
South Node opposition

Mars Opposite South Node: Confidence & Discomfort

What does Mars opposite the South Node mean? This opposition creates tension between Mars’ urges, desires, and passion and the South Node’s past lives, innate habits, patterns, and karmic lessons. Individuals might struggle to integrate their impulses or feel disconnected from their desires. Couples may find connecting and focusing on their passions challenging due to […]

Midheaven Opposite South Node: Ambition & Advancement

The Midheaven opposite the South Node makes you eager to expand beyond your comfort zone. You are magnetically attracted to public speaking and leadership. You are destined to be influential and garner name recognition. You have a gift for making a name for yourself and can be successful and prominent. Your career is aligned with […]

South Node Opposite Part Of Fortune: Pleasure & Evolution

The South Node opposite the Part of Fortune is a critical aspect of Karma. You advance toward your soul’s urge and are eager to prove yourself. You seek evolution and epiphanies. You are attracted to lucky breaks that relate to your spiritual mission. You are luckiest when you pursue your higher path. Your purpose and […]

Neptune Opposite South Node: Mysticism & Destiny

What does Neptune opposite the South Node mean? This opposition puts Neptune’s dreamy, ethereal energy at odds with the South Node’s past karma, comfort zone, and natural talents. Individuals may feel disconnected from their dreams, spirituality, or higher purpose. They must embody the positive traits of Neptune to reach their full potential, but can also […]

Sun Opposite South Node: Evolution & Innovation

The Sun opposite the South Node makes you conscious of your fate. You feel compelled to pursue your dreams and can’t resist embracing change. You can be eager to grow and evolve. You seek opportunities for development and self-improvement. The Sun opposite the South Node makes you more concerned with your future than your past. […]

South Node Opposite Vertex: Reminiscing & Nostalgia

The South Node opposite the Vertex makes you reluctant to take risks. You achieve abundance based on your past connections and gifts. You are hesitant to accept new challenges. You prefer indulging in your favorite familiar comforts to taking risks. You avoid challenging yourself and may lean on others for validation and growth. You have […]

Black Moon Lilith Opposite South Node: Passion & Independence

Black Moon Lilith opposite the South Node makes you rebel against tradition. You are impatient and may follow your impulses. You can be bold and independent. You move toward your higher mission and can be eager to break from the past. You are creative and can passionately make your point. You move toward your destiny […]

Venus Opposite South Node: Self-image & Challenges

What does Venus opposite the South Node mean? This aspect indicates an imbalance between Venus’ values, connection, and self-worth and the South Node’s habits, comfort zone, and innate talents. Individuals might struggle to have healthy relationships or positive views of themselves because of their past karma or experiences growing up. Couples may be unable to […]

Mercury Opposite South Node: Learning & Discomfort

What does Mercury opposite the South Node mean? This aspect creates tension between the South Node’s sense of comfort and innate gifts and Mercury’s communication, intellect, and perception. However, this tension also creates growth opportunities. Working through the discomfort and finding balance will allow someone to learn and move from their South Node to their […]

Uranus Opposite South Node: Rigidity & Progression

What does Uranus opposite the South Node mean? This opposition creates tension between Uranus’ rebellion and unconventional nature and the South Node’s sense of comfort, natural gifts, and past karma. Individuals may have outdated or rigid views that they developed in childhood. They must move beyond these views and be more open-minded to move on […]

Ascendant Opposite South Node: Evolution & Authenticity

The Ascendant opposite the South Node makes you eager to pursue your higher mission. Your appearance and first impressions reflect something other than your past. You are eager to break away from your traditions and can reinvent yourself. You surprise others and can be contrarian. You need to reflect on your roots and have an […]

Saturn Opposite South Node: Maturity & Patterns

What does Saturn opposite the South Node mean? This opposition indicates there is unresolved karma related to structure, discipline, and hard work. The energy of the South Node might be overly relaxed or chaotic and unstable. Individuals may find it challenging to establish routines or manage responsibilities. Couples will struggle to divide responsibilities and get […]

Moon Opposite South Node: Roots & Comfort

What does the Moon opposite the South Node mean? This opposition indicates tension between the Moon’s emotions, instincts, and sense of security and the South Node’s ties to the past, comfort, and innate talents. Individuals may not naturally be inclined toward emotional maturity but will develop it as they move from their South Node to […]

Jupiter Opposite South Node: Risks & Pessimism

What does Jupiter opposite the South Node mean? This opposition puts Jupiter’s expansion and optimism at odds with the South Node’s comfort, past karma, and innate traits and skills. Individuals might find change and growth terrifying. They might get stuck in old patterns because they don’t want to take risks. Couples may have many conflicts […]