If you’re thinking of dating an Aquarius woman, you must understand what makes this sign unique.
Forget all the relationship rules. Aquarius women defy social norms and break from tradition.
Dating an Aquarius woman is a thrill unlike any other. You won’t find a more exciting and exceptional partner.
But Aquarius women are not easy to date. They need space and can be authentic and sincere. Yet they are also intense and send mixed signals.
Aquarius women need a partner to understand their unique needs. They seem carefree but are intense. Learn her astrological profile before deciding if you’re her best match.
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Aquarius women are social. As an air sign, Aquarius is brilliant and creative. Women born under this sign can be among the boldest and most confident.
They are a rare combination of extroverted and introverted. Aquarius women can be friendly and popular. She knows people from all walks of life.
When you’re out with an Aquarius woman, she runs into friends and becomes distracted by lengthy chats. Be patient with an Aquarius woman. She thrives on social situations.
Aquarius women are active on social media. They don’t ignore friends when their love interest becomes jealous. If you share her social and extroverted nature, you can make an Aquarius woman feel comfortable with you.
Encourage her social life and get to know her friends. Aquarius women need time apart from you so they can catch up with friends. You must be comfortable and secure so you don’t stifle her social life.
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She’s Independent
Aquarius women are the most independent in the zodiac. A woman born under this sign goes cold to set boundaries if you are chasing her too much.
She doesn’t want to be smothered in a relationship and can be overwhelmed if you try to spend time with her for too many days in a row. Aquarius women are unique and value freedom.
They won’t tolerate a partner who micromanages them. Aquarius women need to set their pace in a relationship. They have busy lives and won’t change their schedules to accommodate others.
A Scorpio man dating an Aquarius woman runs into problems because he is possessive. Aquarius women are rebellious. They don’t tolerate anyone encroaching on their freedom.
Once you know how to make an Aquarius woman chase you, you can keep her on the edge of her seat. Aquarius women can be aloof. Turn the tables on her and give her room to follow her heart.
An Aquarius woman responds well to your open and carefree approach to relationships. When you step back, an Aquarius woman can become more attentive.
Don’t Criticize Her Friends
If you want an Aquarius woman to be happy in a relationship you must learn to love her friends as much as you love her. Aquarius women treasure their friendships.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in a relationship with an Aquarius woman is to criticize her friends. Women born under this sign can be sensitive about their relationships with their friends.
If you don’t get along with her best friends, keep your criticisms to yourself. You can turn an Aquarius woman off if you try to form a wedge between her and her inner circle.
An Aquarius woman in love will choose her friends over her romantic partner any day. Women born under this sign can go on the defensive if you say anything bad about their friends.
A Virgo man dating an Aquarius woman runs into problems when he expresses his dislikes. Virgo is one of the most critical signs. If you make the mistake of critiquing Aquarius women’s friends, they will side with their friends and not you.
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She Has Bizarre Ideas
Aquarius women have unusual ideas about society, politics, life, and religion. She is attracted to fringe theories and can be full of surprises. Aquarius women are candid about their unconventional beliefs.
If you are dating an Aquarius woman, you’ll become an expert on extra-terrestrials, the occult, and conspiracy theories. She tells you about her notions that seem to be pulled from the pages of a science fiction book.
Never criticize an Aquarius woman’s odd beliefs. She doesn’t care if you agree with her as long as you don’t disrespect her unconventional attitudes and opinions.
One of the scary facts about an Aquarius woman is her tendency to fall for bizarre cults and conspiracies. She is intelligent but also open-minded enough to believe in controversial ideas.
Aquarius women take this to an extreme. An Aquarius woman pushes beyond the boundaries of what is reasonable. Her extreme ideas make her fascinating but can make her challenging to relate to in a partnership.
An Aquarius woman testing you may boast about her quirkiest beliefs. She waits to see how you respond. If you aren’t scared away by her unorthodox views, she knows you are a good fit.
She’s Shocking
You must be clever and quirky to make a relationship with an Aquarius woman last. She has a shocking and irreverent nature. Aquarius women break all the rules and can have strong personalities.
Women born under this sign can be full of surprises. Aquarius women love saying things that incite reactions. They crave controversy and can have explosive and disruptive personalities.
Their sense of humor, like their laughter, is off the wall. They can be absurd and obscene. Aquarius women get a thrill from pushing buttons. They defy definitions and love leaving others guessing what they will do next.
One of an Aquarius woman’s secrets is that she enjoys making people feel uncomfortable. She loves challenging your ideas and puts others in awkward situations.
An Aquarius woman’s personality weakness is her tendency to alienate herself from others. Aquarius women can be so careless they burn bridges without realizing it.
An Aquarius woman’s appearance reflects her bizarre nature. She breaks the fashion and beauty rules. Aquarius women flaunt their strange tastes and love being different.
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She’s Aloof
Aquarius women can be energetic and sincere. But you’ll never see an Aquarius woman open her heart and bear her soul, no matter how much she cares about you.
Aquarius women act indifferent although they are deep and sensitive. They stifle emotion in favor of their rational nature. Yet Aquarius women can be emotionally neutral.
Aquarius women don’t show sensitivity when it comes to their emotions. They conceal their feelings and maintain an aloof veneer. Aquarius women can be objective and try to sort issues out rationally without relying on feelings.
When an Aquarius woman is done with you, she doesn’t become distant. She ghosts you when she is done with the relationship. Aquarius women don’t waste time when they aren’t interested in you.
An Aquarius woman eyes your social media but doesn’t reach out to you when she needs space. Give her several days and when she has had enough space she will reconnect with you.
She’s Erratic
Aquarius women can be erratic and seem moody. They aren’t labile like emotional Cancer or Pisces women. Yet they can be inspired by sudden bursts of insight.
Their epiphanies can make them drastically change their opinions or plans. You may become exhausted trying to keep up with an Aquarius woman.
Women born under this sign can be electrifying. Their energy surges and flows in cycles that defy logic. She may seem to jump among various topics when talking with you.
You can’t easily pinpoint an Aquarius woman’s plans and ideas. She follows her instincts and can defy your expectations. You are in for a ride when you date an Aquarius woman.
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She’s Unpredictable
Aquarius women are unpredictable. They don’t subscribe to decorum and break from traditions. When an Aquarius woman sets a schedule she will break it in no time.
Aquarius women are impulsive. You can’t anticipate what an Aquarius woman will do next. She loves keeping others on the edge of their seats and has a gift for being surprising and suspenseful.
Aquarius women make unprecedented announcements. They speak first and analyze the impact of their words later. Aquarius women change plans constantly.
You may find it challenging to keep up with women born under this sign. Aquarius women are brilliant. They think fast and can be difficult to understand.
She’s Always Late
An Aquarius woman doesn’t know how to keep a schedule. She is intelligent and resourceful. Her chronic lateness has nothing to do with her intelligence or planning.
Aquarius women are always late because they are constantly distracted. They leave on time but stop to talk to friends on the way to their destination. They may return to their home several times to grab items they forgot initially.
Aquarius women always show up for you when they have a date but they won’t show up early. If you are lucky, an Aquarius woman will only be ten minutes late.
Aquarius women keep you waiting but will make up for the inconvenience. They are entertaining and bring excitement and inspiration everywhere they go.
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She Runs Hot & Cold
Part of an Aquarius woman’s unpredictable nature is her tendency to run hot and cold. She may chase you initially then shut down when a relationship becomes serious.
Aquarius women are never consistent in relationships. They follow rhythms and instincts you can’t anticipate. Aquarius women are notorious for sending mixed signals in love.
They are all over the map and can be intense and obsessed with you one minute and then seem indifferent to you. Avoid taking her hot and cold routine personally.
An Aquarius woman eventually finds a comfortable baseline in relationships. But even when you settle down with an Aquarius woman, she continues chasing her dreams and living her chaotic lifestyle.
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