
Pallas quincunx

Mercury Quincunx Pallas: Rationality & Strategy

What does Mercury quincunx Pallas mean? This quincunx causes tension between Mercury’s rationality and Pallas’ logic. While both planetary bodies are related to intelligence and wisdom, this aspect can block that. This aspect creates difficulty with decision-making, planning, and thinking things through. There is a desire to be strategic or to make intelligent decisions, but […]

Moon Quincunx Pallas: Decision-making & Intuition

What does the Moon quincunx Pallas mean? This aspect creates a clash between the emotional intelligence of the Moon and the strategic, wise nature of Pallas. Problem-solving and decision-making are difficult because of this. The emotional side of a person and the intellectual side of them will not agree about the best way to do […]

Sun Quincunx Pallas: Limitations & Strategy

The Sun quincunx Pallas makes you question your vision for the future. You are insightful, but you miss opportunities out of fear of being insufficient. You restrain your creativity and can be awkward because you don’t trust your instincts. You may overcompensate being too headstrong and not listening to others. With effort, you can adjust […]

Jupiter Quincunx Pallas: Wisdom & Improvement

What does Jupiter quincunx Pallas mean? There is tension in this aspect between wisdom and self-improvement. It can be challenging to step outside one’s beliefs and accept that others have differing ones. Sometimes, one side of this quincunx blocks the other. Jupiter’s optimism may block Pallas’ more strategic side. Pallas’ wisdom and planning can block […]

Mars Quincunx Pallas: Impulsivity & Thought

What does Mars quincunx Pallas mean? This aspect combines the assertive, courageous nature of Mars with the wise, logical nature of Pallas. It will be challenging to align these energies when they are inconjunct. If someone leans too into the impulsive side of Mars, they might not always make the wisest, most strategic decisions. They […]

Venus Quincunx Pallas: Independence & Connection

What does Venus quincunx Pallas mean? This aspect typically causes issues related to independence, confidence, and the balance between individual goals and the desire for relationships. A person with this aspect in their chart might feel torn between their need for independence and their desire for stability within a relationship. A couple might struggle to […]