-minded, they are stubborn once they’ve made a decision. If a January Aquarius decides that a particular point of view is correct, they’ll have trouble hearing any other points that contradict it.
A January Aquarius who thinks they’re in the right won’t hear otherwise. They typically double down instead of changing their minds, especially if someone tries to tell them they’re wrong.
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6. Forward-thinking
Being forward-thinking is a common January Aquarius characteristic. January Aquarians are always looking toward the future. They are focused on progress and how they can make the world around them better.
A forward-thinking January Aquarius is always thinking about how they can fix things and make them better. They aren’t just worried about themselves, either. They want to make things better for the future of their community and the people who will come after them.
January Aquarians aren’t always concerned with the here and now. They’re thinking about the future and what they can do to get the future they want.
These Aquarians have big dreams, and their ideas don’t always seem possible to those around them. They think they’re possible to achieve, though and are willing to work for the future they want.
7. Innovative
Being innovative is a positive January Aquarius trait. Aquarians, as a whole, are all about developing new methods of doing things. They constantly look for ways to advance, especially regarding processes and technology.
Technological innovation is exciting to January Aquarians. They are always thinking about how technology can be used to make everyone’s lives easier. They’re usually up to date on the latest gadgets and love learning about the future of technology.
January Aquarians bring a lot of innovation to their workplaces, too. They don’t always follow the processes their employers say to follow. Instead, they like to look at how they can improve those processes.
The innovative nature of a January Aquarius means they have no issue with throwing out things they think don’t work. They won’t keep tweaking something if they feel it needs to be replaced entirely.
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8. Creative
There are many different sides of Aquarius. While Aquarians are logical and intellectual, like all air signs, they are also creative!
You can see this creativity in a January Aquarius, especially once you get to know them. While they may be aloof and reserved, they are more expressive regarding their art.
Even if a January Aquarius doesn’t do art professionally, they will likely still use it to express their opinions, work through emotions, and blow off steam. Their creative endeavors can go hand-in-hand with their humanitarian work as well.
January Aquarians have a creative way of thinking, too. Their opinions can be wildly different from those around them because they don’t think in the same way that everyone else does.
9. Upfront
January Aquarians can be incredibly upfront. While they don’t always express their feelings, they have no issue voicing their opinions and calling others out when they think they’re wrong.
You’ll likely know exactly what a January Aquarius thinks about most political and social issues. If you ask them their opinion, they will give it to you without holding back.
While being honest and upfront is a positive trait, some January Aquarians take it too far. Being brutally honest can be a negative January Aquarius trait.
January Aquarians think things through before saying them, but that doesn’t mean they sugarcoat anything. They sometimes say insensitive and cruel things because they’re more worried about being honest than being kind.
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10. Aloof
When you look at a January Aquarius vs a February Aquarius, the aloof nature of a January Aquarius will stand out in stark contrast to the social and friendly nature of a February Aquarius.
January Aquarians tend to keep to themselves. They are more quiet, and they don’t always feel the need to socialize or interact with everyone around them. They usually have a distant and calm demeanor.
Their aloof nature sets them apart from others. January Aquarians are loners, and they honestly have no issue with that! Instead of feeling isolated, they feel free. They’ll interact with people when needed but don’t always feel the need.
If you know an aloof January Aquarius, it will take them a while to open up. They aren’t always outwardly friendly.
11. Reserved
January Aquarians are the most reserved of all the different types of Aquarius. They are not emotionally open at all, especially around new people.
Even if you know a January Aquarius well, they will still take a while to open up to you. You likely won’t immediately know their true feelings because they keep a straight face and think things over instead of reacting emotionally.
A reserved January Aquarius isn’t completely emotionless, though. They just aren’t outwardly expressive. They remain calm in stressful situations and keep their feelings close to their chest so they can come across as more mature and level-headed.
January Aquarians do open up eventually, especially with close friends and partners. It just takes them a long time to get to that point.
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