Coordinates in astrology indicate significant points on your Natal Chart. These markers describe your fate.
Learn more about your destiny and personality by studying the most popular coordinates.
One aspect of astrology is the study of mathematical parts and coordinates. There are hundreds of mathematical parts related to your astrological chart, but some are more common.
Most astrologers prioritize the Ascendant, North and South Nodes, and Midheaven. Yet additional points, like Black Moon Lilith can help you understand your personality.
You may also learn about Vertex and Point of Fortune to understand your potential for lucky breaks. These points can show aspects of your fate.
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The most influential of the seven most common coordinates is the Ascendant. Ancient astrologers calculated this point based on knowledge of a birthdate, place, and time.
Modern astrologers become frustrated because the birth time is not always recorded. Many people are left guessing their Ascendant because they do not know their exact moment of birth.
Coordinate finders and chart calculators are readily available to modern astrologers. You can calculate an entire birth chart, adding any coordinate you desire.
But accurate calculation hinges on knowing an exact birth time and place. You can learn the mathematical coordinates by using astrological tools online.
The Ascendant is critical to a comprehensive view of an individual’s personality. This point serves as a secondary Sun sign. The Ascendant also called the Rising Sign, is the sign on the horizon at the moment of birth.
This sign depicts your appearance, you can also learn more about the first impression you make on others by studying this sign. The Ascendant describes your body language and any noticeable quirks that make you stand out.
Your individuality and creative instincts are described by this point as well. You can find the Ascendant on your Natal Chart by looking at the cusp of your First House.
Planets near the Ascendant play a role in how you express your unique personality. Some planetary conjunctions to the Ascendant can augment your personality.
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Black Moon Lilith
Black Moon Lilith is an astrological coordinate that has become more popular recently. This coordinate is a mathematical calculation related to the Moon’s orbit.
Lilith represents the Dark Moon’s influence on your personality. The symbol for this coordinate is a black crescent Moon atop a cross. You can learn about your repressed rebellious instincts by studying this placement.
Black Moon Lilith can indicate how you express passion and sexuality, but this coordinate represents more than sexual potency. Study this coordinate to learn more about how you channel pent-up frustration creatively.
Your gifts as an artist, writer, or musician may stem from Black Moon Lilith. This coordinate helps you understand how you break from the norms and rebel against the status quo.
Named for Adam’s rebellious first wife in the Bible, Black Moon Lilith can also convey raw power. This point is associated with femininity and rejection of rules and expectations.
Coordinates’ definitions can help bring nuance to your Natal Chart. Black Moon Lilith and other coordinates give you a greater perspective on your personality and lifestyle.
Black Moon Lilith coordinates map your intense power. You may stifle your frustrations only to have your authentic nature surge in stressful times. This coordinate can help you express your deeper longings.
The Midheaven is the northernmost point in the chart, also called the Nadir. Like the Ascendant, you must have an accurate birth place and time to calculate the Midheaven accurately.
This coordinate is also the cusp of your Tenth House depending on the type of chart calculation you use. The Midheaven describes your most public self. It is associated with career and reputation.
The Midheaven doesn’t pertain to toil and work tasks, which are matters for the Sixth House. The Tenth House speaks to profession and mission.
This coordinate shows how you gain recognition. Whether your success comes from notoriety or benevolence, your Midheaven indicates how others will recognize your contributions and legacy.
Planets close to the Midheaven can help or hinder your career success. You may have a prosperous career if Jupiter is conjunct with your Midheaven.
Use the Midheaven and other coordinates to address your potential for wealth, fame, and success. The Midheaven can be analyzed with the Part of Fortune and Vertex to form a complete picture of your likely success.
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North Node
The North Node is also called the True Node or True Lunar Node. The North Node is a point on the ellipsis of the Moon’s orbit, also known as the Dragon’s Head.
This point is essential to understanding your purpose in this lifetime. The North Node describes what you approach hesitantly. You may feel attracted to situations described by your North Node.
Yet you approach your destiny with trepidation. The North Node can pull you away from complacency. This point describes how you break from your comfort zone.
The North Node forces you to overcome fears and challenge yourself. You can find new insights into your purpose when you consult your North Node in the astrological chart.
This coordinate’s meaning relates to your next phase and the Karmic advancement that helps you thrive. You can progress by following the lessons of your North Node.
You may wonder, what are my coordinates? Each coordinate is based on a different calculation. The North Node is calculated based on calculating the highest point at which the Moon crosses the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
South Node
You don’t need a coordinates converter to calculate the South Node if you know your North Node placement. The South Node is the polar opposite of the North Node.
In the astrological chart, it is located exactly across the chart from the North Node. Some astrological charts only mark the North Node, but you can easily find the South Node by looking across the chart.
This coordinate’s synonym is the Dragon’s Tail. The South Node represents unique strengths that come with you from past lives. The South Node is not given as much emphasis as the North Node.
You don’t need to master the lessons of the South Node. You already have proficiency in the situations this point describes. The strengths of your South Node can help you progress in life.
But this coordinate can also describe how you hold yourself back. South Node sign and house placement explain your comfort zone, you may become complacent if you bask in your developed talents.
To advance, you must let go of the South Node attributes and seek wisdom beyond your comforts. Astrologers see the South Node as the foundation you already set.
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Part of Fortune
The Part of Fortune, as the name implies, is a coordinate related to your lucky breaks. This coordinate in the Natal Chart can describe how you unleash your attraction power.
You may find fortunate breaks and windfalls associated with the sign and house placement of the Part of Fortune. Astrologers calculate the Part of Fortune based on your Natal Chart.
For people with the Sun above the horizon in the Natal Chart, also known as a “day chart,” the formula differs from a “night chart.” In a day chart, the Part of Fortune is the degree of your Ascendant minus the degree of the Sun plus the degree of the Moon.
If you have a night chart, meaning your Natal Sun is in a house below the chart’s horizon, the calculation differs. The Part of Fortune in these charts is calculated using the formula Ascendant minus Sun plus Moon.
Modern astrologers can use automatic chart calculators to determine the Part of Fortune. This coordinate can indicate how your lucky energy manifests.
The Vertex is an underappreciated coordinate, but it’s a mistake to ignore this significant point. The Vertex is a point in the Natal Chart that relates to destiny.
Study the Vertex to learn about the significance of chance meetings. You experience fate and synchronistic events related to the placement of the Vertex.
Though it sounds similar to the description of the North Node, the Vertex differs. The North Node describes your destiny and mission. The Vertex tells you about the steps you take and lucky breaks that help you to accomplish your mission.
The Vertex is usually near your Descendant or the coordinate opposite the Ascendant. The Descendant describes partners and people in your life who complement your strengths.
The Vertex is close to this point, describing people who open doors for you. This point also indicates the destined events in your life, it is typically considered lucky.
This coordinate’s exact location is based on knowing your birthplace and time. You can estimate your birth time with some success, but it is ideal to have the birth moment.
The coordinate planes are calculated based on specific geographic points. The Vertex is a point in the orbit of the Sun and the prime vertical, and found on the right side, or western hemisphere, of your Natal Chart.