
North Node sextile

Sun Sextile North Node: Expression & Advancement

The Sun sextile North Node is an ideal placement to help you follow your purpose. You are creative and optimistic. You are willing to take risks to grow. You are charismatic and entice others to support your growth. You channel your instincts and pursue your destiny. You move toward your dreams this year. This is […]

Midheaven Sextile North Node: Fate & Recognition

Midheaven sextile the North Node is an easy aspect related to your ambitions and career. You are successful when you follow your unique mission. You are attracted to opportunities that help you thrive and overcome limitations. You are transparent about your ambitions and inspire others. Your career places you in the public eye, and you […]

North Node Sextile Vertex: Breakthroughs & Destiny

The North Node sextiles the Vertex, making you ambitious and fortunate. When you pursue your higher mission, you experience dramatic breakthroughs. Lucky milestones help support your growth and evolution. When you are open to exploring new things, you are determined to thrive and can break through barriers. You are passionate about your higher mission and […]

North Node Sextile Part Of Fortune: Karma & Luck

The North Node sextile of the Part of Fortune makes you confident in your destiny. You find the path to success by doing what you love. You are magnetically attracted to new opportunities that help you align with your higher mission. Your destiny and accomplishments align. You are easygoing and have a happy-go-lucky attitude. You […]

Black Moon Lilith Sextile North Node: Destiny & Power

Black Moon Lilith sextile the North Node makes you ambitious and eager to fulfill your purpose. Your deep desires support your Karmic mission. You are attuned to your subconscious emotions and dark fantasies. Integrating your Shadow side helps you succeed. You are most successful when you find creative ways to channel your inner desires. You […]

Ascendant Sextile North Node: Destiny & Optimism

The Ascendant sextile of the North Node makes you eager to pursue your higher mission. You are a natural leader who stands out from the crowd. Your desire to impact the world drives you to make your passions known. You are open about your desires and transparent about your spiritual mission. An independent and ambitious […]