
South Node conjunction

Chiron Conjunct South Node: Insecurities & Development

What does Chiron conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction combines Chiron’s wounds, healing, and mentorship with the South Node’s ties to the past. This can indicate intense wounds from past lives or childhood. This aspect calls individuals and couples to examine their pasts and any anxieties that might come from them. There may be […]

Ceres Conjunct South Node: Priorities & Caregivers

What does Ceres conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction aligns the nourishing energy of Ceres with the South Node’s ties to the past, karmic lessons, and what feels most comfortable. Individuals may learn how to care for others from a young age but might need to learn how to care for themselves later in […]

Ascendant Conjunct South Node: Mystery & Spirituality

The Ascendant conjunct the South Node makes you enigmatic. You keep your private thoughts to yourself. You can be accommodating and avoid change. Your appearance is traditional, and you desire preservation. You seek ways to help others feel comfortable. You stifle your opinions and are inhibited. You focus on spirituality, and your intuition guides you. […]

Eros Conjunct South Node: Gratification & Patterns

What does Eros conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction aligns the innate talents, past karma, and patterns of the South Node with Eros’ erotic, intimate, and passionate energy. The people someone is attracted to may feel familiar. They might believe they connected with these people in past lives. Couples might be drawn together because […]

Black Moon Lilith Conjunct South Node: Sabotage & Rebelliousness

Black Moon Lilith conjuncts the South Node, making you feel carefree in familiar surroundings. When comfortable, you are independent and expressive. Yet changing circumstances can trigger your inner rage. You feel most potent when repeating what you know, but you may sabotage growth. Your soul’s urge for evolution conflicts with your bold and rebellious nature. […]

Jupiter Conjunct South Node: Self-reflection & Examination

What does Jupiter conjunct the South Node mean? This South Node can hinder the growth of Jupiter in this conjunction. However, Jupiter’s expansive energy can help break free from the past. Individuals and couples may suffer from beliefs that hold them back. They might have an unhealthy relationship with spirituality. They may have destructive habits […]

Juno Conjunct South Node: Fears & Lessons

What does Juno conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction aligns the South Node’s past karma and what is needed to move on from it with Juno’s focus on partnerships and attachment. Individuals may have commitment issues stemming from their childhood or a fear of abandonment that seems connected to a past life. Couples might […]

Mercury Conjunct South Node: Stagnation & Familiarity

Mercury conjunct the South Node makes you aware of wisdom from the past. You are attuned to past-life consciousness and speak from experience. You are adept at sharing topics you’ve studied at length. You may be more confident speaking your mind when familiar with a topic. Your creative gifts help you release Karmic wounds. You […]

Hygiea Conjunct South Node: Habits & Baggage

What does Hygiea conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction aligns the past, what must be left behind, and innate talents and traits with health, cleanliness, and hygiene. Individuals might become comfortable with certain habits, but those will no longer serve them as they grow and mature. Couples must resolve their past karma and work […]

Pallas Conjunct South Node: Strategies & Familiarity

What does Pallas conjunct the South Node mean? This aspect aligns the South Node’s comfort zone, past karma, and essential life lessons with Pallas’ wisdom, strategic thinking, and problem-solving skills. Individuals might learn certain strategies to get through life when they are children, but those strategies won’t necessarily serve them forever. Couples may have similar […]

Saturn Conjunct South Node: Rigidity & Fear

What does Saturn conjunct the South Node mean? The energy of Saturn can stifle and restrict the South Node in this conjunction. It can make it difficult to move on from the South Node and toward the North Node. Sticking to the status quo may feel easier. There can be a lot of anxiety in […]

Mars Conjunct South Node: Frustration & Defensiveness

What does Mars conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction can be difficult to deal with because the South Node may bring out some negative aspects of Mars. Maladaptive coping and defense mechanisms are common in this aspect. People with this conjunction in their charts might angrily react when hurt or threatened. They may always […]

Sun Conjunct South Node: Past & Reflection

The Sun conjunct the South Node focuses on your identity and ego in the past. You may seem stuck in reflection and struggle with initiative. You may need to find momentum to go forward. Your Sun and South Node placements help you understand your past-life connection. You can have breakthrough memories of past lives. You […]

Moon Conjunct South Node: Security & Sentimentality

The Moon conjunct South Node makes you feel set in your ways. You feel insecure when facing change and may resist growth. You may crave a connection to the past and have an intuitive connection to your past lives. You are hesitant to embrace new things. You must work to break from tradition and embrace […]

Neptune Conjunct South Node: Escapism & Creativity

What does Neptune conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction typically indicates a need to let go of the past and become more connected to reality. It makes it easy to become lost in fantasies, though. Someone’s past experiences and karma can cloud their judgment or make it difficult to be realistic. Trauma may create […]

Pluto Conjunct South Node: Shadows & Talents

What does Pluto conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction aligns Pluto’s destruction, evolution, and darkness with the South Node’s innate talents and karmic lessons. There may be a natural pull toward darker emotions such as anger, envy, or jealousy. This conjunction can sometimes be a violent one. Individuals and couples must learn to control […]

South Node Conjunct Vertex: Karma & Transformation

The South Node, conjunct with the Vertex, makes you attuned to your Karmic path and more aligned with your higher purpose. You can unlock your spiritual potential through past connections. You move toward your destiny and can be willing to fulfill your higher purpose. You embrace transformation and can attract influential milestones. Your past life […]

Midheaven Conjunct South Node: Security & Wisdom

Midheaven conjunct the South Node makes you settled and set in your ways. You may feel inhibited about expressing your unique gifts. You are committed to home and family. Caretaking responsibilities may prevent you from pursuing your Karmic path. You can challenge yourself to get past your comfort zone and evolve with effort. You work […]

Uranus Conjunct South Node: Alienation & Individuality

What does Uranus conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction connects Uranus’ non-conformist nature with the South Node’s ties to past lives, safety, and innate talents. Individuals with this aspect in their charts might have had insecurity growing up. They may have stuck out and been different from their peers, which might have ostracized them […]

Venus Conjunct South Node: Comfort & Soulmates

Venus conjunct the South Node makes you relaxed and accepting in love. You put little effort into your relationships yet manifest support and admiration. You easily manifest what you need in love and finances. In a past life, you mastered lessons on love and collaboration. You maintain the memory of these experiences. You bring wisdom […]

South Node Conjunct Part Of Fortune: Comfort & Pleasure

The South Node, conjunct with the Part of Fortune, makes you feel settled and confident with what you already know. You seldom branch beyond your comfort zone. You are happy to maintain your routines and seldom push yourself to expand. You have an intense sense of connection to your past lives and intuition. Lessons from […]

Vesta Conjunct South Node: Baggage & Service

What does Vesta conjunct the South Node mean? This aspect aligns Vesta’s devotion and sacrifice with the South Node’s ties to the past, comfort, and karmic lessons. Individuals might be rooted in their dedication to others or spirituality. They may feel they’re carrying over certain responsibilities or commitments from the past. They have to learn […]

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