If you have a crush on a Gemini guy or have just started dating him, there are some tips and tricks that will help you date a Gemini man.
What do you need to know about having a Gemini partner?
Astrology can tell you a great deal about a person’s personality and behaviors. Knowing the astrological secrets of a Gemini man can go a long way towards helping you date him.
So, what are some things you should be aware of to make your relationship a success?
By gaining a better understanding of his star sign, you will learn all the information you need to keep your Gemini partner happy and help your relationship thrive.
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1. Keep Him Entertained
The typical Gemini man has a very active brain and imagination. He is also physically restless and can’t keep still for too long.
This means that he gets bored easily because he needs constant mental and physical stimulation.
If you want to keep your Gemini guy happy, you’ve got to keep him entertained. You can either entertain him yourself or give him plenty of projects and stimulation to keep him busy.
You can entertain your Gemini man by making him laugh, telling him stories, and keeping him on his toes. Surprise him and be mysterious to always make him wonder what you’re up to.
You could also entertain him by showing him funny or interesting videos. If you’re wondering what sort of things to text a Gemini man, educational or hilarious clips are the perfect content to share.
You might also want to assign him tasks or ask him to help you with chores and projects.
Ask for his advice on your latest work project, or make a game out of cleaning the house together to keep him entertained while you both get the job done.
A Gemini man never wants to be bored, so keeping him entertained is a sure way to keep him in your life.
Is your Gemini man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Gemini back in. →
2. Don’t Leave Him Alone
The typical Gemini personality is very social and outgoing. Gemini is one of the most social signs of the entire zodiac, so he needs to be around people frequently to be happy.
This doesn’t mean that he never wants time to himself or that he’s unhappy hanging out alone with his partner.
He just likes having the company of at least one person, and he needs to go to parties and social gatherings often to feel connected to others.
If you want to know how to treat a Gemini man in a relationship, you can’t try to keep him all to yourself.
You should spend plenty of quality time alone with him, but also plan to go to lots of parties and events to satisfy him.
And you should never neglect or isolate him, no matter how upset you are or how much you need time alone.
If you want some time to yourself, you need to explain this to your Gemini guy instead of disappearing without a word. Let him know that you care deeply about him, but you need a little space.
Never shut him out and don’t stop communicating with him. He will feel like you’re trying to punish him, and he will retaliate by finding someone else to pay attention to him.
3. Accommodate His Mood Swings
Gemini is a highly mercurial sign. His moods, attitude, and opinions change quite frequently, so it can be hard to keep up with him.
It’s difficult to know what a Gemini man likes and dislikes because he is constantly changing his mind about everything. He’s very indecisive, which makes him non-committal.
One of the most important tips to help you date a Gemini man is to expect his mood swings and accommodate them.
Don’t be surprised when he runs hot and cold. Enjoy his good moods and laugh off his bad ones, or help cheer him up when he’s down.
If you’re not sure what to do when Gemini man ignores you, don’t take it too personally. His mood will shift again and he will be playful and loving with you soon.
This magic will make your Gemini man want a relationship with you. →
4. Mentally Stimulate Him
Every zodiac sign is guided by a specific heavenly body that reveals some of the strengths and personality traits of that sign.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect. His guiding planet tells us that a Gemini man is highly intelligent.
If you’re wondering, “What kind of woman is a Gemini man attracted to?” The answer is someone smart and witty.
He won’t date someone dull or unintelligent, and he hates it when a woman pretends to be more naive than she truly is.
You’ve got to mentally stimulate him with long, profound conversations, and be quick to crack clever jokes that show off how sharp you are.
You could also take classes with him, watch educational videos, or read to each other in bed. Learning together, especially through fun methods, is the perfect way to bond with your Gemini guy.
5. Keep Him Busy
When it comes to the typical Gemini personality, a male born under this sign dislikes being bored so much that he always has several projects going on at once.
He tends to overexert and overcommit himself because he hates the thought of missing out on anything. He rarely says no to any opportunity or invitation.
He likes to be busy and work on lots of things at once. When he loses interest in one project, he simply picks up another until he feels like returning to it.
When you’re dating a Gemini guy, you’ve got to keep him busy. A bored, unstimulated Gemini is unhappy and dissatisfied.
Collaborate on projects with him and encourage him to finish the tasks he starts. Join him when he goes to the gym, takes an art class, or does anything else to keep himself busy.
Make suggestions of new things he could try and encourage his hobbies. When his body and brain are at work, your Gemini man is at his best.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Gemini man. →
6. Be Fun and Playful
Every astrological sign has a mental or spiritual “age” based on the order of the zodiac. As the third zodiac sign, Gemini is one of the spiritually youngest signs.
This means that he is childlike in many ways. He’s not necessarily immature, but he sees the world with the awe and wonder of a child.
He values playfulness and curiosity over seriousness, so if you are wondering how to make a Gemini man want you, you’ve got to be fun-loving and high-spirited.
Don’t take anything too seriously, and don’t be negative and pessimistic. He likes a cheerful, upbeat woman he can joke and play with like a best friend.
A Gemini man is very charming and has several ways of flirting, but one of his favorites is engaging in playful banter.
He might tease you like a child on the playground, but he’s not trying to hurt your feelings. He is showing you how much he likes you and trying to joke around with you.
7. Be Spontaneous
Some zodiac signs value predictability and stability, but not a Gemini guy. He prefers spontaneity and impulsivity over structure and routine.
A Gemini man’s perfect woman is wild and free-spirited. You’ve got to keep him guessing if you want to keep him as your partner.
Do things on a whim and embrace certain risks, like taking the day off of work to spend it with your Gemini guy.
When you are out getting groceries on a weekend, suggest ditching the errands and going to a hotel bar instead to get drinks and maybe a room.
If you’re at a bar and everyone is doing karaoke, pretend to go to the bathroom and sneakily sign up you and your Gemini man to perform a duet.
He adores spontaneity in a woman because he never wants to be boring or conventional.
Is your Gemini man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
8. Be Romantic
He can be very sweet and charming, so when a Gemini man falls in love, he showers his partner with dramatic displays of romance. He is very romantic and shows this side of himself in creative ways.
For example, instead of getting you the traditional roses and chocolates to express his love, he might paint a picture of your favorite flower or surprise you by bringing dessert to your work one day.
He needs a partner who won’t get embarrassed or turned off by his big romantic gestures. He loves performing them, and he deserves to be with someone who appreciates and enjoys them.
When your Gemini guy does sweet and thoughtful things for you, thank him and let him know how much you value his romantic side.
Don’t groan and complain that he’s too cheesy, or make him feel stupid or uncomfortable because he did something nice for you.
You should also do romantic things for him in return. Try to be as creative as he is instead of doing the typical romantic gestures, like writing him a love poem instead of buying him a card.
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