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Chiron sextile

Ceres Sextile Chiron: Nurturing & Supportive

Ceres sextile Chiron can make you understanding and supportive. Although you may feel neglected, your hardships make you sensitive to others’ needs. You can be reassuring and understand the importance of supporting others. You might connect with people who recognize your wisdom and appreciate your strengths. Intuitive wisdom from difficult experiences can help you charm […]

Saturn Sextile Chiron: Safety & Resilience

What does Saturn sextile Chiron mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between Saturn’s serious, reliable nature and Chiron’s inner wounds and the potential to heal from them. Individuals can tap into Chiron’s wisdom and the archetype of wounded healing by taking responsibility for their wounds and healing journey. Couples can find strength in one […]

Jupiter Sextile Chiron: Integration & Knowledge

What does Jupiter sextile Chiron mean? This aspect can be highly favorable because of the connection between Jupiter’s wisdom and optimism and Chiron’s wounds and potential to heal from them. Individuals can gain opportunities and experience good luck that will help them gain the knowledge needed to heal and integrate their wounds. Couples can teach […]

Pluto Sextile Chiron: Power & Rebirth

What does Pluto sextile Chiron mean? This aspect harmoniously aligns Pluto’s charisma and regeneration with Chiron’s inner pain and role as the wounded healer. Individuals may have intense wounds but will face the darkness anyway. Working with this sextile’s energy can increase their self-awareness and strength. Couples can help one another release their deepest wounds. […]

Neptune Sextile Chiron: Ethereal & Encouraging

What does Neptune sextile Chiron mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between Neptune’s compassion and inspirational energy and Chiron’s wounds and mentoring ability. Individuals may use spirituality or creative endeavors to deal with inner pain and progress on their healing journeys. Couples might feel a deep sense of compassion toward one another and will […]

Mars Sextile Chiron: Self-respect & Strength

What does Mars sextile Chiron mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between Mars’ passion and courage and Chiron’s inner wounds and the potential to heal from and integrate them. Individuals tend to be outspoken and assertive. They have a warrior’s energy and will push to heal not just their wounds but those of others. […]

Moon Sextile Chiron: Empathy & Vulnerability

What does Moon sextile Chiron mean? This aspect allows for emotional sensitivity to be channeled into healing and mentorship. Wounds can still be intense but can be used as a source of strength. Individuals can create safety for others and show compassion for those who have been wounded as they have. They can help promote […]

Mercury Sextile Chiron: Self-expression & Release

What does Mercury sextile Chiron mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between logic and healing. There is a profound potential to understand and gain insights about inner wounds. Individuals might initially struggle to communicate because of their wounds, but they have the knowledge and understanding to overcome them. Couples have the potential to express […]

Sun Sextile Chiron: Illumination & Growth

The Sun sextile Chiron is a favorable aspect for Karmic healing. You recognize the impact of your past wounds and traumas. Your lessons in this incarnation involve facing inner fears and channeling wisdom from past wounds to help others. You may have unresolved traumas that fuel your identity and help you understand others. You are […]

Venus Sextile Chiron: Vulnerability & Consideration

What does Venus sextile Chiron mean? This aspect creates a gentle yet transformative connection between Venus’ focus on relationships and beauty and Chiron’s pain and mentorship. Individuals may feel their thoughts on relationships are somehow shaped by their wounds. They are likely to be loving and considerate, as they do not want to hurt others […]

Uranus Sextile Chiron: Self-acceptance & Liberation

What does Uranus sextile Chiron mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between Uranus’ liberation, radical change, and social awareness and Chiron’s role as the wounded healer. Individuals can heal through gaining self-awareness and being willing to embrace change, even when it is unexpected. Couples can help each other heal and grow by accepting one […]

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