
Placements • Page 40

North Node in 8th House: Transformation & Rebirth

The North Node in the Eighth House makes you eager to find the truth and uncover hidden secrets. You are charming and can be persuasive and intense. You are a beacon of change and stand out as an advocate of rebirth and transformation. You channel inner strength and can be focused and loyal. You are […]

North Node in Taurus: Comfort & Prosperity

Taurus North Node is an ideal placement for creating stability. You are destined to help others find their roots. You use your healing instincts to bring comfort and stability to others. You can be generous and materialistic, but you also help others grow. You are sensual and learn to use your instincts and creative gifts […]

Mars in Capricorn: Steadfast & Patient

Capricorn Mars makes you determined and focused. You are inspiring and can be devoted to your career. You have the patience and strength to succeed in business. You are motivated to create stability and can be mature and protective. You face hardships, but they strengthen your resolve. You are motivated by setbacks and can be […]

Pallas in 10th House: Successful & Creative

Pallas in the Tenth House makes you passionate about your higher mission. You are responsible and feel committed to your career and social obligations. You are a beacon for others and help your loved ones pursue their purpose. You bring strength and consistency, paving the way toward growth and expansion. You are a source of […]

Venus in 10th House: Luxury & Influence

Venus in the Tenth House makes you considerate and responsible. You are nurturing and help others thrive. You can be generous and use your gifts to set a foundation for growth and love. You can be prominent and attract status thanks to your unique perspective. Your creative gifts and artistic nature help you rise to […]

Neptune in 8th House: Psychic & Empathetic

Neptune in the Eighth House makes you intense and moody. You are emotionally sensitive and can be hurt easily. You can be intuitive and have intense psychic traits. You are attuned to spiritual activity and can be a healer or medium. You are persuasive and use your emotional connection to motivate others to follow your […]

Part of Fortune in 4th House: Prosperous & Nurturing

The Part of Fortune in the Fourth House makes you sensitive and caring. You succeed when listening to your intuition. You need emotional validation and can be generous and affectionate. You are loyal and help others find fulfillment and emotional healing. You are obsessed with home and family and can feel happiest when surrounded by […]

Uranus in Virgo: Insight & Perception

Virgo Uranus is a generational placement associated with dramatic changes to traditional routines. You help reinvent practical systems and can innovate daily work. You are part of a cohort that redefines daily responsibilities. You challenge the status quo and refuse to comply with authority. You are eager to push boundaries and have eccentric ideas related […]

Vertex in Aries: Impulsivity & Direction

Aries Vertex brings your leadership potential to the surface. Unexpected changes test your strengths and help you reveal your purpose. You discover your fortitude and endurance when unusual situations test your limits. Your lucky breaks relate to proving yourself and following your instincts. You have unique gifts that emerge when situations beyond your control push […]

Pallas in Libra: Advocacy & Justice

Pallas in Libra makes you sensitive to issues of fairness and justice. You crave beauty and can be a catalyst for progress. You are empathetic and intellectual. You use your creative and strategic gifts to help others pave the way to finding new solutions. You are a gifted spokesperson and leader. You can encourage others […]

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