When learning to analyze an astrological chart, you must understand the zodiac signs’ qualities. The twelve signs fit into quadruplicities.
Another term for this is the sign’s modality or quality. The three qualities describe the sign’s underlying vibes.
The qualities in astrology help you understand how the signs relate to each other. Each zodiac sign has unique personality traits, but correspond to each other through qualities.
Learning astrology is like learning to read music; the different signs harmonize with each other through shared energetic signatures. They may accentuate or clash with each other.
The zodiac sign’s dates determine which quality they have. There are three qualities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. They correspond to the sign’s season.
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The first of the three qualities in astrology is the Cardinal. The qualities’ synonym is modality, and as the name suggests, the Cardinal placement indicates this group’s role as the first sign of the new season.
The Cardinal Signs are harbingers of seasonal change and are associated with the excitement and motivation for initiative. These signs are the most likely to embark on new adventures and start new ventures.
The Cardinal signs include Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. The signs grouped by qualities include one sign of each triplicity or element. Thus, the zodiac sign’s meanings relate to their qualities.
Aries, and its opposite sign of Libra, represent the beginning of the spring and fall seasons. Aries is known for being bold and daring. This fire sign is the first sign in the zodiac and is associated with enthusiasm and the desire to be first to prove yourself.
As a cardinal sign, Aries represents the beginning of the zodiac wheel and the start of the spring season. Aries is known for being dominating and enjoys taking charge.
The Cardinal Signs are masters of their energetic domains. Aries, is the epitome of individualism, creativity, and spontaneity. This sign takes charge and motivates others to express their unique gifts.
The Cardinal signs create boldness and initiative. Cancer is the Cardinal Sign associated with the beginning of summer. This sign is also associated with emotions, home, and family. This sign is the leader of emotional matters.
Cancer and Capricorn are the Cardinal Signs opposite each other, representing the water and earth elements. They balance each other’s energies and represents mastery of home and career.
Of the Qualities in astrology, Libra corresponds to the beginning of fall. It is associated with imagination, relationships, and intellect. This sign leads the charge in advocating for others and creating justice and fairness.
Capricorn, the Cardinal Sign associated with the start of winter, also represents stability, tradition, and productivity. This sign is associated with wealth, bringing security and abundance.
The Cardinal Signs are not only the first sign of a new season, but bring new focus and intensity to the astrological chart. The zodiac symbols are manifold. Natal Charts contain all twelve zodiac signs as part of the astrological wheel, threading the energies together.
In the Natal Chart, the Cardinal Signs represent the four directions and correspond to the four houses that mark the easternmost, westernmost, northern, and southern houses. Thus, the Cardinal signs show the most extreme expressions of the energy of each element.
These houses are called Angular and are the four corners of the Astrological Chart. They express the energy of the Cardinal Signs and indicate the arrival of the four seasons and four signposts of personality.
The first house, situated at nine o’clock in the Natal Chart, is associated with the sign of Aries. This house is also the location of the Ascendant and represents how you are boldest and most ambitious.
The Cardinal energy is expressed through first impressions and creative outlets. It is associated with your appearance and what you want others to know about you.
The next Cardinal sign in the astrological chart is at six o’clock in the placement associated with Cancer, the Fourth House. This is also the placement of the Imum Coeli, and the Cardinal energy of family and home.
These qualities represent who you are at first sight, and who you are when no one is watching. The Fourth House represents your private life and authentic nature when among family and close friends.
The next Cardinal energy in the astrological chart is across from the First House, in the Seventh House. This is the place of the Descendant, and the house ruled by Libra.
The Cardinal Sign of Libra in the Natal Chart represents who you are in a relationship with a partner. This placement represents how you adapt to the influence of others.
The final Cardinal Sign of Capricorn rules the Tenth House, and the place of the Midheaven. This is the zenith of the chart and represents how you are most visible and successful.
The quality of success, stability, and reputation is associated with this point in the Natal Chart. Thus, the Cardinal signs trace how you express your unique personality.
The first of these qualities is the face you show others on the first meeting, associated with Aries and the Ascendant. The next is the face you only reveal to family and in private, associated with Cancer and the IC.
The third Cardinal point is the face you reveal in partnerships, represented by the Descendant and the sign of Libra. And finally, the cultivated professional face you show through your career, represented by the Midheaven and Capricorn.
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The Fixed Signs follow the Cardinal Signs. While the Cardinal Signs initiate change through the start of a new season, the Fixed Signs galvanize this energy, bringing productivity and strength. The zodiac sign’s compatibility depends on quality and element.
The Fixed Signs reinforce what the Cardinal Signs initiate. The Cardinal Signs plant seeds, but the Fixed Signs nurture the path and further promote strength and growth, following through.
Fixed Signs are known for encouraging you to stay the course. They promote sustainability and commitment. They can be stubborn from desire to see things through to completion.
They may not be the ones to initiate a project, but they will follow through on their commitments and steer others toward doing the same. These signs can be anchors that help others remain strong.
The Fixed Signs are the earth sign Taurus and its opposite sign of Scorpio, representing the water element. These polar opposite signs represent the continuation of spring and fall.
Also included in this group of modalities are Leo, the Fixed Sign associated with the fire element, and its opposite sign, Aquarius. Aquarius is an air sign associated with humanitarian growth and innovation.
Taurus is known for being nurturing, sensual, and slow-moving. This sign cautiously brings Aries’ Cardinal energy into fruition, laying the groundwork for success.
The Fixed Signs lay the foundation based on the Cardinal Signs’ initiation. They ensure things run smoothly, though they are not always stoic.
Aquarius, for example, is known for being rebellious and disruptive. But as a Fixed Sign, Aquarius prepares society for dramatic changes. Aquarius uses its stubborn energy to withstand pushback and insists on paving the way for new technology.
Although Aquarius’s qualities in astrology seem confusing. Aquarius does not feel stable; they create stability for evolving societies. Their opposite sign, Leo, inspires others to fulfill their potential.
In the Astrological Chart, the Fixed Signs correspond to the Succedent Houses. These are the houses following the Angular or Cardinal Sign houses. They represent nuances of your personality crucial for growth and stability.
Taurus is associated with the Second House, the place of value, income, and wealth. The Fixed signs play a supportive role, encouraging the accumulation of resources that help you succeed in expressing your higher mission.
The Second House is associated with the wealth you generate and how your values support your growth and prosperity. As a Fixed Sign, Taurus indicates how you acquire the resources you need to thrive and feel comfortable.
The next placement in the Natal Chart associated with a Fixed sign is the Fifth House, associated with Leo. Leo is playful; associated with creativity, affairs, children, and fun.
The Fixed Sign of Leo remind you to explore fun and playfulness. Leo supports your desires to succeed and reminds you not to take things too seriously.
The Fixed Sign placement is the Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio. It is a placement for transformation, power, and wealth you acquire through collaboration.
This placement indicates how others support your wealth and comfort. You find luxury and status through your connections with others in this house.
Aquarius rules he Eleventh House. This Fixed Sign is associated with your friendships and vast network. Aquarius represents the grassroots efforts among organizations and groups that help you succeed.
Of the Qualities in Astrology, Mutable Signs are the last modalities. Signs in this modality include the air sign Gemini and its opposite fire sign of Sagittarius. Virgo and its opposite sign, Pisces, are also Mutable Signs.
The Mutable Signs indicate the end of a season. These signs are associated with adaptation and flexibility. Though people born under these signs can still be stubborn, they can reflect on different perspectives.
The Mutable Signs indicate the ability to expand, transform, and evolve. This qualities example represents the grey area occuring as one season fades and another begins.
These signs help others blend different perspectives and expand their minds. They are creative, intellectual, and can be adaptive. They understand how to see different sides of a situation.
These signs sense they are amidst transitions and do their best to bridge the past and future. Their houses in the Astrological Chart are called Cadent.
Gemini is associated with the Third House and represents friendships, communication, and learning. Virgo rules the Sixth House and represents routines, work, and health.
Sagittarius is associated with the Ninth House and represents travel, spirituality, and philosophy. Pisces is associated with the Twelfth House and relates to healing, compassion, and freedom from restrictions.