
Vertex sextile

Black Moon Lilith Quincunx Vertex: Alienation & Adjustments

Black Moon Lilith quincunx the Vertex makes you resist turning points. You feel unworthy of lucky milestones and resist your destiny. With effort, you can embrace your power and higher mission. You are determined to have the final say even if it undermines your success. You get into power struggles with people who try to […]

Sun Sextile Vertex: Attraction & Synchronicity

The Sun sextile Vertex makes you feel passionate about your gifts and open to showcasing your gifts. You recognize the value of your unique talents. This aspect makes you feel confident in yourself. People and places trigger your successes. You can find lucky opportunities that make you thrive. You are sincere and can be authentic […]

Part Of Fortune Sextile Vertex: Pleasure & Transformation

The Part of Fortune sextile of the Vertex makes you attractive and prosperous. You have a gift for connecting with people who can point you in the right direction for success. The Part of Fortune sextile of the Vertex makes you inspiring and optimistic. You have a winning attitude and can impress others. You are […]

North Node Sextile Vertex: Breakthroughs & Destiny

The North Node sextiles the Vertex, making you ambitious and fortunate. When you pursue your higher mission, you experience dramatic breakthroughs. Lucky milestones help support your growth and evolution. When you are open to exploring new things, you are determined to thrive and can break through barriers. You are passionate about your higher mission and […]

Midheaven Sextile Vertex: Prosperity & Advancement

The Midheaven sextile the Vertex gives you uncanny opportunities to pursue your desires. Your career supports your growth and leads to transformation. Chance encounters lead your reputation to improve. You are on the edge of changes that help you rise to prominence. You are driven by motivation, but success follows unusual opportunities. You meet people […]

Black Moon Lilith Sextile Vertex: Transformation & Autonomy

Black Moon Lilith sextile the Vertex makes you rebellious and individualistic. Your unique style attracts people who can change your life. Others strive to lead you toward your destiny, and you are open to their help if they don’t infringe on your boundaries. You need freedom and space to explore your potential. You are carefree […]

South Node Sextile Vertex: Familiarity & Fortune

The South Node sextile of the Vertex is an ideal placement for growth and transformation. You are attuned to your higher mission and can be on your way to growth and abundance. You are comfortable embracing milestones that can shape your destiny. You draw on your past experiences to help you thrive now. Your unique […]

Ascendant Sextile Vertex: Attraction & Cooperation

The Ascendant sextile the Vertex makes you a reamer who embodies your creative gifts. You are open-minded and attract influential people. You connect with people who appreciate your talents and help you thrive. You are adaptive which leads you to embrace your destiny. Your unique perspective and openness to collaboration bring success and chances to […]