
Placements • Page 19

Aries in 9th House: Willful & Generous

Aries in the Ninth House makes you passionate about your beliefs and eager to share your ideas with others. You are a devoted leader who believes wholeheartedly in your ideals. You are energizing and can be a motivational speaker. You use your unique gifts to inspire others, and it can be encouraging and intense. The […]

Aries in 8th House: Power & Transformation

With Aries in the Eighth House, you face challenges regarding taking responsibility for anger. You can learn to embrace rage as a transformative agent. You find power in releasing expectations and embracing transformation. You are obsessed with discovering the truth and can reveal secrets related to your creative potential. Hardships and loss are critical to […]

Aries in 7th House: Intensity & Romance

Aries in the Seventh House makes you passionate about love and romance. You put your partner on a pedestal and see your loved ones as a reflection of yourself. You are affectionate and dynamic, with a gift for expressing your creative ideals. You fiercely pursue your desires yet have a gentle side that appeals to […]

Aries in 6th House: Focus & Perfectionism

Aries in the Sixth House makes you persistent and stubborn regarding daily routines and work. You are focused and determined to follow your instincts at work. You are generous and use your creativity to help others feel empowered. You use your unique gifts to improve your health and inspire others. You are eager to pursue […]

Aries in 5th House: Entertaining & Charming

Aries in the Fifth House makes you passionate about your hobbies and talents. You are obsessed with winning and seek pleasure and fun. You are entertaining and can be a natural leader who inspires others to explore their creative interests. You are passionate about play and enjoy romance and hedonistic desires. You are charming and […]

Aries in 4th House: Patriarchal & Nurturing

Aries in the Fourth House blends the best of the divine masculine and feminine energies in home and family matters. You are obsessed with security and bring stability to your loved ones. You are confident in your role as the head of your household and learned from self-assured role models as a child. You are […]

Aries in 3rd House: Assertive & Confident

Aries in the Third House makes you passionate about your unique ideas. You are motivating and influential with a gift for pushing others to overcome limitations. You are encouraging and can be daring. You speak your mind and can be assertive and influential. You push others to follow your lead and can be dominating. You […]

Aries in 2nd House: Determination & Creativity

You are romantic and seductive, thanks to your Aries in the Second House placement. You pursue your ambitions and can be business-savvy and creative. You are insightful and understand what others need to feel secure. You are persistent and can be spontaneous and daring. Aries in the houses indicate your individualistic and willful nature. You […]

Aries in 1st House: Strength & Creativity

Aries in the First House makes you persuasive and influential. You are intense and can be passionate and feisty. You are transparent and can be ambitious and energetic. You are focused and can be obsessed with accomplishing your desires. You are a natural leader, and others follow your confidence. You are self-assured and use your […]

Aquarius in 12th House: Radical & Mystical

Aquarius in the Twelfth House makes you daring and determined. You are intense and shake up your foundation through dramatic twists and turns. You are innovative and use your insightful gifts to uplift your intuitive instincts and align with your spiritual desires. You are encouraging and can be expressive and creative. You are emotionally sincere […]

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