December Capricorn vs. January Capricorn’s personalities can be different. December Capricorns are more traditional.
January Capricorns are influenced by the planet Venus. Their personalities are similar to Taurus people.
December Capricorns fit the typical description of this sign. Capricorn is ruled by restrictive and serious Saturn. Yet December Capricorns are the most Saturnine.
January Capricorns are influenced by Venus. They are more sentimental and compassionate than other Capricorns.
December Capricorns are morose; they take themselves seriously and can be hardworking and efficient. January Capricorns are materialistic and can be more hedonistic.
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Hard Working vs Innovative
December Capricorn vs. January Capricorn’s traits influence how this sign works. People born in December are hard-working and productive; they overidentify with their careers.
They use work to prove themselves and can use productivity to avoid conflict. You may become frustrated with a December Capricorn because they are always busy working.
They are nurturing and loving, but their style of showing it is to work to provide for their loved ones. They may seem married to their careers, but dream of providing for their loved ones.
January Capricorns are reliable and devoted to careers, but their work must be a labor of love. They are more flexible and must feel a personal connection to their work.
Busy work and tedious tasks are not for January Capricorns. They are more innovative and creative thanks to Venus’s influence over their personalities. January Capricorns can be adaptive and are more committed to the work they value.
They aren’t afraid to part with traditions. You can find January Capricorns in professional roles related to investments, finance, and the arts or culture.
December Capricorns are attracted to work in construction, business, and maintenance. They take on work others don’t want to do or operate based on their sense of responsibility rather than glory or comfort.
A December Capricorn’s personality is more restrained. They devote themselves to duty and can live for their work. January Capricorns are better at maintaining work-life balance.
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Competitive vs Cooperative
December Capricorns are more competitive than their January counterparts. They are not as competitive as fire signs like Aries, yet Capricorn people born in December are strategic and plan to stay ahead of others.
January Capricorns are cooperative. They can be more social and collaborative than those born in December. They are more likely to rely on their networks to help them achieve their career goals.
January Capricorns are open to delegating tasks. They don’t try to accomplish everything themselves. December Capricorns toil quietly and feel responsible for their workload without asking for help.
December Capricorns fear relying on others. They worry they will miss opportunities if they collaborate and prefer keeping their work private.
A December Capricorn vs. January Capricorn woman tries to multitask. They usually have high-stress levels because they take on many projects but don’t share their responsibilities.
January Capricorn’s female traits include being nurturing and compassionate. They can be charismatic, whereas December Capricorns keep their strategies and goals concealed.
Ambitious vs Humble
December Capricorns have an ambitious streak. They are eager to prove themselves and associate accomplishments and achievements with self-worth. They aren’t afraid to rise to the top, especially in their careers.
They can be serious about their hobbies from a young age and compete in sports or academics. They are self-disciplined and want to perfect their skills. They aren’t as likely to boast as a Leo, but they are proud of their achievements.
January Capricorns on the other hand are humble. They are down to earth and can be successful on their terms. They don’t brag about their achievements and don’t need recognition.
They are content making a positive impact on others without being the best at everything they do. January Capricorns are more interested in setting a foundation to help others without getting credit for their work.
A January Capricorn man or woman shares their gift for collaboration and humility. They aren’t interested in basking in the spotlight and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to themselves.
January Capricorn celebrities usually achieve fame because of their supportive role. They don’t pursue fame and status. If they become famous, it is usually an unintentional byproduct of their role as business owners or politicians.
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Introverted vs Extroverted
What’s the difference between December Capricorn and January Capricorn? People born early in this sign can be more inhibited. January Capricorns are more likely to initiate conversations.
December Capricorns are introverted. They are inhibited and avoid sharing their ideas and feelings unless it is necessary. They keep to themselves and can be quiet, studious, and shy.
January Capricorns are more social. They are extroverts born under this sign. They connect with others and share their opinions. Though they are not as extroverted as a Libra or Gemini, they are more talkative than their December counterparts.
January Capricorns are not likely to open up about their feelings. Instead, they give advice and try to be helpful. They can be friendly and open about their practical ideas.
December Capricorns can be so quiet you forget they are in the room. They are reserved and stifle their feelings. January Capricorns can be excellent spokespeople because of their diplomatic natures.
January Capricorn people don’t share their personal lives online. Their social media profiles are discreet. Yet their December counterparts are likely to be invisible online altogether.
Serious vs Entertaining
All Capricorn people are known for their serious personalities. They often act older than they are and take responsibilities to heart. But this is particularly true for December Capricorns.
People born in December seem to lack a sense of humor. They take everything seriously and can be dry and have difficulty relaxing. When you joke with them, they misunderstand your meaning.
December Capricorns can be flat and cynical. Yet they are attuned to practical issues. They are grounded and realistic. They can thoughtful and considerate even if they don’t always take jokes well.
January Capricorns are entertaining. They are lenient and can work and play hard. They are open to pleasure and have a dry sense of humor but can be amusing.
Although January Capricorns are more likely to make you laugh than their December counterparts, they maintain a sense of decorum. They are offended by lewd and hurtful jokes and prefer clean humor.
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Mature vs Playful
What’s the difference between December and January Capricorn’s social life? Saturn’s influence over this sign makes Capricorn mature regardless of their age. But if you get a January Capricorn around children or young people, their playful side emerges.
They are far from silly and frivolous. You won’t find a January Capricorn being as playful as an Aries or Gemini. Yet they enjoy strategic games and have a playful nature they use to celebrate their hard work.
When a January Capricorn accomplishes a milestone, they can kick back and relax. They may indulge in a favorite game or let their hair down and act giddy before regaining composure.
But a December Capricorn focuses on their next list of goals. They don’t take time to smell the roses and can be mature to the point of stifling their childlike instincts.
As children, December Capricorns stay inside and study while their friends enjoy recreational activities. They seem like little adults from a young age. As adults, December Capricorns seem wise beyond their years.
Stoic vs Sensual
December Capricorns can be stoic. They don’t reveal their feelings and strive to remain in control at all times. They master the art of keeping a poker face.
January Capricorns on the other hand have a more sensual nature. They can be affectionate. They aren’t as expressive as the air or water signs, especially regarding emotions.
Yet January Capricorns are more likely to seek comfort and ensure others feel secure. They are sensitive and thrive when they have their favorite luxuries.
They can seem more capricious because they need the right atmosphere and setting to feel secure. Compared to December Capricorns, January Capricorns may seem decadent.
A December or January Capricorn can hide their feelings. Yet January Capricorns know how to let their guard down and enjoy their relationships and successes.
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Frugal vs Hedonistic
As an earth sign, Capricorn is known for understanding the value of money and being judicious with their resources. Yet this sign is split regarding how they use their money.
December Capricorns save for a rainy day. They may be wealthy but will still hunt for the best bargains. They are frugal and prefer simplicity over opulence.
January Capricorns can be more materialistic. They are hedonistic compared to December Capricorns. They love luxuries and have high standards.
Unlike December Capricorns, those born in January don’t thrive unless they can indulge in a combination of practical comforts and artistic touches. They are pleasure-seeking and can be more demanding than December Capricorns.
December Capricorn vs. January Capricorn compatibility differs. Those born in December are a better match for Virgo and other Capricorns. January Capricorn is a better match for the water signs.
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