If you don’t want a Capricorn woman to break up with you, you must consistently show her that you are her ideal partner.
Capricorn women can make relationships work, even when there are issues. They won’t put up with being disrespected and mistreated at all, though.
Your Capricorn woman is unlikely to leave you over a minor mistake, especially if you apologize and do better. She will leave if you betray her trust, cheat on her, or continuously make the same mistakes without apologizing.
A Capricorn woman wants to know that you two share the same core values. She also wants a committed partner who takes the relationship as seriously as she does.
Prove your devotion to your Capricorn woman if you want her to stay with you. Be reliable. Encourage her ambitions and respect her independence. She will leave if you don’t.
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If you want a long-lasting relationship with a Capricorn woman, you should ensure that you share the same core values before committing to anything.
A Capricorn woman’s ideal partner might not agree with her on everything, but they will agree with her about the important things. She wants someone who she won’t have to compromise on her values to be with.
Your Capricorn woman likely won’t want to commit to you and have a serious relationship if you disagree about significant things. If you want children and she doesn’t, or you have other significant differences, she will break up with you.
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Take Things as Seriously as She Does
If you’re dating a Capricorn woman and want her to stay with you, you must take the relationship as seriously as she does.
A Capricorn woman wants a committed partner. She might break up with you if she thinks you are just in the relationship for fun, especially if she’s starting to fall in love and thinks you aren’t.
A Capricorn woman might end things if you never want to talk about commitment or take major steps in your relationship. She can be patient, but she wants to know that you are at least thinking about taking those steps.
A Capricorn woman doesn’t want to be the only one who takes her relationship seriously. If you are playing around, she’ll leave you.
Never Betray Her Trust
Trust is essential in a relationship with a Capricorn woman. If she can’t trust you, she won’t stay with you for long. It can take a while to build trust with a Capricorn woman. Once you earn that trust, do not lose it!
If you betray a Capricorn woman’s trust, she won’t forgive you easily. She might never forgive you. This can be a deal-breaker for her, depending on how deeply you betrayed her.
When a Capricorn woman is done with you because you’ve betrayed her trust, you will not get a second chance. If you want to avoid her breaking up with you, never betray a Capricorn woman or break her trust in you.
If you’ve betrayed her trust and want to know how to fix things with a Capricorn woman so she doesn’t break up with you, you must own up to your actions. Don’t try to hide things from her or shift the blame.
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Apologize When You Make a Mistake
A Capricorn woman can forgive you for making a mistake. If you upset her by accident, she likely will not hold it against you if you genuinely apologize and try to do better.
You have to be willing to apologize, though! If you refuse to admit you’ve made a mistake, a Capricorn woman will see that as a red flag.
Make a point of apologizing to your Capricorn woman when you upset her. She will appreciate it when you own up to your mistakes and try to make her feel better.
When a Capricorn woman goes silent after an argument, do your best to apologize while respecting her boundaries. See if she wants space first, then apologize when she’s ready to talk.
A Capricorn woman won’t keep forgiving you for making the same mistake repeatedly, though. When you apologize, be sure it’s sincere! Do your best to change your behavior and avoid making the same mistakes.
Prove You Are Devoted
If you want to know how to make a Capricorn woman happy in a relationship, you must prove you are a devoted partner.
Being devoted to a relationship is about making a solid effort to maintain that relationship. You can’t just sit around doing nothing and expect a Capricorn woman to stay with you.
A Capricorn woman is usually an incredibly devoted partner. She is dedicated to making the relationship work. She’s loyal and will do what it takes to make her relationship successful.
If a Capricorn woman thinks you aren’t devoted to her, that will make her feel insecure. She might feel like you don’t care about your relationship. She won’t want to be with someone who isn’t making the same effort she is!
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Be Reliable
Capricorn women are incredibly reliable and expect their partners to be as well. You must be someone your Capricorn woman can rely on if you want her to stay with you.
A Capricorn woman can be understanding about genuine mistakes. She won’t get mad at you for arriving late one time, especially if circumstances were beyond your control.
A Capricorn woman will get irritated if you are consistently late to everything or constantly cancel plans with her at the last minute. She’ll start to feel like she can’t rely on you.
You should always follow through when you say you’ll do something for a Capricorn woman. If she’s relying on you for something significant, and you fail her, she likely won’t trust you again!
Continuously proving that you are unreliable will cause your Capricorn woman to doubt your relationship. Be as reliable as possible if you want her to stay.
Make Her Feel Secure
Security is one thing that a Capricorn woman needs in a relationship. If you do not make her feel secure, she might have no reason to stick around!
You can make a Capricorn woman feel secure by always being open and honest with her. You should keep your promises and show you are a reliable partner.
If you want to make a Capricorn woman miss you when you’re away, you must make her feel secure! If she always misses you when you’re gone because you give her a sense of security, she’ll be less likely to break up with you.
When a Capricorn woman feels comfortable and secure with you, it will be easier to look past mistakes. She’ll want to fix any issues you two have. If she already doesn’t feel secure with you, it will be easier to end things if there are problems in your relationship.
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Encourage Her Ambitions
Capricorn women tend to be incredibly ambitious. They often look for equally ambitious partners. They also want their partners to support their ambitions!
A Capricorn woman won’t expect you to do things for her. She can handle herself. She likely knows how to get what she wants. She will appreciate it when you encourage her, though!
If you constantly talk down to a Capricorn woman or tell her she can’t achieve her goals, she’ll break up with you. She wants a partner who will encourage and uplift her. She doesn’t want someone who will try to bring her down.
If a Capricorn woman turns to you for support and you don’t give it to her, she’ll consider that a red flag. Encourage her goals and support her if you want your relationship to last.
Respect Her Independence
You must respect your Capricorn woman’s independence if you want her to stay with you. She wants a partner who will let her live her own life and who will not try to control her.
A Capricorn woman can take care of herself. Sometimes, she wants some time alone! If you are overly clingy or never give your Capricorn woman time to be by herself, she might get sick of it and break up with you.
A Capricorn woman distancing herself might be concerning, but it’s not always the end of the world. Think about how you’ve been acting lately. If you’ve been clingy, pull back.
Talk to your Capricorn woman and tell her you respect her independence and need for space. Ensure she knows you will give her space when she needs it. Encourage her to tell you instead of just distancing herself.
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Be Faithful & Loyal
Loyalty and faithfulness are what a Capricorn woman needs in a relationship. She will break up with you if you are disloyal or unfaithful to her in any way.
If you don’t want a Capricorn woman to break up with you, don’t cheat on her! She likely won’t forgive you. Cheating will betray her trust and show her that you can’t commit to a relationship.
Loyalty is about more than just not cheating. You must show your loyalty to your Capricorn woman in other ways if you want her to be happy with you!
One way to prove your loyalty is by standing by your Capricorn woman, even when things are tough. If you run away whenever she’s sick or needs support, she will feel like you don’t care about her.
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