
Vertex opposition

Pluto Opposite Vertex: Disruption & Force

What does Pluto opposite the Vertex mean? This opposition puts Pluto’s transformation at odds with the Vertex’s fated encounters and ability to help someone find significant people in their life. Individuals can experience symbolic deaths and rebirths because of their fated encounters. They may have to face the darkness when they meet certain people. Couples […]

Mars Opposite Vertex: Confrontational & Transformative

What does Mars opposite the Vertex mean? This aspect can lead to intense fated encounters and experiences. The people and relationships that are significant to someone can be passionate and highly energetic. Individuals might have fated encounters that force them to examine their desires or look at their ambitions in a new light. Couples may […]

Neptune Opposite Vertex: Development & Awakenings

What does Neptune opposite the Vertex mean? This opposition typically triggers spiritual awakenings and comes with strong intuition. It can put fantasies and delusions at odds with the Vertex’s destiny, karma, and fated encounters. Individuals might feel strong spiritual connections with the people they have fated encounters with. They must be careful not to be […]

Part Of Fortune Opposite Vertex: Opportunities & Growth

The Part of Fortune opposite the Vertex is a challenging aspect that also brings luck. You have numerous talents that can help you thrive. When you give up on your comforts, you can encounter unusual milestones that help you grow. You are intuitive and can be attracted to people who unlock new doors. You challenge […]

North Node Opposite Vertex: Connections & Karma

The North Node opposite the Vertex makes you attracted to people who introduce life-changing opportunities. You need extra motivation to pursue your destiny. You encounter people who push you toward your higher purpose. Your soul’s urge requires you to extend beyond your comfort zone. People encourage you to advance and reach your destiny. You may […]

South Node Opposite Vertex: Reminiscing & Nostalgia

The South Node opposite the Vertex makes you reluctant to take risks. You achieve abundance based on your past connections and gifts. You are hesitant to accept new challenges. You prefer indulging in your favorite familiar comforts to taking risks. You avoid challenging yourself and may lean on others for validation and growth. You have […]

Venus Opposite Vertex: Value & Discoveries

What does Venus opposite the Vertex mean? This aspect creates a push and pull between Venus’ aesthetics, beauty, and desire for connection and the fated encounters the Vertex brings into someone’s life. Individuals might have fated encounters during times when they are experiencing strife in relationships. Couples could meet in ways that don’t seem harmonious […]

Midheaven Opposite Vertex: Breakthroughs & Clarity

The Midheaven opposite the Vertex creates tension between your desire for recognition and revelations about your destiny. Your fate is at odds with your career. You may want fame and fortune, but your purpose lies elsewhere. You must set aside ego desires to pursue your mission. You find meaning in fated relationships that arise unexpectedly. […]

Mercury Opposite Vertex: Perspective & Teaching

What does Mercury opposite the Vertex mean? This aspect can cause an imbalance between Mercury’s intellect, intuition, and reason and the fated encounters and experiences the Vertex brings. Individuals will likely receive information that can alter the course of their lives when they have fated encounters. If this opposition is out of balance, they may […]

Ascendant Opposite Vertex: Complacency & Influence

The Ascendant opposite the Vertex makes you feel conflicted about embracing your destiny. You wait for others to influence you to move toward your goals. You struggle with insecurities related to your higher mission. Your reputation and image clash with your fate. You must work to overcome limitations and embrace your higher purpose. You must […]

Black Moon Lilith Opposite Vertex: Distractions & Drama

Black Moon Lilith opposite the Vertex makes you independent and bold. You have outrageous moods that alienate others. You miss opportunities while focusing on resentments. You are addicted to turmoil and seek drama that distracts you from your mission. Balance your need for freedom and your higher ambitions. You sabotage growth and success by getting […]

Sun Opposite Vertex: Awakening & Transformation

The Sun opposite Vertex places your conscious identity and ego at odds with people who help you fulfill your mission. You are challenged to pursue your destiny. You don’t readily embrace changes. You are confronted by guides and helpers throughout your life who help you live up to your potential. You can be intense and […]

Uranus Opposite Vertex: Disruption & Transformation

What does Uranus opposite the Vertex mean? This opposition creates tension between Uranus’ chaos and desire for change and the Vertex’s destiny. It typically brings wild and extreme changes into the lives of those affected by it. Individuals may gain liberation from the unexpected changes that come into their lives, but they won’t realize that […]

Saturn Opposite Vertex: Maturity & Patience

What does Saturn opposite the Vertex mean? This opposition creates a complicated dynamic between Saturn’s structure, sense of responsibility, limitations, and the Vertex’s fated encounters and destiny. This opposition has much room for personal growth, but that will come with challenges and tough lessons. Individuals might encounter people who push them to mature and grow. […]

Moon Opposite Vertex: Conflict & Upset

What does the Moon opposite the Vertex mean? This aspect causes the Moon’s emotions and sensitivity to be out of balance with the Vertex’s destiny and the fated encounters and experiences it comes with. Individuals might experience some emotional upheaval when they have a destined encounter. These encounters may be challenging but can help them […]

Jupiter Opposite Vertex: Challenges & Opportunities

What does Jupiter opposite the Vertex mean? This opposition puts Jupiter’s growth and self-improvement at odds with the Vertex’s destiny and fated encounters and experiences. This aspect can be a magnetic yet challenging one. Individuals might encounter growth opportunities that challenge or unsettle them. They may have difficulty balancing growth with their sense of purpose. […]