
Venus quincunx

Venus Quincunx Pluto: Obsession & Abandonment

What does Venus quincunx Pluto mean? Even though Venus desires harmony, there is a lot of disharmony in this quincunx. There will be many highs and lows while a person or couple works through this aspect. This quincunx has the potential to bring self-discovery but also self-destruction. It can feel exhilarating at times, but it’s […]

Venus Quincunx Hygiea: Habits & Overindulgence

What does Venus quincunx Hygiea mean? This aspect indicates a tension between satisfaction and wellness. Over-indulgence is common with this quincunx, and it can be challenging to practice moderation in anything. This quincunx can also indicate that something about love, relationships, and connection needs to be healed. Couples may be unable to bond. Individuals might […]

Moon Quincunx Venus: Unfulfillment & Intimacy

What does the Moon quincunx Venus mean? The desire for love and the need for emotional support can feel misaligned. It can feel impossible to get both of these things at the same time. There will be times when emotional stability is high, but there will be a lack of love and affection. There will […]

Sun Quincunx Venus: Acceptance & Pride

The Sun quincunx Venus puts pressure on you to adopt a standard of beauty that is not authentic. You hide who you are and try too hard to attract love. Your relationships are strained because you are insecure about who you are. You may feel you must hide your true nature to impress others. You […]

Venus Quincunx Juno: Harmony & Sacrifice

What does Venus quincunx Juno mean? This aspect causes issues with romantic relationships in particular, though any sort of partnership can be difficult. A person with this quincunx in their chart might love to be in love, but that will lead them to relationships that don’t suit them. A couple may want a solid partnership, […]

Venus Quincunx Ceres: Affection & Support

What does Venus quincunx Ceres mean? Venus’ desire for love and affection will be out of alignment with Ceres’ willingness to give and nurture in this quincunx. The care someone gives to others isn’t always received the way they intend it, either. Sometimes, a person with this aspect in their chart only cares for others […]

Mercury Quincunx Venus: Rationality & Romance

What does a Mercury-Venus quincunx mean? This quincunx typically creates a complete disconnect between the mind’s reasoning and the heart’s desires. It’s not just that relationship needs and intellectual pursuits are opposites. They don’t seem to have anything in common at all. It can feel impossible to reach a compromise. It can truly feel like […]

Venus Quincunx Black Moon Lilith: Intimacy & Control

What does Venus quincunx Black Moon Lilith mean? Love and eroticism will be out of alignment in this quincunx. There may be a desire to explore the darker side of sensuality. However, there is also shame related to that desire. Individuals might feel like they are only useful when they are pleasing others. A couple […]

Venus Quincunx Uranus: Commitment & Independence

What does Venus quincunx Uranus mean? There is a disconnect between relationships and freedom. There is tension between the need to be alone and the need to be with others. This aspect has a sense of loneliness, but there is also creativity. When the energy of this quincunx is in balance, it can bring popularity, […]

Venus Quincunx Chiron: Triggers & Romance

What does Venus quincunx Chiron mean? This aspect creates issues related to self-worth and the ability to give and receive love and affection. There is sometimes a desire for relationships and connection but also a fear of them. If Chiron’s inner wound is already related to relationships, abandonment, or rejection, this quincunx will be more […]

Venus Quincunx Vesta: Indulgence & Service

What does Venus quincunx Vesta mean? This aspect causes tension within relationships due to a strong desire to serve others. This desire goes overboard and can make someone lose sight of their needs. Toxic relationships are common when an individual or couple has this quincunx in a chart. The quest for love, spiritual fulfillment, and […]

Venus Quincunx Neptune: Self-esteem & Disappointment

What does Venus quincunx Neptune mean? This quincunx creates issues with self-worth and accepting love from others. There is a strong desire to love and be loved, though. A person with this quincunx may have give far more than they receive. A relationship may have an imbalance in how each partner expresses love and cares […]

Venus Quincunx Saturn: Expression & Rejection

What does Venus quincunx Saturn mean? In this aspect, there is a tendency to mistake material possessions and financial stability for love and emotional stability. There can be an inability to accept genuine affection. Intimacy is a struggle with this quincunx. A person might crave it but also reject it. A couple may have problems […]

Venus Quincunx North Node: Aspirations & Evolution

What does Venus quincunx the North Node mean? This aspect creates a disconnect between relationships, personal growth, self-discovery, and one’s path in life. The relationships someone seeks out might not align with the ideal path they should take to reach their full potential. A couple may struggle with imbalances related to stability, support, and personal […]

Venus Quincunx Pallas: Independence & Connection

What does Venus quincunx Pallas mean? This aspect typically causes issues related to independence, confidence, and the balance between individual goals and the desire for relationships. A person with this aspect in their chart might feel torn between their need for independence and their desire for stability within a relationship. A couple might struggle to […]

Venus Quincunx Part Of Fortune: Purpose & Connections

What does Venus quincunx the Part of Fortune mean? This indicates that personal values, harmony, pleasure, and fulfilling one’s life purpose are all out of alignment. Individuals may struggle to connect their desires for relationships and their need to find their ideal path in life. Couples might have unaligned values or be unable to prioritize […]

Venus Quincunx Jupiter: Moderation & Overindulgence

What does Venus quincunx Jupiter mean? This quincunx creates tension between generosity and indulgence. There is a tendency to self-indulge too much but also to do far too much for others. This quincunx has an extreme lack of moderation in many senses. Sometimes, someone might be selfish and only focused on their own needs, only […]

Venus Quincunx Mars: Limitations & Needs

What does Venus quincunx Mars mean? Boundaries and self-image are key components of this quincunx. Establishing boundaries is difficult; there can be a disconnect between inner desires and how someone expresses themselves. A couple might struggle to speak up about and meet each other’s needs. A person might work too hard trying to please others, […]

Venus Quincunx Midheaven: Charm & Inauthenticity

What does Venus quincunx Midheaven mean? This aspect can feel harmonious, but it still has all the challenges of a quincunx. Venus’ values and the Midheaven’s public image are out of alignment. Individuals with this quincunx might be inauthentic and disingenuous in a quest to gain the love and approval of others. Couples might hide […]

Venus Quincunx Vertex: Lessons & Dissatisfaction

What does Venus quincunx the Vertex mean? This aspect indicates tension between Venus’ values, affection, and materialistic side and the Vertex’s tie to fate and destiny. There can be insecurity related to karma and relationships. A person might feel they’re not meant for healthy, beneficial partnerships. A couple may bring out the worst in each […]

Venus Quincunx South Node: Baggage & Bonding

What does Venus quincunx the South Node mean? This quincunx indicates a disconnect between Venus’ desire for harmony, stability, and connection and the South Node’s innate skills, talents, and sense of comfort. This quincunx causes struggles in relationships, both romantic and platonic ones. The lessons it teaches relate to freeing oneself from baggage to have […]

Venus Quincunx Ascendant: Self-esteem & Validation

What does Venus quincunx the Ascendant mean? This aspect indicates a disconnect between a person’s mannerisms and outer appearance and their inner sense of aesthetics, desire for intimacy, and self-worth. Individuals with this quincunx in their charts may have low confidence in themselves. Couples might struggle to form intimacy, truly open up to one another, […]

Venus Quincunx Eros: Passion & Affection

What does Venus quincunx Eros mean? There is a disconnect in this aspect between Eros’ powerful sexual energy and the romantic, beautiful side of Venus. It typically makes relationships difficult. An individual with this quincunx in their chart may have trouble figuring out the nature of a relationship. They might not know if they are […]

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