
Planets in signs

Pluto in Leo: Drama & Leadership

Pluto in Leo is a generational placement that relates to how society views power and creativity. Your generation is eager to promote individuality. Your generation prioritizes materialistic goals. You are driven to seek status through wealth and self-expression. The Pluto in Leo generation transforms the arts, humanities, and business. You contribute to dramatic shifts in […]

Moon in Taurus: Prosperous & Nurturing

The Taurus Moon makes you practical and emotionally grounded. You are empathetic, yet you don’t lose control of your feelings. You are cautious and avoid drama. You have a gift for reassuring others, and can be romantic and validating. You are down to earth and nurture others using your perceptive and pragmatic nature. You are […]

Sun in Sagittarius: Independent & Carefree

The Sagittarius Sun is a marker of individualism and passion. You are carefree and insist on doing things your way. You can be stubborn but are often generous and authentic. You are sincere and curious about the world. You enjoy traveling and learning about new cultures. You are obsessed with expanding your mind and finding […]

Neptune in Aquarius: Intuition & Mysticism

Aquarius Neptune is a generational placement related to emotional healing and innovative thinking. You are part of a cohort seeking enlightenment and intimacy. You are expressive, and subconscious emotions lead you to pursue your ideals. Your higher mission and spiritual vision align. You are mystical and have intense emotions. You are intuitive and can be […]

Neptune in Capricorn: Confusion & Manifestation

Neptune in Capricorn brings spiritual hierarchies. You are part of a cohort serious about setting a foundation for security. You are reliable and bring healing and structure to help others express their emotional desires. You are empathetic and can be flexible yet loyal. You are faithful and can be committed to your optimistic vision. You […]

Sun in Pisces: Psychic & Spiritual

The Sun in Pisces is an ideal placement for spirituality and subconscious wisdom. You are sensitive and healing, yet you can be self-sacrificing. You are sensitive and can be shy and reserved. You have a rich fantasy life and want to explore your imagination. You are spiritual and eager to explore your intuition. You are […]

Mercury in Aries: Focus & Passion

Is Mercury in Aries god or bad? The Aries Mercury placement makes you passionate and sincere. You are transparent and speak your mind. You aren’t afraid to speak truth to power. You are opinionated and can be inflexible when your mind is set. You are passionate and have a militant side. You can be optimistic […]

Moon in Libra: Diplomacy & Compassion

The Libra Moon makes you intuitive and artistic. You are sensitive and appeal to others’ desire for balance and harmony. You are passionate about your ideals and motivated to create fairness and justice. You advocate for children, homes, and families. You find emotional fulfillment in the arts and crave beauty and peace. You can be […]

Mercury in Aquarius: Brilliance & Innovation

The Aquarius Mercury makes you intense and focused. You have sudden epiphanies and can be perceptive and insightful. You have explosive, sudden ideas, can be authentic and dramatic, and are intense and full of surprises. You have quirky ideas and are often on the edge of discoveries. You are independent and break from tradition. You […]

Uranus in Libra: Equality & Justice

Libra Uranus is an ideal placement for people born to bring justice to the world. You are part of a generation that desires fairness and helps people feel confident. You are part of a generation that creates breakthroughs and helps others express bold new ideas. You are part of a creative and artistic cohort. You […]