If you want to impress a Gemini man, you have to understand his unique personality. There are specific traits that capture his attention.
Unlike other men, emphasizing appearance or sexuality may not get a Gemini man’s attention.
If you want to know how to text a Gemini man to really get his attention, you’ve got to make a strong first impression. The best way to do this is through your intelligence or communication skills.
If you’re wondering how to seduce a Gemini man through text, you’ve got to know how to get his attention by standing out from the crowd. Show him you’re savvy when it comes to a particular skill.
If you’re wondering how to tell if a Gemini man is interested in you, you’ve got to understand his subtle cues that show his degree of attraction. He doesn’t always make it obvious.
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1. Quote Obscure Songs
If you’re wondering how to communicate with a Gemini man, you have to remember that he is impressed by women who are highly intelligent. This is especially true if you have specialized knowledge when it comes to obscure trivia.
You can impress a Gemini man by randomly quoting obscure songs. Do your research and reference classic one-hit-wonders. A Gemini man will be impressed that you’ve even heard of obscure songs that never really made it to mainstream success.
If you want to know how to get a Gemini man to chase you, you’ve got to show him that you’re a rare treasure. What he will value most about you is your mind and knowledge. If you’re wondering how to make a Gemini man think about you, you’ve got to stand out.
If you casually quote obscure songs that not many people have heard of, a Gemini man will be impressed. He will want to get to know you better and will be more inclined to pursue you.
Is your Gemini man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Gemini back in. →
2. Read Controversial Books
What does a Gemini man like in a woman? He is impressed when a woman has an eclectic knowledge base and can speak on a variety of topics with ease. In particular, if you want to impress a Gemini man, read controversial books.
Gemini men tend to be literary fanatics and will usually have a good understanding of controversial books past and present. He will be impressed if you make reference to controversial books.
Gemini men are drawn to women who can dig into unusual topics and share information about what they’ve read. Even if you’re reading books about strange topics that you don’t agree with, you can still impress a Gemini man by your ability to talk about such books.
3. Speak Numerous Languages
When you see the signs a Gemini man is attracted to you, you can impress him by showing your expertise in communication and languages. If you are multilingual, a Gemini man will be impressed. This is particularly true if you are fluent in a number of languages.
Yet even if you are in the process of learning new languages, a Gemini man will still be impressed. He is attracted to people who appreciate language and communication and when you push the boundaries of your comfort zone, you’ll impress a Gemini man.
Gemini men are impressed by women who can speak numerous languages and if you drop a few phrases in various languages when you text him or talk with him, you can impress a Gemini man.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Gemini man (they work like magic) →
4. Show Your Intelligence
You need to know what to do when a Gemini man ignores you. At some point, he’ll likely run hot and cold. This is normal for a Gemini guy. Yet the more you show him you’re an intelligent and thoughtful person, the more likely a Gemini man will be to chase you.
He’ll be impressed by you if you show him that you are knowledgeable and rational. If you have great analytical skills, you can also impress him. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist. Although it can help if you are. Yet a Gemini man will be impressed if you are knowledgeable about a variety of topics.
Especially topics that are strange or obscure. Gemini men will be enthralled with women who are knowledgeable about specific periods in history or who have in depth knowledge of obscure trivia.
5. Be an Enigma
Impress a Gemini man by showing him that you are not like any other woman. When a Gemini man kisses you, don’t fully lose yourself in the moment. Leave an air of mystery.
If you remain a bit of an enigma, a Gemini man will have more reason to chase you. He will see you as a puzzle that he feels compelled to solve. A Gemini man will be impressed by you if you demonstrate that you are an enigma.
He is drawn to women who are unique and defy the odds in some way. The more interesting you are as a person, the more interested a Gemini man will be in you. You can impress him by having a unique story or travel experience.
This magic will make your Gemini man want a relationship with you. →
6. Show Ambition
Gemini men aren’t highly ambitious. They love to learn new things and share ideas but they don’t usually get competitive about climbing the corporate ladder or investing in the rat race. Yet ironically, Gemini men love ambitious women.
Perhaps this is because an ambitious woman can help to inspire a Gemini man and encourage him to follow through on his dreams more than he normally would if left to his own devices. Gemini men tend to be impressed by the accomplishments of others.
Also, a Gemini man loves to bask in the success of his friends and loved ones. If you want to impress a Gemini man, achieving success in your own ambitions can make him feel like he’s accomplished something. He’ll vicariously enjoy your success.
He won’t try to take credit for your accomplishments. He’ll simply feel uplifted and inspired by the fact that you are going places in life. He’ll love to brag about your accomplishments to others.
7. Be Popular
Though he’s not usually competitive, a Gemini man does see life as a popularity contest. He loves to collect friends and admirers from all walks of life. If you want to impress a Gemini man, take the time to cultivate a vast social network.
If you have regular contact with friends from around the world, a Gemini man will notice this. He will be impressed by you. He is drawn to women who are popular. If you show him that you have influential friends and are in contact with powerful and successful people, he’ll take notice.
A Gemini man will want to be affiliated with you so that he can benefit from your social status. He may also be interested in tapping into your social network. He loves to meet new people and broaden his own network, so popularity works in your favor.
A tiny trick to snatch your Gemini man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
8. Excel in Trivia Games
When you are an expert in unusual topics, a Gemini man will be impressed. He’ll be even more attracted to you if you flaunt your unusual knowledge through participation in trivia games. Blending fun and interesting, a Gemini man can’t resist a woman who excels at trivia games.
He’s a fan of various types of trivia games and will want to have you on his team if he sees that you have the answers to the most obscure trivia questions. This can be the beginning of a strong connection as he’ll see that you stand out from the rest.
Challenge him to a trivia night out with friends. Keep the competition fun and friendly. Study the potential subjects in advance so you can impress him with your knowledge. Usually, knowing enough about a large variety of topics will impress him the most.
Gemini men are impressed with women who are well traveled. If you share your stories of adventures traveling across the country or around the world, you’ll impress a Gemini man. Gemini men dream of traveling and will experience your adventures through the stories you tell.
He’ll also be impressed that you are open minded, independent and adventurous. He will want to savor your travel experiences and telling him stories about your various trips will capture his attention.
This is the fastest way to impress a Gemini man and get his attention. He will want to talk to you for hours if you have a number of different travel stories to share. Variety is the most important thing, so the more adventures you have to draw on the better.
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10. Make Word Jokes
Gemini men have a great sense of humor. If you want to impress a Gemini man, brush up on your puns and word plays. Jokes involving language and words and word games also impress a Gemini man.
One of the best ways to make a Gemini man laugh is to use humor that involves wordplay. When you make fun of common phrases or make jokes involving words with multiple meanings, you’ll get a Gemini man’s attention.
He’ll be impressed by your intelligence and by your ability to think on your feet. Having fun with language and using word games as the basis for humor is a light hearted way to impress a Gemini man.
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