Sagittarius compatibility is best with other fire and air signs. They are passionate, intense, and pleasure-seeking.
Yet Sagittarius has a complicated love life. They are independent and avoid commitment.
The most compatible signs with a Sagittarius are generally considered to be Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo. The least compatible signs with a Sagittarius are generally considered to be Pisces and Capricorn.
Sagittarius is a wanderer who needs stimulation and new experiences. Their wanderlust makes them worldly and cultured, but they struggle in intimate relationships.
Their restlessness disrupts serious relationships. Sagittarius falls in love with exciting, independent people; you must respect their need for space.
They walk away from relationships when they feel smothered. Sagittarius people need room to explore the world without being hindered.
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Sagittarius’ compatibility with Gemini stems from their shared intellectual nature. Sagittarius is a fire sign, while Gemini is an air sign. They motivate and stimulate each other.
Sagittarius builds on Gemini’s talent for research and remembering interesting trivia and expands Gemini’s perspective. Their philosophical nature can add depth to Gemini’s insights.
Gemini enjoys learning new things, and Sagittarius loves becoming immersed in new cultures, religions, and beliefs. Sagittarius brings passion to the relationship, and Gemini adds humor and creativity.
Sagittarius and Gemini encourage each other to stretch beyond boundaries; Sagittarius helps Gemini become more confident and independent. Gemini help Sagittarius remain flexible and adaptable.
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Sagittarius’ compatibility with Aries stems from their shared passions and intense personalities. Aries is headstrong, willful, and determined. They are instinctual and spontaneous.
Sagittarius and Aries are fire signs and are both natural leaders. Yet Sagittarius doesn’t compete with Aries for control. They are too independent to be dominated but make room for Aries to take the lead.
Aries understands Sagittarius’s need for freedom. Sagittarius and Aries are a powerful, intense, energetic couple. They travel together and combine their optimistic and creative energy to serve humanity.
Sagittarius has big dreams and follows their ideals. Aries are focused and motivated to pursue their desires; they help each other balance long-range and short-term goals.
Sagittarius’s compatibility with Sagittarius can be ideal for marriage and romance. They understand each other’s need for space and freedom. Their major flaw is they can be too independent to build a foundation.
Sagittarius partners may dismiss each other’s signs of flirtation and interest because they are both playful. They may miss cues indicating each other’s interest in a romance.
They can also be too independent and ambitious to focus on building a shared connection. Sagittarius and Sagittarius can wander too far from each other and leave unfinished business.
Yet they can also form a lasting bond under certain circumstances. Sagittarius and Sagittarius in love can set a foundation for love if one takes the initiative to nurture the emotional connection.
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Sagittarius’ compatibility with Leo is ideal for friendship and can work well in love. Leo is bold, individualistic, and creative. They can be natural leaders and entertainers.
Sagittarius and Leo share a desire for pleasure and luxury. Yet Sagittarius is moralistic and idealistic, while Leo seeks personal gain and success.
A Leo who can incorporate Sagittarius’s moral nature and become more socially conscious can nurture a solid relationship with Sagittarius. Sagittarius and Leo can excite and inspire each other.
Leo must ensure they are not too selfish, as this turns off Sagittarius. Sagittarius tries to expand Leo’s perspective to include more philosophical ideas.
Sagittarius compatibility with Aquarius can be hit or miss. They are the two most independent signs in the zodiac. They can build a satisfying connection or long-distance relationship or may be too aloof to keep the passion alive.
Aquarius is rebellious, insightful, innovative, and can be a humanitarian. Sagittarius is diplomatic and shares Aquarius’s desire to improve society.
Sagittarius wants to inspire people to make progress, while Aquarius is erratic, intense, and can be abrupt. They inspire each other’s growth and idealism.
Their problems as a couple stem from Aquarius being too erratic and unpredictable. Although Sagittarius is also infamous for being independent and aloof, they may get too much of their own medicine with an Aquarius.
Only a patient Sagittarius can ride out Aquarius’s intense mood changes. Aquarius and Sagittarius need to work to keep their connection alive.
Their interest in each other is primarily intellectual as Aquarius and Sagittarius stifle their emotions. They can be an encouraging, inspiring pair but too indifferent and distant.
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Sagittarius’ compatibility with Libra stems from their compatible elements. Sagittarius is a fire sign while Libra is an air sign; they balance each other’s personalities.
Libra is romantic and sentimental, yet they don’t smother Sagittarius as Libra is more intellectual than emotional. Sagittarius is passionate and inspiring, helping Libra become more confident.
Libra helps Sagittarius become more affectionate, sensitive, and nurturing. They thrive together because they love helping others and creating beauty, pleasure, and comfort.
Libra must be secure and independent for the relationship to work. Sagittarius is too abrupt and freedom-loving for some Libras. A Libra who becomes insecure can unintentionally sabotage the relationship.
Sagittarius’ compatibility in friendship can be ideal for Libra. They have enough common interests to compensate for their differences in friendships.
Sagittarius’ compatibility with Taurus is challenging for both partners. Taurus and Sagittarius enjoy life’s pleasures, yet Taurus is grounded, sensible, and practical.
Sagittarius avoids commitment and dodges Taurus’s boundaries. Taurus becomes frustrated with Sagittarius’s carefree nature; Sagittarius and Taurus can enjoy a friendship or friends-with-benefits relationship.
Yet if one partner develops feelings, they will be tempted to try to change the other. Disaster ensues as Taurus is stubborn, and Sagittarius is freedom-loving.
Sagittarius refuses to be confined or changed in any way. Taurus becomes hurt when Sagittarius refuses to conform to their desires. Taurus also needs admiration and security.
Sagittarius’s spontaneous and passionate lifestyle is too overwhelming for Taurus in long-term relationships. Only the most secure, confident Taurus people can weather the inconsistencies in a relationship with Sagittarius.
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Sagittarius’ compatibility percentage plummets with earth signs like Virgo. The earth signs are too grounded, practical, and traditional for passionate and freewheeling Sagittarius.
Sagittarius’ compatibility with Virgo is complicated. Virgo is a methodical perfectionist who analyzes every detail. Sagittarius sees the big picture and can be freewheeling and impulsive.
Virgo becomes anxious because Sagittarius doesn’t follow routines and schedules. Sagittarius’s unpredictable, spontaneous nature is too much for Virgo.
Virgo’s need for routines and control is an instant turn-off for Sagittarius. They can collaborate in business as they compensate for each other’s weaknesses but personal relationships are a challenge for Virgo and Sagittarius.
Their one area of common ground is shared intellectual interests. Yet Sagittarius seeks answers to broad, philosophical questions and Virgo sees no point in navel-gazing. Virgo wants practical information that can be immediately useful in problem-solving.
Sagittarius’ compatibility with Scorpio can be passionate and dramatic but also fraught with difficulties. Scorpio craves emotional connection, and Sagittarius is an ace at remaining elusive.
Sagittarius and Scorpio have some common ground. They are fascinated by spiritual studies and occult interests. They can be passionate and intense, yet their needs are different.
Scorpio is emotional and can be possessive and jealous. Sagittarius is philosophical and idealistic; they are emotionally detached and intellectual.
Sagittarius feels overwhelmed and confined by Scorpio’s intense emotional nature. Scorpio becomes jealous and insecure when Sagittarius won’t conform to their desires.
Scorpio tries to manipulate Sagittarius but as soon as Sagittarius realizes Scorpio’s agenda, they shut down. Sagittarius won’t tolerate a controlling partner.
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Sagittarius compatibility with Cancer is challenging in love and best for friendship or less intimate relationships. Cancer is a homebody who craves nurturing and emotional validation.
Sagittarius can’t respond to Cancer’s needs. They are emotionally detached and love traveling. Sagittarius feels trapped if they are home too long.
Cancer wants to settle down and start a family. Sagittarius wants to learn new things and travel the world. Their priorities and lifestyles are too different for this couple to satisfy each other’s needs.
Cancer may try to change Sagittarius but this backfires. Sagittarius may be attracted to Cancer initially, but the sign of the crab is too emotional and needy for Sagittarius.
Sagittarius’ compatibility with Pisces seldom works in romance. Pisces is emotionally vulnerable and sensitive. They need reassurance and empathy.
Sagittarius can initially boost Pisces’ confidence and assertiveness, but this is short-lived. They share an interest in spirituality but Pisces craves a more profound connection than Sagittarius can provide.
Sagittarius is too indifferent to Pisces’ emotional needs. Pisces becomes overwhelming and may try to get Sagittarius’s pity if they can’t get their partner’s empathy.
Mind games don’t work on Sagittarius. They are independent and will simply drop their connection and move on. Pisces and Sagittarius are better off remaining friends and not attempting a romance.
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Capricorn is at the bottom of the Sagittarius compatibility chart. Sagittarius’ compatibility with Capricorn seldom works in romance. Capricorn is restrained, cautious, and traditional.
Capricorn and Sagittarius have different personalities and priorities. Capricorn becomes anxious because Sagittarius is unpredictable. Sagittarius feels stifled by Capricorn’s self-disciplined nature.
They frustrate each other and have little common ground. They may be able to maintain a friendship but even a low-stakes relationship can be challenging for Capricorn and Sagittarius.
Capricorn’s reserved and workaholic personality is far from Sagittarius’ compatibility signs. Friendship and colleague relationships can be challenging because Capricorn can’t depend on Sagittarius, and Sagittarius feels stifled by Capricorn.