
Moon sextile

Moon Sextile Jupiter: Generosity & Cheer

The Moon-Jupiter sextile is typically a gentle aspect to have in a chart. It lends an optimistic, idealistic energy to people and relationships. A person with this aspect in their chart will likely have a friendly and charming personality. They will be generous and in good cheer most of the time. A relationship with this […]

Moon Sextile Saturn: Stability & Security

What does the Moon sextile Saturn mean? When Saturn influences the Moon this way, it creates emotional stability and maturity. However, that can sometimes come at the cost of emotional expression. People and relationships with this aspect can still be affectionate, but their type of affection may be more practical and understated. They are more […]

Moon Sextile Uranus: Satisfaction & Independence

What does the Moon sextile Uranus mean? This lively aspect can make any person or relationship with it stand out. There is a sense of freedom and independence in this aspect. This sextile typically means that emotional fulfillment can be found through creativity. It also lends a sense of intuition to anyone with this aspect […]

Moon Sextile Venus: Tenderness & Comfort

Relationships with this aspect are comfortable, secure, and filled with an effortless sense of trust. What does a Moon-Venus sextile mean? This is a beautiful and emotional aspect. It brings a lot of love and sensitivity to any chart you find it in. People with this aspect in their charts typically need their loved ones […]

Moon Sextile Mercury: Clarity & Expression

What does a Moon-Mercury sextile mean? This aspect opens people and relationships up and allows them to express their emotions clearly and healthily. It connects the mind and the heart. Emotional connections are easy when the Moon is sextile Mercury. People with this aspect in their charts tend to be more friendly. Couples with this […]

Moon Sextile Mars: Warmth & Passion

What does a Moon-Mars sextile mean? When these planetary bodies are in this particular aspect, there is harmony between the inner self and emotions and how passion and ambition are expressed. The Moon can soothe some of the more intense traits Mars has. In return, Mars allows the Moon to express its emotions and be […]

Sun Sextile Moon: Balance & Support

The Sun’s sextile Moon creates harmony between your intuition and assertive nature. You balance emotion and rationality. This aspect can keep you emotionally balanced and optimistic. You are sensitive yet confident. You find the support you need with ease. You can be empathetic to others without sacrificing your ambitions. The Sun’s sextile Moon in the […]

Moon Sextile Pluto: Intimacy & Transformation

What does the Moon sextile Pluto mean? With this aspect, the regenerative and intense nature of Pluto works harmoniously with the sensitive and nurturing nature of the Moon. The inner self and the unconscious mind work together when the Moon is sextile Pluto. This typically creates a deep sense of empathy and an instinctual feel […]

Moon Sextile Neptune: Imagination & Artistry

What does the Moon sextile Neptune mean? This aspect can create a strong and positive emotional connection. It also indicates sensitivity, creativity, and a rich imagination. People with this aspect in their chart might have a certain magnetism that draws others in. Relationships with this aspect have deep emotional bonds, and partners tend to enjoy […]