
Eros quincunx

Mercury Quincunx Eros: Pleasure & Expression

What does Mercury quincunx Eros mean? This aspect can make it difficult to express fantasies and desires, especially sexual ones. There is a lack of confidence in this quincunx, too. There may be a disconnect between what someone thinks about their desires and what those desires actually are. A person or couple might have difficulty […]

Moon Quincunx Eros: Satisfaction & Security

What does Moon quincunx Eros mean? This aspect causes a disconnect between the sexual side of Eros and the emotional side of the Moon. This causes conflict and tension in relationships in particular. This quincunx creates insecurity, restlessness, and discontentment. When emotional needs are being met, sexual needs may not be, and vice versa. It […]

Saturn Quincunx Eros: Denial & Discipline

What does Saturn quincunx Eros mean? This aspect typically leads to Saturn suppressing the sexual, erotic energy of Eros. It creates tension between desires and obligations. There are many limitations and fears in this quincunx. People with this quincunx in their charts may completely ignore or feel ashamed of their inner desires. Couples will struggle […]

Sun Quincunx Eros: Inhibition & Passivity

The Sun quincunx Eros makes you feel restricted and constrained. Your erotic nature can be stifled. You may fear losing admiration and status if you reveal your sexual nature. But stifling your sexual interests makes you feel incomplete. You may fear you will never find the right partner to fulfill your sexual nature. But with […]

Jupiter Quincunx Eros: Views & Attachment

What does Jupiter quincunx Eros mean? This quincunx disconnects Jupiter’s abundant, cheerful, and generous energy from Eros’ sexuality. This can make it challenging to open up about sex and other desires. There is sometimes a sense of restriction in this aspect. People might hide their true desires and refuse to share them with others. Couples […]

Mars Quincunx Eros: Power & Bonds

What does Mars quincunx Eros mean? While the energies of Mars and Eros can work well together, they will be out of alignment when inconjunct. There may be issues with confidence and sexual desires. The lesson to be learned from this quincunx is to be open, expressive, and authentic about inner desires. People and couples […]

Venus Quincunx Eros: Passion & Affection

What does Venus quincunx Eros mean? There is a disconnect in this aspect between Eros’ powerful sexual energy and the romantic, beautiful side of Venus. It typically makes relationships difficult. An individual with this quincunx in their chart may have trouble figuring out the nature of a relationship. They might not know if they are […]