
Hygiea opposition

Pluto Opposite Hygiea: Physicality & Repression

What does Pluto opposite Hygiea mean? This opposition puts Pluto’s psyche, power, and death-rebirth cycle at odds with Hygiea’s physical health and ability to prevent and heal illness. Individuals might have mental health issues because of repressed emotions and a lack of empowerment. They can also have a disconnect between their minds and bodies. Couples […]

Mars Opposite Hygiea: Drive & Energy

What does Mars opposite Hygiea mean? This opposition will imbalance Mars’ initiative and willpower and Hygiea’s ability to prevent illness and promote good health and overall wellness. Individuals might overwork themselves by exercising too much or refusing to slow down. They may also not be active enough if they are disconnected from the energy of […]

Neptune Opposite Hygiea: Well-being & Spirituality

What does Neptune opposite Hygiea mean? This aspect puts Neptune’s illusions and mysticism at odds with Hygiea’s health consciousness, habits, and wellness. Delusions about health and instability are common with this opposition. Individuals may struggle to discern harmful health practices from beneficial ones, especially if they are into new age or alternative medicine. Couples might […]

Sun Opposite Hygiea: Distress & Healing

The Sun opposite Hygiea causes your ego to clash with your health needs. You project an image of strength but are disorganized. You are careless about your health and disregard caution. You may be wreckless and injury-prone because you ignore health warnings. The Sun opposite Hygiea indicates you are prone to chaos and don’t follow […]

Venus Opposite Hygiea: Appearance & Health

What does Venus opposite Hygiea mean? This aspect creates tension between Venus’ aesthetics, beauty, and attraction and Hygiea’s well-being and health consciousness. Individuals may mistake good looks for good health. They could also tie up things like mental health with their relationships in harmful and toxic ways. Couples might focus too much on attraction instead […]

Uranus Opposite Hygiea: Conventions & Caution

What does Uranus opposite Hygiea mean? This opposition puts Uranus’ ever-changing and eccentric nature at odds with Hygiea’s health-consciousness. There might be a simultaneous pull and repulsion from unconventional health approaches. Individuals might need to make specific changes to their health but become stuck or afraid when they try to make changes. Couples may disagree […]

Mercury Opposite Hygiea: Miscommunications & Anxiety

What does Mercury opposite Hygiea mean? This creates tension between Mercury’s communication and intelligence and Hygiea’s health consciousness. It will be challenging to balance these things. Individuals may suffer from mental health issues or have trouble communicating about how they’re doing, depending on the severity and placement of this opposition. Couples might suffer from misunderstandings, […]

Saturn Opposite Hygiea: Restriction & Criticism

What does Saturn opposite Hygiea mean? This opposition puts Saturn’s structured, authoritative energy at odds with Hygiea’s focus on health and wellness. Health might be prioritized but not necessarily in a beneficial way. Individuals might restrict themselves and lack a balance between discipline and self-care. Couples may struggle to have a healthy connection because of […]

Moon Opposite Hygiea: Habits & Responses

What does the Moon opposite Hygiea mean? This aspect causes tension between the Moon’s feelings and instincts and Hygiea’s ability to avoid illness and support well-being. Individuals may struggle to have healthy emotional responses to certain situations. Connecting to the healing energy of Hygiea will be difficult if they are fully listening to their instincts […]

Jupiter Opposite Hygiea: Anxiety & Consciousness

What does Jupiter opposite Hygiea mean? This opposition can create an imbalance between the belief systems and optimism of Jupiter and Hygiea’s health consciousness. This can lead to pessimistic views about public and personal health. Individuals might be easily depressed or worried about the state of the world. They might become unhealthy due to overextending […]