June has two zodiac signs, Gemini and Cancer. Birthdays in June fall under three different zodiac decans.
People born in June can have a range of personality styles. Their specific zodiac decan influences their personality traits.
The Gemini June zodiac sign is as different from Cancer as night and day. People born in early June are outgoing and playful. Late June birthdays are emotional and introverted.
Even Gemini birthdays in June can yield unique personalities that differ greatly. The second and third decans of Gemini are influenced by different planets, giving them nuanced differences.
The end of June is the beginning of Cancer season. People born at the end of June are more compassionate than others born during this month.
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June Zodiac Calendar
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June 1-10: Gemini (2nd Decan)
June 1 through June 10 birthdays falls under the second decan of Gemini. Venus is the planetary co-ruler of this decan. People born during this time are more sentimental and affectionate than other Geminis.
People born during this decan of Gemini are as intellectual and witty as other Gemini people, yet they are more sensitive to others’ feelings. They can be more compassionate and nurturing than others born under this sign.
The second decan of Gemini is associated with entrepreneurs, mediators, counselors, and teachers. They have a softer approach to relationships than other Gemini people. They can also be more abundant.
Gemini people are often careless with money because they can be impulsive and spend freely. Yet people born during the second decan of Gemini can be more financially savvy. They are more likely to invest and can attract new opportunities.
They are inspiring and encourage others to see the best in themselves. People born during the second decan of Gemini are more romantic than other Geminis. Typical Gemini people are indifferent and intellectually connect with others but aren’t emotionally vulnerable.
People born during the second decan of Gemini are more romantic than their peers. They can be more vulnerable and often express their desires and affection openly. They are intellectual but are not as aloof and distant as others born during this time.
They still need time to make their minds up before settling down in a relationship. The second decan Gemini people are social and don’t want a romance to consume their life. Yet they are more likely to pursue passion and love than other Geminis.
The second decan Gemini people have many gifts and talents. They can be rational and analytical. People born during this time are excellent teachers, writers, speakers, and communicators.
They have a diplomatic nature and can be helpful and informative. They make great salespeople and can be uplifting and encouraging; Second decan Gemini people are often translators and spokespeople.
They have many positive attributes but Gemini people born during the second decan have some negative traits. They can be fickle and indecisive. People born during the second decan of Gemini are people-pleasers who try too hard to accommodate others.
The June zodiac sign element for Gemini is air. People born during this time are adaptive and may change their minds when the wind changes direction. They are lighthearted but can also be noncommittal.
June 11-20: Gemini (3rd Decan)
The Gemini zodiac sign birthdays in mid-June are in the second decan of this sign. June 11 through June 20 birthdays are in the “Aquarius decan” of Gemini. Uranus is their planetary sub-ruler.
People born during the third Gemini decan can be the most unpredictable of the zodiac signs. People born during the third decan of Gemini are visionaries who are futuristic and imaginative.
They are adventurous and can be the most open-minded of those born during this sign. Third decan Gemini people are excitable and may blurt out the first things that come to their minds. They are intense and can be shocking.
People born during the third decan of Gemini are optimistic. They believe in the best potential of others and can be inspiring and friendly. They are outgoing but can also need time to withdraw and process their feelings.
They can be more sensitive than they let on. Third decan Gemini people are empathetic but try to emphasize their intellectual skills and suppress their feelings. People born during this decan can be fascinated with technology.
Gemini people born during the third decan can be on the cutting edge of new trends and technological developments. They love experimenting with innovations and can be inventive.
Third decan Gemini people make excellent computer programmers, coders, and IT workers. They can be writers, teachers, instructors, guides, and entrepreneurs. They thrive in careers that allow independence and flexibility.
People born during the third decan of Gemini need autonomy in their careers. They won’t tolerate workplaces with strict schedules and routines. They must be able to have a change of scenery and follow their inspiration.
Third decan Gemini people are the most aloof in relationships. They are loyal and exciting friends yet they are elusive lovers. They conceal their feelings and avoid showing others affection openly.
People born during the third decan of Gemini can ignore their feelings and run hot and cold in relationships. They can be distant in love and try to dodge commitment because they refuse to compromise their independence.
For Geminis born at the end of June, meaning derives from being able to make an impact on society. They love sharing ideas about new trends and innovations. They stand out from the crowd but can be popular.
Third decan Gemini people often have shocking revelations. They can be erratic and may say things that surprise and alienate people but their intentions are always positive. People born during the third Gemini decan are encouraging and inspiring.
The late June Gemini personality has many positive traits. People born during this time are friendly, exciting, eccentric, and innovative. They can be creative and free-thinking.
Some of the negative personality traits of the third decan of Gemini include their inconsistency and abrupt nature. They are honest but can push others away with their impulsive and shocking nature. They are also stubborn and unwilling to compromise.
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June 21-30: Cancer (1st Decan)
The Cancer zodiac begins in June. June 21 through June 30 is the first decan of Cancer. The Moon rules this decan and those born during this time embody the most intense traits of this sign.
People born during the first decan of Cancer are the most sensitive, vulnerable, and moody of all the Cancer birthdays. They can be nurturing and protective and love spending time at home and with family.
The June zodiac sign animal for Cancer is the crab. Like this symbol, people born at the end of June have a hard exterior but a vulnerable, sensitive emotional side. They are tenacious and persevere.
Like the June zodiac symbol of the crab, people born during the first decan of this sign can be stubborn and cling to their desires. They can be obsessive in love and look to home, money, food, and family for comfort and security.
Their element is water. People born during the Cancer zodiac are deep and emotional. They can be nurturing, loving, and affectionate. Those born during the first decan of Cancer are homebodies. They are family-oriented and relate well with children.
They can be caring and empathetic. Cancers are natural empaths who can be intuitive and emotionally validating. They are natural healers and can use their compassion to encourage others. People born during the first decan of Cancer make great parents.
They can be great therapists, family counselors, teachers, and realtors. They are attracted to careers in housing, advocacy, nonprofits, and childcare. They are often entrepreneurs and can be successful in business because of their intuition.
People born during the sign of Cancer have many positive attributes. They are sensitive, caring, affectionate, and loyal. They are devoted and can be great caretakers. They are financially savvy and cautious investors.
People born during the first decan of Cancer have some negative personality traits. They can be possessive and clingy in relationships. People born during the first decan of Cancer are emotional and can be labile. They can be cautious to the point of missing out on opportunities.
The June zodiac sign compatibility for Cancer is best with other water signs and earth signs. People born during the first decan of Cancer zodiac dates can be sensitive and caring but need partners who are practical and validating.
The June zodiac sign of Cancer longs for marriage and family. They move quickly in relationships and can settle down before getting to know someone on a deeper level. They are often traditional in love and marriage.
People born during the first decan of Cancer’s June zodiac sign dates are eager to care for others. When they are not parents of children, they may have pets who are like children to them. They can even take a parental role in their relationships with their partners.
They must be careful to avoid being too overprotective. Cancers can infantilize the people they care about if they aren’t mindful of boundaries. They must work to develop confidence in themselves and trust others to take care of themselves.
People Born in June